September 02, 2022

Computability Part 7: Machine Implementation Practicalities

In the previous post we covered the von Neumann architecture and even built a small VM implementing the different components. Such naïve implementation does make for a very inefficient machine though. In this post, we'll dive a bit deeper into machine architectures (virtual and physical) and discuss some of the implementation details. We'll talk about processing: register and stack-based; we'll talk about memory: word size, byte and word addressing; finally, we'll talk about I/O: port and memory mapped. Note these are all machines that conform to the von Neumann architecture, with the same high-level components. We're just double clicking to the next level of implementation details.

Register machines

The VM we implemented in our previous post simply operated directly over the memory. This works for a toy example, but moving data from memory to the CPU and back is costly. That's why modern CPUs employ multiple layers of caching (we won't cover these in this post), and rely on a set of registers to perform operations.

Registers can store a number of bits (the word size, more on it below) and operations are performed using registers. For example, to add two numbers, the machine would load one number into register R0, the second number into register R1, add the values stored in registers R0 and R1, then finally save the result back to memory:

mov r0 @<memory address 1> # Move the value from memory address 1 to r0
mov r1 @<memory address 2> # Move the value from memory address 2 to r1
add r0 r1 # Add the values storing the result in r0
mov @<memory address 3> r0 # Move the value from r0 to memory address 3

Some register are used for general computation. These are called general-purpose registers. Other register have specialized purposes. For example, the program counter which keeps track of the instruction to be executed is usually implemented as an IP (instruction pointer) or PC (program counter) register.

The original 8088 Intel processor had 14 registers. Modern Intel processors have significantly more registers1, though many of them are special-purpose. ARM processors have 17 registers2, 13 of which are general purpose.

Let's emulate a simple CPU with 4 general purpose registers and a program counter register to get the feel of it. We will only implement mov (move) and add instructions for this example. Our implementation will check the 16th bit of an argument to determine whether it refers to a register (if 0) or to a memory location (if 1).

class CPU:
    def __init__(self, memory):
        self.memory = memory
        self.registers = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0] # r0, r1, r2, r3, pc

    def run(self):
        while self.registers[4] < len(self.memory):
            instr, arg1, arg2 = self.memory[
                self.registers[4]:self.registers[4] + 3]
            self.process(instr, arg1, arg2)
            self.registers[4] += 3

    def get_at(self, arg):
        # 16th bit tells us whether this refers to a register or memory
        if arg & (1 << 15): # Memory address
            return self.memory[arg ^ (1 << 15)]
        else: # Register
            return self.registers[arg]

    def set_at(self, arg, value):
        # 16th bit tells us whether this refers to a register or memory
        if arg & (1 << 15): # Memory address
            self.memory[arg ^ (1 << 15)] = value
        else: # Register
            self.registers[arg] = value

    def process(self, instr, arg1, arg2):
        match instr:
            case 0: # mov
                self.set_at(arg1, self.get_at(arg2))
            case 1: # add
                self.set_at(arg1, self.get_at(arg1) + self.get_at(arg2))

Here is how it would run a small program that adds two numbers and stores the result:

program = [
    0, 0, 15 | (1 << 15), # mov r0 @15
    0, 1, 16 | (1 << 15), # mov r1 @16
    1, 0, 1,              # add r0 r1
    0, 17 | (1 << 15), 0, # mov @17 r0
    0, 4, 18 | (1 << 15), # mov pc @18 - this ends execution
    40,                   # this is @15
    2,                    # this is @16
    0,                    # this is @17
    10000                 # this is @18

## Load program into memory
memory = [0] * 10000
memory = program + memory[len(program):]

print(memory[17]) # Should print 0


print(memory[17]) # Should print 42

We're doing a bunch of stuff by hand, like loading the program into memory and not using an assembler to implement the program. That's because we're only focusing on the register-based processing. You can update the assembler in the previous post to target this VM as an exercise.

Stack machines

An alternative to registers is to use a stack for storage. While hardware stack machines are not unheard of, register machines easily outperform them so most CPUs you interact with are register-based. That said, stack machines are a popular choice for virtual machines - they are easier to implement and port to different systems and the stack keeps the data being processed close together which helps with performance when running the VM on a physical machine. A few examples: JVM (the Java virtual machine), the CLR (the .NET virtual machine), CPython's VM (the VM for the reference Python implementation) are all stack-based.

