Chapter 9: Frameworks

Chapter 9: Frameworks


In this chapter:

This chapter covers frameworks we can use to bootstrap our large language model development. We build a bunch of utilities and systems from scratch throughout the book to get a better understanding of the underlying concepts. That said, we don’t have to start from zero when we’re ready to build a large language model-backed system.

We’ll start with a review of common building blocks. This is a recap of the various ideas we covered throughout the book – prompt templates, prompt selection and chaining, memory, vector databases, interacting with external systems, planning. These are all components built over the raw model APIs.

Next, we’ll look at some frameworks that provide some of these “out-of-the-box”. They might have different names or look slightly different, but the frameworks aim to abstract some of these blocks and provide a higher-level abstraction for working with large language models.

We’ll start with LangChain1, a popular framework for developing applications powered by large language model. We’ll learn about its modules: model I/O, retrieval, chains, memory, agents, and callbacks.

We’ll then take a look at Semantic Kernel2, an open-source framework developed by Microsoft for similar purposes. We’ll see templates, memory, plugins, planning and more.

While each framework choses different names, we’ll see how their components map to the building blocks we learned about. Since the field of engineering systems that incorporate large language models is new, the vocabulary hasn’t settled yet.

Finally, we’ll cover a few other interesting libraries you might use during development. These are less general-purpose, more focused on specific tasks. We won’t go over code samples here, rather give you some starting points for future exploration.

Let’s start with the recap of common building blocks.

Common building blocks

So far, we’ve been learning with concrete code examples of toy applications. This helped us better understand the underlying concepts that make up a solution built around a large language model. Now we can take a step back and look at things a bit more abstractly.

First, a large language model applications involves interacting with a generative pre-trained model (GPT) through prompts. Figure 9.1 shows a high-level.

Figure 9.1

Figure 9.1: High-level large language model-based system.

We relied on OpenAI models throughout this book, but all large language models have similar interaction models. There are a few things that are specific to OpenAI:

Outside of these specifics though, all large language models, even ones provided by other vendors, share the same interaction model:

These aspects are covered by frameworks aimed at facilitating development using large language models.


The best way to describe LangChain is by quoting the introduction from the Get started documentation page3:

LangChain is a framework for developing applications powered by language models. It enables applications that are:

The main value props of LangChain are:

  1. Components: abstractions for working with language models, along with a collection of implementations for each abstraction. Components are modular and easy-to-use, whether you are using the rest of the LangChain framework or not.
  2. Off-the-shelf chains: a structured assembly of components for accomplishing specific higher-level tasks.

Off-the-shelf chains make it easy to get started. For more complex applications and nuanced use-cases, components make it easy to customize existing chains or build new ones.

Components? Chains? As mentioned earlier, the vocabulary hasn’t settled yet *for this new field. We’ll look at these main value props of LangChain and see *how they connect with the concepts we discussed so far.

Let’s start by installing LangChain. Listing 9.1 does that.

pip install langchain

Listing 9.1: Installing LangChain.

Time to dive in.


Let’s implement the customary “hello world” using LangChain. Listing 9.2 shows how this will look like.

from langchain.llms import OpenAI

llm = OpenAI()

response = llm('Say "Hello world" in Python.')


Listing 9.2: “Hello world” using LangChain.

Running this code should output print("Hello world"), much like the first examples we saw in chapter 2, when we were getting familiar with the OpenAI API.

A few things to note: LangChain supports multiple models offered by various vendors – OpenAI, Azure OpenAI, Hugging Face, Cohere, LLAMA etc. The framework provides an abstraction where developers can use the same API and be able swap the underlying models. This is provided by a BaseLLM class. Vendor-specific APIs are available in the derived classes. In our example, we used the OpenAI class, which derives from BaseLLM.

The common API uses the model object as a function that sends a prompt to a large language model and returns the response as a string.

If we want a vendor-specific response we can use the generate() API instead. Remember, an OpenAI response is not just a string, rather it includes things like finish_reason and token usage. Listing 9.3 updates our example to use generate().

from langchain.llms import OpenAI

llm = OpenAI()

response = llm.generate(['Say "Hello world" in Python.'])


Listing 9.3: “Hello world” with OpenAI-specific response.

