July 31, 2022

Computability Part 6: Von Neumann Architecture

During the previous posts, we covered Turing machines, tag systems, and cellular automata. All of these are equivalent in terms of what they can compute, but some are more practical than others. In this post, we'll look at the von Neumann architecture of physical computers and implement an extremely inefficient machine, write a few programs targeting it, then prove it is Turing complete.

John von Neumann was a famous mathematician and physicist. Contemporary with Alan Turing, he was aware of Turing's work on Turing machines and computability. At the same time, von Neumann was involved in the Manhattan Project which required lots of computation provided by some early computers. Thus he got involved in computer design. Unlike a Turing machine, a physical computer can't have an infinite tape and while data is processed based on input and states, this needs to be more ergonomic than Yurii Rogozhin's 4-state 6-symbol machine we described in Part 2.

Von Neumann described a computer architecture as consisting of the following components1:

Here is a diagram of this architecture:


Before von Neumann, computers were single-purpose devices - the programming was hardwired. One of the major innovations, which might not be apparent, is the introduction of a central control component and the ability of the memory to store not only data but also the program itself. This makes devices based on this architecture able to be reprogrammed to perform different tasks.

We can now load an arbitrary program into memory. The program will use the instructions which our central arithmetic understands to perform computations. The central control can read this program and have the central arithmetic perform the required operations. During execution, data is also read from/written to memory.

Programs (and data) is loaded into memory through the input component and results are sent through the output component.

While over the following decades this architecture got tweaked and tuned, it's pretty obvious it is the ancestor of all modern computers: computers still have CPUs, which include control and arithmetic, and memory.

Let's create a virtual machine based on this architecture.


We will create a very simple machine based on this architecture in Python. In subsequent posts, we will look at other designs, but we're starting with a direct translation of this architecture.


The interface to our input component is a function that, when called, returns an integer. This is all our machine needs to get data.

We will implement this over a text file. Our input component will buffer this file into a list and expose a read_one() function that will return one integer (as returned by [ord()]{.title-ref}) for each character from the buffer.

def inp(file):
    buffer = list(open(file).read())
    return lambda: ord(buffer.pop(0))


The interface to our output component is a function that takes an integer as an argument. This is all our machine needs to output one memory cell.

We will implement this using print() and actually convert the given integer to a character. This is just to provide a convenient way for us to look at output like Hello world!.

def out(value):
    print(chr(value), end='')


Our memory will consist of a list of 10000 integers. We will zero-initialize the list, then load a program from a file to memory, starting at address 0. We expect the program to consist of a series of integers separated by a space or a newline character. We'll use this encoding to make it easier for us to peek at the code targeting our von Neumann machine.

def memory(file):
    memory = [0] * 10000
    for i, value in enumerate(' '.join(open(file).readlines()).split()):
        memory[i] = int(value)

10000 is chosen arbitrarily, at this point we're not worrying about word size, page alignment etc. We simply have room to store 10000 integers in our memory, which will include both code and data.


We'll package the control and arithmetic components into a CPU class. We'll initialize this class with memory, input, and output components.

class CPU:
    def __init__(self, memory, inp, out):
        self.memory, self.inp, self.out = memory, inp, out

Central control

Our control unit will maintain a program counter (PC), an index into the memory pointing to the next instruction to execute. The machine runs by reading 3 integers from memory (at PC, PC + 1 and PC + 2), and passing these to the arithmetic unit for processing. The program counter is then incremented by 3. This repeats until PC goes outside the bounds of the memory, at which point the machine halts (alternately we could have provided some HALT instruction).

def run(self):
    self.pc = 0
    while self.pc < len(self.memory):
        instr, m1, m2 = self.memory[self.pc:self.pc + 3]
        self.process(instr, m1, m2)
        self.pc += 3

We will implement process() next.

