June 12, 2024

Mental Poker Part 7: Primitives

For an overview on Mental Poker, see Mental Poker Part 0: An Overview. Other articles in this series here. In the previous post in the series we saw how to implement shuffling on top of our primitives.

It this post, we’ll look at a few other primitives useful for implementing a game on top of this toolkit.

Creating a transport

We talked about Fluid Framework in previous posts. In part 2, we discussed the Fluid ledger, a distributed data structure which forms the basis of our game message exchange. In part 3, we talked about our ITransport interface and how we can implement it given a ledger. We have’t covered how to get a ledger.

Let’s go back down the stack, all the way to Fluid Framework. Fluid Framework expects clients to agree on the basic layout of the distributed data structures they’re working with. These data structures are packaged in a container. Note this container has nothing to do with Docker containers, it’s simply a definition for a set of data structures.

We’ll look at a simple implementation of joining a Fluid session and using a container that includes only a ledger. We won’t even try to connect to an instance of the Azure Fluid Relay service, rather we’ll use a local server. Instructions for connecting to a service hosted in Azure are here. For our local server, we need a stub user and an AzureLocalConnectionConfig including an InsecureTokenProvider - this is all plumbing to connect to a local instance of the Fluid Relay service:

const user = {
    id: "userId",
    name: "userName",

const localConnectionConfig: AzureLocalConnectionConfig = {
    type: "local",
    tokenProvider: new InsecureTokenProvider("", user),
    endpoint: "http://localhost:7070",

With this connection config, we can now define a simple container containing a Ledger:

export async function getLedger<T>(): Promise<ITransport<T>> {
    const client = new AzureClient({ connection: localConnectionConfig });

    const containerSchema = {
        initialObjects: { myLedger: Ledger },

    let container: IFluidContainer;
    const containerId = window.location.hash.substring(1);
    if (containerId) {
        ({ container } = await client.getContainer(
    } else {
        ({ container } = await client.createContainer(containerSchema));
        const id = await container.attach();
        window.location.hash = id;

    const ledger = container.initialObjects.myLedger as Ledger<string>;

    return makeFluidClient(ledger);

We check the browser window’s URL: if it ends with a GUID, we load the container; if not, we create a new container and add its GUID to the browser window’s URL. This makes it easy to connect two local clients to the same session:

The code above can be found in the demos/transport package. This is used by the other demo apps. Note you need to run the Fluid Framework local service: npx @fluidframework/azure-local-service@latest.

We now have a simple abstraction, getLedger(), that wraps all the Fluid Framework-specifics and gives us back an ITransport interface (implemented as a FluidTransport).

Upgrading the transport

We are building a turn-based, cryptographically secure game, so the first step is to ensure our channel is secure and clients can’t spoof each other.

In part 3 we looked at the ITransport interface, the FluidTransport implementation which leverages the Fluid protocol for communication, and the SignedTransport implementation which wraps the FluidTransport and enhances it with signature verification.

Recap of signing: in cryptography, we do signing using a public/private key pair. These are both generated from a shared seed. Alice can sign a message using her private key and anyone that has the public key, including Bob, can verify that the signature is indeed Alice’s.

So given a public/private key pair \(<K_{private}, K_{public}>\) and some payload \(P\), singing is a function that produces a signature given the payload and private key \(sign(P, K_{private}) -> signature\). Signature verification is a function that takes a payload, signature, and public key and tells us whether the signature was indeed produced by the corresponding private key \(verify(P, signature, K_{public}) -> true/false\).

The neat thing about public/private key cryptography is that the public key, which is required for validation, is not a secret - only the private key is. Nobody can spoof a signature unless they have the private key (which isn’t shared), but everyone with the public key can verify that the signature comes from the private key owner.

So if we start with a FluidTransport, we need our clients to exchange public keys. Each client generates a public/private key pair, and posts its client ID and public key. We use these to populate the key store.