The example we used above of adding two numbers would look like this on a stack machine: push the first number onto the stack, push the second number onto the stack, add the numbers (which would pop the two numbers from the stack and replace them with their sum), then pop the value from the stack and store it in memory.

push @<memory address 1> # Push a value from memory address 1
push @<memory address 2> # Push a value from memory address 2
add # Add the top two values
pop @<memory address 3> # Pop the top of the stack and store at memory address 3

Another advantage of stack machines is in general the instructions tend to be shorter. As you can see above, for most instructions that move data around, we don't need to specify both a source and a destination since the stack is implied.

Let's emulate a simple stack VM with only push, add, and pop instructions, plus a jmp (jump) instruction so we can use the same mechanism to terminate:

class CPU:
    def __init__(self, memory):
        self.memory = memory
        self.stack, self.pc = [], 0

    def run(self):
        while self.pc < len(self.memory):
            instr, arg = self.memory[self.pc:self.pc + 2]
            self.process(instr, arg)
            self.pc += 2

    def process(self, instr, arg):
        match instr:
            case 0: # push
            case 1: # pop
                self.memory[arg] = self.stack.pop()
            case 2: # jmp
                self.pc = self.stack.pop()
            case 3: # add
                self.stack.append(self.stack.pop() + self.stack.pop())

Here is how it would run a small program that adds two numbers and stores the result:

program = [
    0, 12, # push @12
    0, 13, # push @13
    3, 0,  # add
    1, 14, # pop @14
    0, 15, # push @15
    2, 0,  # jmp
    40,    # this is @12
    2,     # this is @13
    0,     # this is @14
    10000, # this is @15

## Load program into memory
memory = [0] * 10000
memory = program + memory[len(program):]

print(memory[14]) # Should print 0


print(memory[14]) # Should print 42

Contrast the implementation with the register-based one: the latter VM only needs 1 argument for the instructions we implemented and the program is slightly shorter.

So far we focused on how data is processed. Let's also look at the different ways of referencing data.

Word size

We've been using Python for our toy implementations. Python supports arbitrarily large integers, so a list of numbers in Python (the way we implemented our memory) doesn't imply much in terms of bits and bytes. Bits and bytes do become important for physical machines and serious VMs implemented in languages closer to the metal.

First, let's talk about word size. A word is the fixed-size unit of computation for a CPU. It's size is the number of bits. For example, a 16-bit processor has a word-size of 16-bits.

Applied to registers, this would mean that a machine register can hold at most 16 bits (a value between 0 and 65535). Operations within the value range are blazingly fast, as they run natively. If we need to process larger values, we need to do extra work to chunk the values into words and process these in turn. For example we can split a 32-bit value into two 16-bit values, process them separately, then concatenate the result. This obviously impacts performance. The point being that we are not necessarily limited to the word size, but processing larger values becomes much costlier.

Applied to memory addresses, this would mean how pointers are represented and what range of values can be addressed. For example, if the word size is 16 bits, then a pointer can point to any one of 65536 distinct memory locations.

An architecture can use the same word size for both registers and pointers, or different word sizes for different concerns. Commonly, a single word size is used (and, potentially, fractions or multiples of it for special concerns), that's why it's common to refer to a processor as a 32-bit processor, 64-bit processor etc.

Byte and word addressing

An implication of word size applied to memory addressing is how the machine accesses memory. Some architectures allow byte addressing, which means a pointer points to a specific byte in memory, while others support only word addressing, which means a pointer points to a word in memory.

This is another important decision when designing a computer. If we want to be able to address individual bytes, a 16 bit pointer can refer to any of 65536 bytes. That is 64 Kb. If our memory is larger than that, a pointer won't be able to address higher locations.

On the other hand, if we make our memory word-addressable, for our 16-bit example, a pointer can refer to any of 65536 16-bit words. 16 bits are 2 bytes, so our memory's upper limit is 131072 bytes (65536 x 2), which is 128 Kb. We can now refer to higher memory addresses, but we can't address individual bytes as before - address 0 is no longer the byte at 0, is the whole 2-byte word (since address 1 refers to the next 2 bytes and so on).

This difference becomes even more dramatic for higher word sizes. A 32-bit pointer can address 4294967296 bytes (up to 4 Gb of memory). Alternately, with word addressing, the same pointer can cover 16 Gb.