Central arithmetic

Our arithmetic unit will process triples of <Instruction> <memory address 1> <memory address 2>. It will support 8 instructions:

Since the instructions are also read from memory, which is a list of integers, we will encode them as integers: AT = 0, SET = 1, ... OUT = 7.

def process(self, instr, m1, m2):
    match instr:
        case 0: # AT
            self.memory[m1] = self.memory[self.memory[m2]]
        case 1: # SET
            self.memory[self.memory[m1]] = self.memory[m2]
        case 2: # ADD
            self.memory[m1] += self.memory[m2]
        case 3: # NOT
            self.memory[m1] = +(not self.memory[m2])
        case 4: # EQ
            self.memory[m1] = +(self.memory[m1] == self.memory[m2])
        case 5: # JZ
            if not self.memory[m1]:
                # Set PC to m2 - 3 since run() will increment PC by 3
                self.pc = m2 - 3
        case 6: # INP
            self.memory[m1 + self.memory[m2]] = self.inp()
        case 7: # OUT
            out(self.memory[m1 + self.memory[m2]])
        case _: 
            raise Exception("Unknown instruction")

Von Neumann VM

Putting it all together, we'll take two input arguments: the first one (argv[1]) will represent the code input file containing the program, the second one (argv[2]) will be the file containing additional input to be consumed by the inp() function:

import sys

vn = CPU(memory(sys.argv[1]), inp(sys.argv[2]), out)

Here is our von Neumann virtual machine in one listing:

def inp(file):
    buffer = list(open(file).read())
    return lambda: ord(buffer.pop(0))

def out(value):
    print(chr(value), end='')

def memory(file):
    memory = [0] * 10000
    for i, value in enumerate(' '.join(open(file).readlines()).split()):
        memory[i] = int(value)
    return memory

class CPU:
    def __init__(self, memory, inp, out):
        self.memory, self.inp, self.out = memory, inp, out

    def run(self):
        self.pc = 0
        while self.pc < len(self.memory):
            instr, m1, m2 = self.memory[self.pc:self.pc + 3]
            self.process(instr, m1, m2)
            self.pc += 3

    def process(self, instr, m1, m2):
        match instr:
            case 0: # AT
                self.memory[m1] = self.memory[self.memory[m2]]
            case 1: # SET
                self.memory[self.memory[m1]] = self.memory[m2]
            case 2: # ADD
                self.memory[m1] += self.memory[m2]
            case 3: # NOT
                self.memory[m1] = +(not self.memory[m2])
            case 4: # EQ
                self.memory[m1] = +(self.memory[m1] == self.memory[m2])
            case 5: # JZ
                if not self.memory[m1]:
                    # Set PC to m2 - 3 since run() will increment PC by 3
                    self.pc = m2 - 3
            case 6: # INP
                self.memory[m1 + self.memory[m2]] = self.inp()
            case 7: # OUT
                out(self.memory[m1 + self.memory[m2]])
            case _: 
                raise Exception("Unknown instruction")

import sys

vn = CPU(memory(sys.argv[1]), inp(sys.argv[2]), out)

We can save this as vn.py.

Let's create a Hello world! program targeting this machine. We will use the OUT instruction to output each character of Hello and a new line (\n). We'll first tell the VM to output the values at memory address 21 to 26:

7 21 9999
7 22 9999
7 23 9999
7 24 9999
7 25 9999
7 26 9999

We are referencing addresses 21 to 26 plus the offset 0 (the value at memory 9999, since our memory is initialized with zeros).

We want to halt after this, so we need to jump our program counter to 10000. We will do this by using our JZ instruction, saying if the memory value at index 9999 is 0, jump to 10000:

5 9999 10000

Now we get to memory address 21, so we will set the values of memory 21 to 26 to the values of the characters in Hello (as returned by ord()) plus a 10 for \n:

72 101 108 108 111 10

Here is the full listing which we can save as hello.vn:

7 21 9999
7 22 9999
7 23 9999
7 24 9999
7 25 9999
7 26 9999
5 9999 10000
72 101 108 108 111 10

We can then use our VM to run the program like this:

touch input
python3 vn.py hello.vn input

We're also creating a blank input file since Hello world! isn't going to read anything via inp().