We can implement this on top of the state machine we saw in part 5. First, we define our action and context. As a reminder, the action is what we send over the wire and expect to receive. The context is an object we make available to the code we run whenever an action appears over the transport.

type KeyExchangeAction = {
    clientId: ClientId;
    type: "KeyExchange";
    publicKey: Key;

type CryptoContext = {
    clientId: ClientId;
    me: PublicPrivateKeyPair;
    keyStore: KeyStore;

In our case our action contains the ClientId, the type (which is KeyExchange), and a public key. Each client is expected to post this over the transport. The context contains our ClientId (so we can tell whether the message came from us or someone else), our public/private key pair, and the KeyStore in which we put all ClientId-to-Key mappings.

A helper function to create the CryptoContext:

async function makeCryptoContext(clientId: ClientId): Promise<CryptoContext> {
    return {
        me: await Signing.generatePublicPrivateKeyPair(),
        keyStore: new Map<ClientId, Key>(),

This leverages the cryptography primitives in our toolkit to generate a public/private key pair.

Our sequence to be executed by the state machine is:

function makeKeyExchangeSequence(players: number) {
    return sm.sequence([
            async (
                actionQueue: IQueue<KeyExchangeAction>,
                context: CryptoContext
            ) => {
                await actionQueue.enqueue({
                    type: "KeyExchange",
                    clientId: context.clientId,
                    publicKey: context.me.publicKey,
                (action: KeyExchangeAction, context: CryptoContext) => {
                    if (action.type !== "KeyExchange") {
                        throw new Error("Invalid action type");

                    if (action.clientId === undefined) {
                        throw new Error("Expected client ID");

                    if (context.keyStore.has(action.clientId)) {
                        throw new Error(
                            "Same client posted key multiple times"

                    context.keyStore.set(action.clientId, action.publicKey);

Refer to part 5 for the state machine details and a more in-depth explanation of local actions/transitions etc. Our sequence starts with a local action, meaning originating from our client: we post our client ID and public key. Then, for the given number of players we expect in the session, we repeatedly expect an incoming action of type KeyExchangeAction.

In other words, our protocol require each client to start by posting their public key, and each client should expect as many such key postings as clients in the game.

We handle some error cases:

If we didn’t hit any of these issues, then we store the client ID and key in the KeyStore instance. Once the state machine executes this sequence, each client has enough information to create a SignedTransport. Here is a helper function to perform the whole key exchange:

async function keyExchange(
    players: number,
    clientId: ClientId,
    actionQueue: IQueue<BaseAction>
) {
    const context = await makeCryptoContext(clientId);

    const keyExchangeSequence = makeKeyExchangeSequence(players);

    await sm.run(keyExchangeSequence, actionQueue, context);

    return [context.me, context.keyStore] as const;

This function takes as input the expected number of players, the ID of this client, and an action queue (as discussed in part 4). The implementation is straight-forward:

  1. We create a context.
  2. We generate a key exchange sequence by calling the function we just saw.
  3. We use our state machine to run the sequence.
  4. We return our private key and the KeyStore (the key store contains only public keys).

And here is a helper function that upgrades a transport to a signed one:

export async function upgradeTransport<T extends BaseAction>(
    players: number,
    clientId: ClientId,
    transport: ITransport<T>
): Promise<IQueue<T>> {
    const [keyPair, keyStore] = await keyExchange(
        new ActionQueue(
            transport as unknown as ITransport<BaseAction>,

    return new ActionQueue(
        new SignedTransport(
            { clientId, privateKey: keyPair.privateKey },
            new SignatureProvider()

This function takes the number of players, our client ID, and an ITransport which doesn’t support signature verification. It executes the key exchange, then creates a SignedTransport since it now has all the pieces needed for that. This function goes a step further, and also initializes an async queue on top of the singed transport.

A game that uses the toolkit can go from start to a queue over a signed transport in 3 steps:

const ledger = await getLedger<Action>();

const id = randomClientId();

const queue = await upgradeTransport(2, id, ledger);

In this example, we call getLedger(), which we discussed in the first part of this post, we generate a unique client ID, then we call upgradeTransport(). With these 3 lines of code, we get an ActionQueue over a SignedTransport.

Establishing turn order and shared large prime

The last primitive we’ll look at in this post is another key component of Mental Poker: having clients agree who goes first, and agree on a shared large prime (this shared prime is used to generate SRA keys, as discussed in part 1).

These can be separate steps but we can combine them to be more efficient. To establish turn order, we can leverage the ledger distributed data structure which guarantees all clients get all ops in the same sequence: each client posts something, then we simply use the order in which clients see these posts as the turn order.

