March 16, 2024

Mental Poker Part 4: Actions and Async Queue

For an overview on Mental Poker, see Mental Poker Part 0: An Overview. Other articles in this series: In the previous post in the series we covered the transport.

As I was building up the library and looking at state machines that would run turns in a game, I realized an async queue would come in handy. The challenge with the raw ITransport interface built on top of the Fluid ledger is that if you are not the first client to join a session, you end up with a set of ops that already exist on the ledger. You need a way to consume both the ops that were already sequenced and new incoming ops. An async interface is also easier to consume than callbacks.

Before diving into that though, let’s talk about actions.


As a reminder, op is the Fluid Framework term for data being sent/received. In Mental Poker we use actions. All actions should be subtypes of BaseAction:

export type ClientId = string;

export type BaseAction = {
    clientId: ClientId;
    type: unknown;

Every action should have a clientId showing which client it came from, and a type.

For example, here’s how we would model a game of Rock/Paper/Scissors:

We model the game in these two steps so regardless of which player moves first, the player choices are revealed after they have been put on the ledger. If a player would simply post their unencrypted selection, the other player might cheat by looking at it before posting their own.

I will cover the Rock/Paper/Scissors implementation in detail in a future post, for now, let’s just go over the actions:

export type PlayAction = {
    clientId: ClientId;
    type: "PlayAction";
    encryptedSelection: EncryptedSelection;

export type RevealAction = {
    clientId: ClientId;
    type: "RevealAction";
    key: SerializedSRAKeyPair;

export type Action = PlayAction | RevealAction;

The two actions described above are modeled as PlayAction and RevealAction. Both of these have a clientId and type, thus are subtypes of BaseAction. Finally, the Action type represents all possible actions in the game.

This becomes relevant as we move higher in the stack of the Mental Poker library. Once we start encoding some of the game semantics, we require generic types to extend BaseAction. This is what happens with the async queue.

Async queue

As I mentioned at the beginning of the article, queues aim to provide a nicer API over the transport. The interface is very simple:

export interface IQueue<T extends BaseAction> {
    enqueue(value: T): Promise<void>;

    dequeue(): Promise<T>;

For any type T extending BaseAction, we can enqueue() a value and we can dequeue() a value. Both of the operations are asynchronous.

I’ll show the full implementation then go over the details:

export class ActionQueue<T extends BaseAction> implements IQueue<T> {
    private queue: T[] = [];

        private readonly transport: ITransport<T>,
        preseed: boolean = false
    ) {
        transport.on("actionPosted", (value) => {

        if (preseed) {
            for (const value of transport.getActions()) {

    async enqueue(value: T) {
        await this.transport.postAction(value);

    async dequeue(): Promise<T> {
        const result = this.queue.shift();
        if (result) {
            return Promise.resolve(result);

        return new Promise<T>((resolve) => {
            this.transport.once("actionPosted", async () => {
                resolve(await this.dequeue());

The implementation maintains an array of Ts (actions). The constructor takes a transport argument of type ITransport and preseed flag:

    private readonly transport: ITransport<T>,
    preseed: boolean = false
) {
    transport.on("actionPosted", (value) => {

    if (preseed) {
        for (const value of transport.getActions()) {

/* ... */

The queue starts listening to the actionPosted event and whenever we have an incoming value, we push it to the internal queue. If preseed is true, we also push all actions already posted to the queue.

The reason we make this optional is that we might end up using multiple queues in a game implementation but we only want to consume the actions posted on the ledger before we joined the session once. After we are “up to speed”, new incoming actions fire events which we can consume in realtime. So we would usually create our first queue with preseed set to true and subsequent queues with preseed set to false.

Enqueuing a value is trivial - we leverage the transport’s postAction API:

/* ... */

async enqueue(value: T) {
    await this.transport.postAction(value);

/* ... */

Dequeuing is a bit more interesting:

/* ... */

async dequeue(): Promise<T> {
    const result = this.queue.shift();
    if (result) {
        return Promise.resolve(result);

    return new Promise<T>((resolve) => {
        this.transport.once("actionPosted", async () => {
            resolve(await this.dequeue());

/* ... */

First, we call shift() on the queue. This either returns a value or undefined if the queue is empty.

If we do get a value, we return a resolved promise right away.

If we don’t have a value, we add a one-time listener to the actionPosted event. When a new action is posted, the underlying transport will fire the event. Since event listeners are called in the order they subscribed, we are guaranteed the listener we added in the constructor fires first, and adds the value to queue. We resolve the promise by recursively calling dequeue() and awaiting the response.

The reason we do this is we might have multiple callers to dequeue() holding on to promises. In this case, we don’t want to resolve all of them with the incoming value, rather just the first one. The first recursive call to dequeue() should grab the value from the internal queue and return it right away, while other recursive callers would end up awaiting again until a new value comes in. There's probably a more efficient non-recursive implementation but for our specific use-case (games), we don't expect many cases where we have multiple dequeus pending.

Using the queue

There are two main reasons for using this queue rather than relying directly on the underlying transport.

First, the underlying transport can have a set of actions (messages) that already arrived on the client (which we would retrieve with the getActions() method), and some which arrive in real time (which would fire events). The queue gives us a unified way to consume both, by calling await dequeue().

Besides a unified interface, we expect multiple spots in the code to wait for an incoming action. This depends on the game implementation, but usually at different game states we expect different messages to come in. This is harder to achieve waiting for event callbacks and much easier to do via the same await dequeue() call.


In this post we looked at actions, the key building blocks of Mental Poker games, and an async queue which provides a clean abstraction over the underlying transport.

The code covered in this post is available on GitHub in the mental-poker-toolkit repo. BaseAction and the ITransport and IQueue interfaces are part of the core types package packages/types. ActionQueue is implemented under packages/action-queue.