Mental Poker Part 1: Cryptography
In the previous post I outlined some of the interesting bits of putting together a Mental Poker toolkit. In this post I will talk about cryptography.
The golden rule when it comes to cryptography code is to not roll your own, rather use something that's been battle-tested. That said, I could not find what I needed so had to implement some stuff. I urge you not to rely on my implementation for high-stakes poker, as it is likely buggy.
With the disclaimer out of the way, let's look at what we need to support Mental Poker.
Card shuffling
Recap from this old post when I first got interested in the subject:
Mental poker requires a commutative encryption function. If we encrypt \(A\) using \(Key_1\) then encrypting the result using \(Key_2\), we should be able to decrypt the result back to \(A\) regardless of the order of decryption (first with \(Key_1\) and then with \(Key_2\), or vice-versa).
Here is how Alice and Bob play a game of mental poker:
- Alice takes a deck of cards (an array), shuffles the deck, generates a secret key \(K_A\), and encrypts each card with \(K_A\).
- Alice hands the shuffled and encrypted deck to Bob. At this point, Bob doesn't know what order the cards are in (since Alice encrypted the cards in the shuffled deck).
- Bob takes the deck, shuffles it, generates a secret key \(K_B\), and encrypts each card with \(K_B\).
- Bob hands the deck to Alice. At this point, neither Alice nor Bob know what order the cards are in. Alice got the deck back reshuffled and re-encrypted by Bob, so she no longer knows where each card ended up. Bob reshuffled an encrypted deck, so he also doesn't know where each card is.
At this point the cards are shuffled. In order to play, Alice and Bob also need the capability to look at individual cards. In order to enable this, the following steps must happen:
- Alice decrypts the shuffled deck with her secret key \(K_A\). At this point she still doesn't know where each card is, as cards are still encrypted with \(K_B\).
- Alice generates a new set of secret keys, one for each card in the deck. Assuming a 52-card deck, she generates \(K_{A_1} ... K_{A_{52}}\) and encrypts each card in the deck with one of the keys.
- Alice hands the deck of cards to Bob. At this point, each card is encrypted by Bob's key, \(B_K\), and one of Alice's keys, \(K_{A_i}\).
- Bob decrypts the cards using his key \(K_B\). He still doesn't know where each card is, as now the cards are encrypted with Alice's keys.
- Bob generates another set of secret keys, \(K_{B_1} ... K_{B_{52}}\), and encrypts each card in the deck.
- Now each card in the deck is encrypted with a unique key that only Alice knows and a unique key only Bob knows.
If Alice wants to look at a card, she asks Bob for his key for that card. For example, if Alice draws the first card, encrypted with \(K_{A_1}\) and \(K_{B_1}\), she asks Bob for \(K_{B_1}\). If Bob sends her \(K_{B_1}\), she now has both keys to decrypt the card and
lookat it. Bob still can't decrypt it because he doesn't have \(K_{A_1}\).This way, as long as both Alice and Bob agree that one of them is supposed to
seea card, they exchange keys as needed to enable this.
The reason I ended up hand-rolling some cryptography is that off-the-shelf encryption algorithms are non-commutative. With a non-commutative algorithm, the above steps don't work: Alice cannot decrypt the deck with her secret key \(K_A\) after Bob shuffled it and encrypted it with \(K_B\).
The analogy I used in this tech talk is boxes and locks: if we have commutative encryption, we put the secret information in a box and both Alice (using \(K_A\)) and Bob (using \(K_B\)) put a lock on that box. It doesn't really matter in which order we unlock the two locks - as long as both are unlocked, we can get to the content. On the other hand, if we have non-commutative encryption, this is equivalent of Alice putting the secret in a box locked with \(K_A\), and Bob putting the whole locked box in another box locked with \(K_B\). Now Alice's key is useless while the outerbox only has the \(K_B\) lock on it.
There aren't as many applications for commutative encryption, so the popular libraries out there provide only non-commutative encryption algorithms. The commutative encryption algorithm we will look at is SRA.
The SRA encryption algorithm was designed by Shamir, Rivest, and Adleman of RSA fame. Both algorithms use their initials, but the industry-standard RSA is non-commutative. SRA, on the other hand, is.
