
Getting Started


After you installed the Tinkerer package, create your blog directory and cd into it:

mkdir myblog
cd myblog

Run Tinkerer setup:

tinker --setup

There is some minimal configuration required in

# Change this to the name of your blog
project = 'My blog'

# Change this to the tagline of your blog
tagline = 'Add intelligent tagline here'

# Change this to the description of your blog
description = 'This is an awesome blog'

# Change this to your name
author = 'Winston Smith'

# Change this to your copyright string
copyright = '1984, ' + author

# Change this to your blog root URL (required for RSS feed)
website = ''


This will be the name of your blog.


The tagline is displayed right after the name of the blog and as the blog description in the RSS feed.


This will be added to the description meta tag of your blog pages and will be consumed by search engines crawling your blog.


Your name.


The copyright string is displayed at the bottom of each page.


The RSS feed requires the address of the website to properly link articles.

Create a post

From your blog root directory, call:

tinker --post 'Hello World!'

Tinkerer will let you know where the file was created. You can edit it right away, using reStructuredText! Read more about Posts.

Create a page

Create an About page to tell your readers about yourself. From your blog root directory, call:

tinker --page 'About'

Tinkerer will let you know where the file was created. Read more about Pages.

Build your blog

From your blog root directory call:

tinker --build

Open the index.html file in your blog’s root to preview your blog. Read more about Build.