Hide Email Addresses From Spam Bots
Tinkerer has a simple built in mechanism to hide your email address from spambots by generating an obfuscated email address which than gets decrypted in the browser with the help of a little bit JavaScript.
To insert an email address just use:
:email:`tinkerer-dev <[email protected]>`
The encrypted html looks like this:
<noscript>(Javascript must be enabled to see this e-mail address)</noscript>
<script type="text/javascript">document.write(
"<n uers=\"znvygb:gvaxrere-qri\100tbbtyrtebhcf\056pbz\">gvaxrere-qri <\057n>".replace(/[a-zA-Z]/g,
return String.fromCharCode(
If the user has JavaScript disabled he will see this:
(Javascript must be enabled to see this e-mail address)