Running this should print Hello. Our program is pretty hard to write or read, we're programming with integers. Let's make our life a bit easier.


We will implement an assembler for our VM. An assembly language is a low-level language closely matching the architecture it targets (in our case, our very simple von Neumann machine).

Our assembler will take 2 arguments - an input file and an output file - and automatically translate the input (assembly language) into instructions for our VM.

We will add the following features:

Using this assembly language, we can rewrite Hello world! as:

## Print 6 characters starting from DATA
out :DATA 9999
out :DATA+1 9999
out :DATA+2 9999
out :DATA+3 9999
out :DATA+4 9999
out :DATA+5 9999

## End program
jz 9999 10000

## Data section
DATA: ORD(H) ORD(e) ORD(l) ORD(l) ORD(o) 10

First, we'll read the input file and convert it into a list of tokens. We will ignore lines starting with # (so we can add comments to our assembly file).

import sys

if len(sys.argv) != 3:
    print("Usage: asm.py <input> <output>")

## Read all lines into a list
lines = open(sys.argv[1]).readlines()
## Filter out blank lines and lines starting with '#'
lines = list(filter(lambda line: line and line[0] != '#', lines))
## Join all lines and split into tokens
tokens = ' '.join(lines).split()

The labels themselves aren't part of the program, rather mark locations in the program, so in the next step we will pluck these out from the list of tokens but retain the index they are referencing:

## pluck labels and remember position
labels, i = {}, 0
while i < len(tokens):
    # If not a label, advance
    if tokens[i][-1] != ':':
        i += 1

    # Store location and pluck label
    labels[tokens[i][:-1]] = i

Now we will process all tokens and handle the following cases:

## Op code list (constant)
OP_CODES = ['at', 'set', 'add', 'not', 'eq', 'jz', 'inp', 'out']

for i, token in enumerate(tokens):
    # replace label references with actual position
    if token[0] == ':':
        if '+' in token:
            base, offset = token.split('+')
            tokens[i] = labels[base[1:]] + int(offset)
            tokens[i] = labels[token[1:]]

    # replace op codes with values
    if token in OP_CODES:
        tokens[i] = OP_CODES.index(token)

    # replace ORD macro
    if token[:4] == 'ORD(':
        tokens[i] = ord(token[4:-1])

Finally, we write all tokens to the output file:

open(sys.argv[2], "w").write(
    ' '.join([str(token) for token in tokens]))

Here is the full source code of our assembler (asm.py):

import sys

if len(sys.argv) != 3:
    print("Usage: asm.py <input> <output>")

## Read all lines into a list
lines = open(sys.argv[1]).readlines()
## Filter out blank lines and lines starting with '#'
lines = list(filter(lambda line: line and line[0] != '#', lines))
## Join all lines and split into tokens
tokens = ' '.join(lines).split()

## pluck labels and remember position
labels, i = {}, 0
while i < len(tokens):
    # If not a label, advance
    if tokens[i][-1] != ':':
        i += 1

    # Store location and pluck label
    labels[tokens[i][:-1]] = i

## Op code list (constant)
OP_CODES = ['at', 'set', 'add', 'not', 'eq', 'jz', 'inp', 'out']

for i, token in enumerate(tokens):
    # replace label references with actual position
    if token[0] == ':':
        if '+' in token:
            base, offset = token.split('+')
            tokens[i] = labels[base[1:]] + int(offset)
            tokens[i] = labels[token[1:]]

    # replace op codes with values
    if token in OP_CODES:
        tokens[i] = OP_CODES.index(token)

    # replace ORD macro
    if token[:4] == 'ORD(':
        tokens[i] = ord(token[4:-1])

open(sys.argv[2], "w").write(
    ' '.join([str(token) for token in tokens]))

