Facebook Comments
As an alternative to Disqus comments, you can use Facebook Comments on your blog. To enable Facebook comments, download fbcomments.py in your blog’s _exts directory and replace the default tinkerer.ext.disqus extension in conf.py with fbcomments:
# Add other Sphinx extensions here
extensions = ['tinkerer.ext.blog', 'tinkerer.ext.disqus']
should become:
# Add other Sphinx extensions here
extensions = ['tinkerer.ext.blog', 'fbcomments']
Blog posts don’t need to change as this extension is a different handler for the same comments directive.
The above steps enable the Facebook Comment Box. More information on this in the Facebook Developers Documentation.
There are two options for managing comments: using a user ID or an app ID.
User Admin
To enable comment administration, you will need to list yourself as an admin using a meta tag. You can do this by extending the page.html template: create a page.html file under your blog’s _templates directory with the following content:
{% extends "!page.html" %}
{%- block extrahead %}
<meta property="fb:admins" content="$(YOUR_FACEBOOK_USER_ID)"/>
{{ super() }}
{% endblock %}
Make sure to replace $(YOUR_FACEBOOK_USER_ID) above with the appropriate ID.
You will also have to copy the fb.js file supplied with this extension to your blog’s _static directory.
App Admin
Facebook recommends to get an application ID so you can manage all comments on the website in a centralized place. Go to Facebook Developers Webiste and create a new application. In your app settings, make sure to check Website and update Site URL with your blog’s URL. Once you have an App ID connected to your website, you no longer need to list yourself as an administrator, rather you need to provide the App ID using a meta tag. Create a page.html under _templates directory as above, but with the following content:
{% extends "!page.html" %}
{%- block extrahead %}
<meta property="fb:app_id" content="$(YOUR_APP_ID)"/>
{{ super() }}
{% endblock %}
Make sure to replace $(YOUR_APP_ID) above with the appropriate ID.
Unlike Disqus, Facebook comment box does not inherit the blog theme style. Tinkerer will not provide any styling for the comment box.