SRA works like this: we need a large prime number \(P\). This seed prime is shared by all players. To generate encryption keys from it, let \(\phi = P - 1\). Each player needs to find another prime \(E\), such that \(\phi\) and \(E\) are coprime. \(E\) is that player's encryption key. The decryption key is derived from \(\phi\) and \(E\) as the modulo-inverse \(D\) such that \(E * D \equiv 1 \pmod{\phi}\).
To encrypt a number \(N\), we raise it to \(E\) modulo \(P\). To decrypt an encrypted number \(N'\), we raise it to \(D\) modulo \(P\).
Then if player 1 encrypts a payload with \(E_1\) and player 2 encrypts again using \(E_2\), the message can be decrypted by applying \(D_1\) and \(D_2\) in any order. Remember, this is key to the card shuffling algorithm.
For a simple implementation, we can use arbitrarily large integers (BigInt).
Unfortunately, the built-in JavaScript math libraries only work with number
values, so we need to implement a bit of math.
BigInt math
First, we need to find the greatest common divisor of two numbers:
function gcd(a: bigint, b: bigint): bigint {
while (b) {
[a, b] = [b, a % b];
return a;
We use this to check if two numbers are coprime (their GCD is 1).
Next, we need modulo inverse (find x
such that (a * x) % m == 1
). One way
of doing this is using Euclidean Division. We use the same algorithm we used
for GCD, but we keep track of the values we find at each step. Finally, if a
is 1
, it means there is no modulo inverse. Otherwise we find the modulo
inverse by starting with a pair of numbers x = 1, y = 0
and iterating over
the values we found at the previous step, updating x
to be y
and y
to be
x - y * (a / b)
where a
and b
are values we saved from the previous step:
function modInverse(a: bigint, m: bigint) {
a = ((a % m) + m) % m;
if (!a || m < 2) {
throw new Error("Invalid input");
// Find GCD (and remember numbers at each step)
const s = [];
let b = m;
while (b) {
[a, b] = [b, a % b];
s.push({ a, b });
if (a !== BigInt(1)) {
throw new Error("No inverse");
// Find the inverse
let x = BigInt(1);
let y = BigInt(0);
for (let i = s.length - 2; i >= 0; --i) {
[x, y] = [y, x - y * (s[i].a / s[i].b)];
return ((y % m) + m) % m;
This gives us the modulo inverse. To recap, we use this once we have a large prime \(P\) with \(\phi = P - 1\) and a large prime \(E\) such that \(gcd(E, \phi) = 1\) to find our decryption key \(D\).
We also need modulo exponentiation for encryption/decryption. Since we are
dealing with large numbers, we will implement exponentiation using the ancient
Egyptian multiplication algorithm.
To raise b
to e
modulo m
, if e
is 1
, we return b
. Otherwise we
recursively raise (b * b) % m
to e / 2
modulo m
. Whenever e
is odd,
we multiply the recursion result by an additional b
function exp(b: bigint, e: bigint, m: bigint): bigint {
if (e === BigInt(1)) {
return b;
let result = exp((b * b) % m, e / BigInt(2), m);
if (e % BigInt(2) === BigInt(1)) {
result *= b;
return result % m;
This algorithm runs in log e
time and keeps the large numbers to a manageable
size since we apply modulo m
at each step. We have most of the math pieces in
place. The only thing missing is a way to generate large primes.
Generating large primes
One way of generating large primes is through trial and error: we generate a
large number, check if it is prime, and repeat if it isn't. We can generate a
large number by filling a byte array with random values, then converting it
into a BigInt
function randBigInt(sizeInBytes: number = 128): bigint {
let buffer = new Uint8Array(sizeInBytes);
// Build a bigint out of the buffer
let result = BigInt(0);
buffer.forEach((n) => {
result = result * BigInt(256) + BigInt(n);
return result;
This gives us a random number of as many bytes as we want (default being 128 bytes, i.e. 1024 bits). Since we are dealing with very large numbers, we can't naively test for primality of \(N\) by trying divisions up to \(\sqrt{N}\), this is too expensive. We instead use the probabilistic Miller-Rabin test.