We can now save our assembly Hello world! (listed above) to a file, let's call it hello.asm and use the assembler to convert it to a program our VM can execute:

python3 asm.py hello.asm hello.vn

The resulting hello.vn should have the same content as our hand-crafted Hello world!, minus the newlines (the assembler doesn't output newlines). The content of the assembled file hello.vn is:

7 21 9999 7 22 9999 7 23 9999 7 24 9999 7 25 9999 7 26 9999 5 9999 10000 72 101 108 108 111 10

We can run this using:

python3 vn.py hello.vn input

We are again using an empty input file since we don't need input. As a convention, we use the .asm extensions for assembly files and .vn for assembled files targeting the VM.

Variables and loops

Let's rewrite our program: instead of outputting :DATA, then :DATA+1, then DATA+2... we should be able to output :DATA + :I where :I goes from 0 to 5.

We can easily use a variable by tagging any part of the program then referencing it, then using that label to refer to the variable.

I: 0

Then we can use :I to reference to it. We will use a COUNTER variable to count down from 6 to 0, and an offset variable I:

## Variables
I: 0

We also need a couple of constant values: 0, 1 - by which we increment I during each iteration, and -1 to decrement COUNTER during each iteration. And, of course, our DATA, where we store the Hello string:

## Constants
CONST: 0 1 -1

## Data
DATA: ORD(H) ORD(e) ORD(l) ORD(l) ORD(o) 10

Now lets look at how we can implement a loop using JZ:

## Beginning of loop
## Output I
out :DATA :I
## Decrement COUNTER, increment I
add :I :CONST+1
## If COUNTER is 0, we're done
jz :COUNTER 10000
## If not, jump to the start of the loop

At each iteration, our loop will output the character value at DATA plus the offset specified in I (initially 0). Then we subtract -1 from our COUNTER and add 1 to I. Since our VM uses memory addresses for all operations, we stored 1 and -1 in memory at CONST and CONST+1 respectively.

If COUNTER is 0, we're done, so we jump to 10000. If not, we repeat the loop (jump to LOOP if CONST is 0, but CONST is always 0).

Here is the full listing of this program:

## Beginning of loop
## Output I
out :DATA :I
## Decrement COUNTER, increment I
add :I :CONST+1
## If COUNTER is 0, we're done
jz :COUNTER 10000
## If not, jump to the start of the loop

## Constants
CONST: 0 1 -1

## Data
DATA: ORD(H) ORD(e) ORD(l) ORD(l) ORD(o) 10

## Variables
I: 0

We can save this as hello2.asm, then assemble and run it:

python3 asm.py hello2.asm hello2.vn
python3 vn.py hello2.vn


A few notes: data is mixed with code in all our programs, which follows from the von Neumann architecture, in which the memory of the system stores both code and data. This is fundamentally true for all computers, and enables some interesting behavior like self-modifying code. This could be intentional, or we could, accidentally due to a bug, interpret data as code or vice-versa, code as data. Modern systems employ various additional protections to prevent this type of accidental usage.

Because our particular VM starts execution from memory location 0, we have to place our constants and variables (data) after the instructions in the program. Executable files on modern systems similarly contain code and data segments, albeit with more complex layout and rules.


Let's prove our simple von Neumann VM is Turing-complete, meaning capable of universal computation. As we saw throughout this series of blog posts, the best way to prove this is to emulate another known Turing-complete system.

We will prove this by implementing a Brainfuck interpreter. We covered Brainfuck during the second post in the series, under Esoteric Turing machines. To recap: Brainfuck (BF) uses a byte array (tape), a data pointer (index in the array), and 8 symbols: >, <, +, -, ., ,, [, ]. The symbols are interpreted as:

We will use our assembly language to implement a program which reads a BF program from input, then executes it. Effectively, we'll use our very simple virtual machine to emulate another very simple virtual machine!