Here’s a sketch of the state machine for this:

type EstablishTurnOrderAction = BaseAction;

type EstablishTurnOrderContext = {
    clientId: ClientId;
    turnOrder: ClientId[];

function makeEstablishTurnOrderSequence(players: number) {
    return sm.sequence([
        sm.local(async (actionQueue: IQueue<EstablishTurnOrderAction>, context: EstablishTurnOrderContext) => {
            await actionQueue.enqueue({
                type: "EstablishTurnOrder",
                clientId: context.clientId,
        sm.repeat(sm.transition((action: EstablishTurnOrderAction, context: EstablishTurnOrderContext) => {
            if (action.type !== "EstablishTurnOrder") {
                throw new Error("Invalid action type");

            if (context.turnOrder.find((id) => id === action.clientId)) {
                throw new Error("Same client posted prime multiple times");

        }), players)

Our EstablishTurnOrderAction is an alias for BaseAction, as it doesn’t contain any additional information, just the client ID. The context contains our clientId and the turn order array we need to populate.

The state machine posts our clientID as an action of type EstablishTurnOrder action. Then for the given number of players, we expect an action of this type. We check that incoming action is of this type, then we check we don’t see the same action coming multiple times from the same client. Finally, we add the received clientId to the turnOrder array.

And that’s it - once this executes, all clients will end up with the same turnOrder array and will know whether it is their turn to act, or they should be waiting for another client to take a turn.

We can extend this implementation to also establish a shared prime: each client posts a prime, then the first one to arrive to others “wins” and becomes the shared prime.

We’ll update our EstablishTurnOrderAction to include a prime:

type SerializedPrime = string;

type EstablishTurnOrderAction = BaseAction & { prime: SerializedPrime };

We need to define a SerializedPrime (as a string) to work around the fact that we can’t serialize BigInts using JSON.stringify(), which is what we’re using to serialize actions.

We extend our context to also include the shared prime:

type EstablishTurnOrderContext = {
    clientId: ClientId;
    prime: bigint | undefined;
    turnOrder: ClientId[];

Our state machine also gets updated:

function makeEstablishTurnOrderSequence(players: number) {
    return sm.sequence([
        sm.local(async (actionQueue: IQueue<EstablishTurnOrderAction>, context: EstablishTurnOrderContext) => {
            await actionQueue.enqueue({
                type: "EstablishTurnOrder",
                clientId: context.clientId,
                prime: BigIntUtils.bigIntToString(BigIntUtils.randPrime()),
        sm.repeat(sm.transition((action: EstablishTurnOrderAction, context: EstablishTurnOrderContext) => {
            if (action.type !== "EstablishTurnOrder") {
                throw new Error("Invalid action type");

            if (context.turnOrder.length === 0) {
                context.prime = BigIntUtils.stringToBigInt(action.prime);

            if (context.turnOrder.find((id) => id === action.clientId)) {
                throw new Error("Same client posted prime multiple times");

        }), players)

The only changes are:

  1. When we enqueue our action, we generate a random prime and serialize it (we have a utility function that does this, which I won’t describe here).
  2. If our turnOrder array is empty, meaning we just received the first action, we set the prime in the context.

With these changes, after we run this state machine we have both the turn order and a prime all clients agree on.

To make calling this easier, we provide a function to initialize the context:

function makeEstablishTurnOrderContext(
    clientId: ClientId
): EstablishTurnOrderContext {
    return {
        prime: undefined,
        turnOrder: [],

Then putting it all together:

export async function establishTurnOrder(
    players: number,
    clientId: ClientId,
    actionQueue: IQueue<BaseAction>
) {
    const context = makeEstablishTurnOrderContext(clientId);

    const establishTurnOrderSequence = makeEstablishTurnOrderSequence(players);

    await sm.run(establishTurnOrderSequence, actionQueue, context);

    return [context.prime!, context.turnOrder] as const;

We create a context, we create the state machine, then we run it. The function returns the shared prime and the turn order.


In this post we covered a few primitives or building blocks we can use for building games:

With the primitives out of the way, in the next post we’ll look at the high-level of modeling a game using the toolkit.