On the flip side, word-addressing is less efficient when the unit of processing is smaller. Let's take text editing as an example. Say we want to update a one byte character, like a UTF-8 encoded common character like a. If we can refer to it directly, we can load, process, and update its memory location using a pointer. If, on the other hand, this character is part of a larger word, we would have to process the whole word to extract the character we care about (masking bits we don't need to process), apply the update to the whole word, and write this word back to memory.

So depending on the scenario, byte or word addressing might make things faster or slower. Byte addressing is great for text processing - document authoring, HTML, writing code etc. Word addressing unlocks larger memory sizes and is great for crunching numbers - math, graphics etc.

Another important design decision is how to handle I/O.

Port-mapped I/O

One way to connect I/O to the system is through specific CPU instructions. For example, the CPU might have an inp instruction used to consume input and an out instruction used to send output. Programs can use these instructions to perform I/O. This is called port-mapped I/O, as I/O is achieved by connecting devices to the CPU via dedicated ports.

For example, let's extend our stack machine with an out instruction (also connecting an output to it):

class CPU:
    def __init__(self, memory, out):
        self.memory, self.out = memory, out
        self.stack, self.pc = [], 0

    def run(self):
        while self.pc < len(self.memory):
            instr, arg = self.memory[self.pc:self.pc + 2]
            self.process(instr, arg)
            self.pc += 2

    def process(self, instr, arg):
        match instr:
            case 0: # push
            case 1: # pop
                self.memory[arg] = self.stack.pop()
            case 2: # jmp
                self.pc = self.stack.pop()
            case 3: # add
                self.stack.append(self.stack.pop() + self.stack.pop())
            case 4: # out

Here is a program that prints Hello:

program = [
    0, 24, # push @24
    0, 25, # push @25
    0, 26, # push @26
    0, 27, # push @27
    0, 28, # push @28
    4, 0,  # out
    4, 0,  # out
    4, 0,  # out
    4, 0,  # out
    4, 0,  # out
    0, 29, # push @29
    2, 0,  # jmp
    111,   # this is @24
    108,   # this is @25
    108,   # this is @26
    101,   # this is @27
    72,    # this is @28
    10000, # this is @29

## Load program into memory
memory = [0] * 10000
memory = program + memory[len(program):]

def out(val):
    print(chr(val), end='')

CPU(memory, out).run()

Memory-mapped I/O

An alternative to port-mapped I/O is memory-mapped I/O. In this case, a certain address range of memory is used for I/O operations. That is, from the CPU's perspective, memory and I/O are addressed identically. But depending on the address range, data might reside in memory or it might actually come from/go to an I/O device.

Let's enhance our memory implementation (which so far was just an array) to support mapped I/O. In this case, any values written at address 1000 will be instead printed on screen:

class MappedMemory:
    def __init__(self, program):
        # MappedMemory wraps a list
        self.memory = [0] * 10000
        self.memory = program + self.memory[len(program):]

    def __len__(self):
        # Use underlying list's __len__
        return self.memory.__len__()

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        # Index in wrapped list
        return self.memory[key]

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        # If key is 1000, print
        if key == 1000:
            print(chr(value), end='')
        # Otherwise set in underlying list
            self.memory[key] = value

And here is the corresponding program that prints Hello (using the stack CPU without the out instruction and connected output):

program = [
    0, 24, # push @24
    0, 25, # push @25
    0, 26, # push @26
    0, 27, # push @27
    0, 28, # push @28
    1, 1000, # pop @1000
    1, 1000, # pop @1000
    1, 1000, # pop @1000
    1, 1000, # pop @1000
    1, 1000, # pop @1000
    0, 29,   # push @29
    2, 0,    # jmp
    111,     # this is @24
    108,     # this is @25
    108,     # this is @26
    101,     # this is @27
    72,      # this is @28
    10000,   # this is @29

## Load program into memory
memory = MappedMemory(program)


Note in this program we repeatedly set the value at address 1000 which is mapped to our output device (print()).


In this post we discussed some of the implementation details of machines and virtual machines:


A few years back I implemented a toy VM with 7 registers, 16 op codes, 128 KB of memory, and port-mapped I/O in 121 lines of C++. It comes with an assembler, examples, and, of course, a Brainfuck interpreter. Linking it here for reference: Pixie.

  1. See this SO question

  2. See the ARM documentation