In short, Miller-Rabin works like this: we can write an integer \(N\) (our prime candidate) as \(N = 2^S * D + 1\) where \(S\) and \(D\) are positive integers.
Let's take another integer \(A\) coprime with \(N\). \(N\) is likely to be prime if \(A^D \equiv 1 \pmod{N}\) or \(A^{2^{R}*D} \equiv -1 \pmod{N}\) for some \(0 <= R <= S\). If this is not the case, then \(N\) is not a prime and \(A\) is called a witness of the compositeness of \(N\).
This is a probabilistic test, so we can tell whether \(N\) is for sure non-prime or likely to be prime. Unfortunately, we can't tell for sure that \(N\) is prime. We need to run multiple iterations of this picking different \(A\) values until we are satisfied that \(N\) is likely enough to be prime.
First, we need a helper function that checks \(A\) is not a witness of \(N\), given \(A\), \(N\), and \(S\) and \(D\) such that \(N = S^2 * D + 1\).
We compute \(U\) as \(A^D \pmod{N}\). If \(U - 1 = 0\) or \(U + 1 = N\), then \(A\) is not a witness of \(N\). Otherwise, we repeat \(S - 1\) times: \(U = U^2 \pmod{N}\) and \(A\) is not a witness if \(U + 1 = N\). At this point, if we haven't confirmed that \(A\) is not a witness, we consider \(A\) a witness of \(N\) thus \(N\) is not prime. These are simply the checks described above (\(A^D \equiv 1 \pmod{N}\) and \(A^{2^{R}*D} \equiv -1 \pmod{N}\)) in implementation form.
function isNotWitness(a: bigint, d: bigint, s: bigint, n: bigint): boolean {
if (a === BigInt(0)) {
return true;
// u is a ^ d % n
let u = exp(a, d, n);
// a is not a witness if u - 1 = 0 or u + 1 = n
if (u - BigInt(1) === BigInt(0) || u + BigInt(1) === n) {
return true;
// Repeat s - 1 times
for (let i = BigInt(0); i < s - BigInt(1); i++) {
// u = u ^ 2 % n
u = exp(u, BigInt(2), n);
// a is not a witness if u = n - 1
if (u + BigInt(1) === n) {
return true;
// a is a witness of n
return false;
With this, we can finally implement Miller-Rabin. We first check a few trivial
cases (2
and 3
are prime, even numbers are non-prime). We then find \(S\) and
\(D\) such that our number \(N = 2^S * D + 1\) (we do this by factoring out powers
of 2 from \(N - 1\)).
We then repeat the test: get a random number \(A < N\). If \(A\) is a witness of \(N\), then \(N\) is not prime. If we run this test enough times, we can safely assume the number is prime. According to this, 40 rounds should be good enough for a 1024 bit prime.
function millerRabinTest(candidate: bigint): boolean {
// Handle some obvious cases
if (candidate === BigInt(2) || candidate === BigInt(3)) {
return true;
if (candidate % BigInt(2) === BigInt(0) || candidate < BigInt(2)) {
return false;
// Find s and d
let d = candidate - BigInt(1);
let s = BigInt(0);
while ((d & BigInt(1)) === BigInt(0)) {
d = d >> BigInt(1);
// Test 40 rounds.
for (let k = 0; k < 40; k++) {
let a = randBigInt() % candidate;
if (!isNotWitness(a, d, s, candidate)) {
return false;
return true;
Note d
and s
above are technically only needed in isNotWitness()
, but
since they are based on our prime candidate, we compute them once and pass them
as arguments to isNotWitness()
rather than having to recompute them on each
call of the function.
We can finally implement our prime generator. We simply generate large numbers and repeat until Miller-Rabin confirms we got a prime number:
function randPrime(sizeInBytes: number = 128): bigint {
let candidate = BigInt(0);
do {
candidate = randBigInt(sizeInBytes);
} while (!millerRabinTest(candidate));
return candidate;
With the low-level math out of the way, we can implement the cryptography API.