I won't cover the details of the implementation, since it is quite cumbersome due to the simplicity of our VM and assembly language. I will just provide a short summary of what is going on:

Here is the full Brainfuck interpreter implemented in our assembly language:

## Read Brainfuck program until a \n is encountered
## Read one integer at PROG + offset I
inp :PROG :I
## Increment I by 1
add :I :CONST+1
## Zero out DONE_READING (!1)
## Load the last integer we read in TEMP
## Increment END to keep track of program end
add :END :CONST+1
## Check if the last integer we read was 10 (\n)
## If it wasn't zero, jump to start and read another value

## Start running program

## Check if we're on a > instruction
not :TEMP2 :CONST+1
add :TEMP2 :BF
not :TEMP2 :TEMP2

## Check if we're on a < instruction
not :TEMP2 :CONST+1
add :TEMP2 :BF+1
not :TEMP2 :TEMP2

## Check if we're on a + instruction
not :TEMP2 :CONST+1
add :TEMP2 :BF+2
not :TEMP2 :TEMP2
jz :TEMP2 :INC

## Check if we're on a - instruction
not :TEMP2 :CONST+1
add :TEMP2 :BF+3
not :TEMP2 :TEMP2
jz :TEMP2 :DEC

## Check if we're on a . instruction
not :TEMP2 :CONST+1
add :TEMP2 :BF+4
not :TEMP2 :TEMP2
jz :TEMP2 :OUT

## Check if we're on a , instruction
not :TEMP2 :CONST+1
add :TEMP2 :BF+5
not :TEMP2 :TEMP2
jz :TEMP2 :IN

## Check if we're on a [ instruction
not :TEMP2 :CONST+1
add :TEMP2 :BF+6
not :TEMP2 :TEMP2

## Check if we're on a ] instruction
not :TEMP2 :CONST+1
add :TEMP2 :BF+7
not :TEMP2 :TEMP2

## No matching BF instruction so we're done
jz :CONST 10000

## > - increment data pointer

## < - decrement data pointer

## + - increment cell
add :TEMP :CONST+1

## - - decrement cell
add :TEMP :CONST+2

## . - output cell

## , - store input in cell

## [
at :TEMP :DATA_PTR    
## If value in cell is not 0, continue
## Find matching ]
## Set TEMP to 1, counting unbalanced [
add :TEMP :CONST+1
eq :TEMP2 :BF+6
not :TEMP2 :TEMP2
## Jump if found a [
eq :TEMP2 :BF+7
not :TEMP2 :TEMP2
## Jump if found a ]
## Keep scanning
## Increment counter when finding a [
add :TEMP :CONST+1
## Decrement counter when finding a ]
add :TEMP :CONST+2
## If counter is 0, we're done
## Else keep scanning

## ]
at :TEMP :DATA_PTR    
## If value in cell is 0, continue
## Find matching [
## Set TEMP to 1, counting unbalanced ]
add :TEMP :CONST+1
## Move code pointer back 2
eq :TEMP2 :BF+6
not :TEMP2 :TEMP2
## Jump if found a [
eq :TEMP2 :BF+7
not :TEMP2 :TEMP2
## Jump if found a ]
## Keep scanning
## Decrement counter when finding a [
add :TEMP :CONST+2
## If counter is 0, we're done
## Else keep scanning
## Increment counter when finding a ]
add :TEMP :CONST+1

CONST: 0 1 -1 10 
BF: ORD(>) ORD(<) ORD(+) ORD(-) ORD(.) ORD(,) ORD([) ORD(])
I: 0
TEMP2: 0
DATA_PTR: 5000

## We'll load the BF program here

We can save this program as bf.asm. We will also create a Brainfuck program to run - Hello world:


We will save this as hello.bf. Now we can compile our BF interpreter and run it using our VM:

python3 asm.py bf.asm bf.vn
python3 vn.py bf.vn hello.bf

This should output Hello world!.

Since Brainfuck is Turing-complete and our VM can emulate a Brainfuck interpreter, our VM is also Turing-complete.


For convenience, the code we covered in this post is online here:

  1. First Draft of a Report on the EDVAC