Command Line Reference
Tinkerer is invoked using the tinker command with one of the following arguments:
--setup or -s
Sets up a new blog in the current directory. This command creates the required files and directories.
--post <POST> or -p <POST>
Creates a new post with the title <POST>. The filename is normalized by replacing all non-alphanumeric characters with _. The file path is determined based on date as $(YEAR)/$(MONTH)/$(DAY). By default, current date is used.
The new document is automatically inserted in the master document file so it is picked up by the build.
Alternately, if <POST> is the path to an already existing file, Tinkerer will move the given file to the $(YEAR)/$(MONTH)/$(DAY) directory corresponding to the current date and will insert the document in the master document so it is picked up by the build. This is how drafts are promoted to posts.
--date <yyyy/mm/dd> (can only be used with --post command above)
Creates a new post (or publishes a draft) at the specified date.
--page <PAGE>
Creates a new page with the title <PAGE> under the pages directory. The filename is normalized and the new document is automatically appended to the master document file so it is picked up by the build.
Alternately, if <PAGE> is the path to an already existing file, Tinkerer will move the given file to the pages directory and will append the document at the end of the master document file so it is picked up by the build. This is how drafts are promoted to pages.
--draft <DRAFT> or -d <DRAFT>
Creates a new draft with the title <DRAFT> under the drafts directory. The filename is normalized. The new document will be ignored by the Sphinx build until it is promoted to a post or a page (see above).
Alternately, is <DRAFT> is the path to an already existing file, Tinkerer will move the given file to the drafts directory and will remove the document from the master document file so it will no longer get built. This is how posts and pages are demoted to drafts.
--build or -b
Runs a clean Sphinx build. First, the blog/ directory is cleaned up (all files are removed) then Sphinx build is invoked.
--preview <PREVIEW>
Runs a clean Sphinx build including the draft specified by <PREVIEW>. The draft can then be previewed in the browser.
Prints Tinkerer version information.
Tinkerer does not support incremental builds because items like Recent Posts change with each new post. Clean build is always performed.
Optional Flags
Verbosity can be change with one of the mutually exclusive flags:
Quiet - no stdout output.
Outputs filename only. A call to --setup will output, a call to --post will output the post file path, a call to --page will output the page file path and a call to --build will output index.html. This can be used to pipe Tinkerer, for example:
tinker --post `Hello World!` -f | xargs vim
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