First, we will define an SRAKeyPair
as consisting of the initial large prime
\(P\) and the derived \(E\) and \(D\) used for encryption/decryption:
type SRAKeyPair = {
prime: bigint;
enc: bigint;
dec: bigint;
We can generate a large prime using randPrime()
. From such a prime, we can
generate an SRAKeyPair
function generateKeyPair(largePrime: bigint, size: number = 128): SRAKeyPair {
const phi = largePrime - BigInt(1);
let enc = BigInt(0);
// Trial and error
for (;;) {
// Generate a large prime
enc = randPrime(size);
// Stop when generated prime and passed in prime - 1 are coprime
if (gcd(enc, phi) === BigInt(1)) {
// enc is our encryption key, now let's find dec as the mod inverse of enc
let dec = modInverse(enc, phi);
return {
prime: largePrime,
enc: enc,
dec: dec,
If we have an SRAKeyPair
, we can encrypt/decrypt numbers using the modulo
exponentiation function we defined above (exp()
function encryptInt(n: bigint, kp: SRAKeyPair) {
return exp(n, kp.enc,;
function decryptInt(n: bigint, kp: SRAKeyPair) {
return exp(n, kp.dec,;
We can also convert a string into a BigInt and vice-versa. Assuming we only have character codes below 256 (so ASCII), we can simply encode the string as a 256-base number where each digit is a character:
function stringToBigInt(str: string): bigint {
let result = BigInt(0);
for (const c of str) {
if (c.charCodeAt(0) > 255) {
throw Error(`Unexpected char code ${c.charCodeAt(0)} for ${c}`);
result = result * BigInt(256) + BigInt(c.charCodeAt(0));
return result;
The ASCII assumption is reasonable, since we use this at a protocol level, not as part of the user experience. We can decode such a number back into a string using division and modulo:
function bigIntToString(n: bigint): string {
let result = "";
let m = BigInt(0);
while (n > 0) {
[n, m] = [n / BigInt(256), n % BigInt(256)];
result = String.fromCharCode(Number(m)) + result;
return result;
Now that we have these conversions, we can can implement string
encryption/decryption on top of our encryptInt()
and decryptInt()
function encryptString(clearText: string, kp: SRAKeyPair): string {
return bigIntToString(encryptInt(stringToBigInt(clearText), kp));
function decryptString(cypherText: string, kp: SRAKeyPair): string {
return bigIntToString(decryptInt(stringToBigInt(cypherText), kp));
We can encode any object as a string (and decode back strings to objects):
function encrypt<T>(obj: T, kp: SRAKeyPair): string {
return encryptString(JSON.stringify(obj), kp);
function decrypt<T>(cypherText: string, kp: SRAKeyPair): T {
return JSON.parse(decryptString(cypherText, kp));
And that's it! We start with randPrime()
to generate a large prime, then
use generateKeyPair()
to derive \(E\) and \(D\) from it. We can then use this
with encrypt()
and decrypt()
to encrypt/decrypt objects using
the commutative SRA algorithm.
Here is a small example pulling everything together:
// Seed prime used by both players to generate keys
const sharedPrime = randPrime();
const aliceKP = generateKeyPair(sharedPrime);
const bobKP = generateKeyPair(sharedPrime);
const card = "Ace of spades";
// Encrypt with Alice's key first, then Bob's
const aliceEncrypted = encryptString(card, aliceKP);
const aliceAndBobEncrypted = encryptString(aliceEncrypted, bobKP);
// Decrypt with Alice's key first, then Bob's
const bobEncrypted = decryptString(aliceAndBobEncrypted, aliceKP);
const decrypted = decryptString(bobEncrypted, bobKP);
// Prints "Ace of spades"
- We went over a short overview of the SRA algorithm.
- We looked at
implementations for GCD, modulo inverse, and modulo exponentiation. - Then we generated random large numbers by filling a buffer, and testing for primality using the Miller-Rabin test.
- With the math in place, we implemented a key generator for SRA (takin a prime and deriving \(E\) and \(D\)).
- We can encrypt/decrypt numbers by simply applying modulo exponentiation.
- We can encrypt/decrypt any string by converting it to a
, and more generally any object by stringifying it.
My work-in-progress Mental Poker Toolkit is here. This post covered the cryptography package.