Running this code should output something like listing 9.4.

generations=[[Generation(text='\n\nprint("Hello world")',
generation_info={'finish_reason': 'stop', 'logprobs': None})]]
llm_output={'token_usage': {'prompt_tokens': 8, 'completion_tokens': 7,
'total_tokens': 15}, 'model_name': 'text-davinci-003'}

Listing 9.4: Content of the response object.

Note this includes all the information the OpenAI API returns. We haven’t specified a model when we created the LangChain OpenAI object, the default is text-davinci-003 at the time of writing (this model is deprecated so I expect LangChain will switch to a newer model soon).

Figure 9.2 shows the hierarchy of models.

Figure 9.2

Figure 9.2: LangChain hierarchy of models.

Note this is an abbreviation of the actual LangChain hierarchy for illustrative purposes.

If we use BaseLLM, we work with an API that can handle any model supported by the framework, so we can easily swap the underlying model. If we want more specific functionality, we go down the hierarchy: BaseOpenAI offers a common API over OpenAI models. Further down the hierarchy, we can use AzureOpenAI, which is specific for OpenAI models hosted on Azure or OpenAIChat for OpenAI chat completion models and so on.

The key takeaway is that we can use the common base API when we code our solution using LangChain and be able to easily swap the underlying models used if we want to try another vendor. The tradeoff is that we don’t get to leverage the vendor-specific capabilities.

If we do want access to vendor-specific information, that is still available to us. Though if we take a dependency on it, we won’t be able to swap out the vendor as easily.

LangChain also provides an abstraction over chat models, complete with a schema for representing human messages, AI responses and so on. Let’s update our “hello world” example again, this time to use gpt-3.5-turbo, as in listing 9.5.

from langchain.chat_models import ChatOpenAI
from langchain.schema import HumanMessage

llm = ChatOpenAI()

response = llm([HumanMessage(content='Say "Hello world" in Python.')])


Listing 9.5: “Hello world” using a chat model.

The LangChain schema module provides classes for HumanMessage, AIMessage, SystemMessage, FunctionMessage – all the usual suspects we’ve been dealing with, but now implemented as Python abstractions with multi-model support.

We won’t cover the full model capabilities provided by LangChain. In general, our aim is to overview the concepts. You can always refer to the framework’s documentation for all the nitty-gritty details. We should call out thought that LangChain provides many other facilities like keep track of token usage, streaming responses, and even a fake model we can use for testing to mock real model responses.


Prompt templating is another common building block that the framework provides. Let’s see how we can implement our English-to-French translator in LangChain. Listing 9.6 shows the code.

from langchain.chat_models import ChatOpenAI
from langchain.prompts import ChatPromptTemplate

template = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages([
    ('system', 'You are an English to French translator.'),
    ('user', 'Translate this to French: {text}')

llm = ChatOpenAI()

response = llm(template.format_messages(
    text='Aren\'t large language models amazing?'))


Listing 9.6: English to French translator using LangChain.

LangChain provides both PromptTemplate and ChatPromptTemplate classes for the corresponding model types. While our simple ChatTemplate class we used throughout the book was a thin wrapper over the OpenAI-expected format, LangChain aims to support multiple vendors.

Another difference is we’ve been using {{ }} to enclose parameters (this is called “handlebars syntax”, after the popular Handlebars JavaScript library4), while LangChain templates by default use single braces { }. This is configurable though, LangChain supports multiple syntaxes for templates.

LangChain prompt templates includes facilities for creating few-shot examples, partial templates (meaning we can fill in some of the parameters, then the rest later on), template composition, and more.

The framework also offers some great output parsing capabilities.

Output parsing

As we saw throughout the book, in many cases we would like the large language model to output in some format like JSON, so we can then write code that interprets that response and loads it into an object.

LangChain offers several output parser for some basic types, and a very rich JSON parser based on Pydantic5. Pydantic is a Python library for data validation – it allows developers to naturally define schemas (using Python classes and type annotations) and validates if data conforms to that schema.

We’ll implement a simple example that uses the PydanticOutputParser to both describe to the large language model what shape we want the response in, and to parse the response into a Python object (listing 9.7). We ask the model for a fact on some subject and expect it to respond with both a fact and a reference.

from langchain.chat_models import ChatOpenAI
from langchain.prompts import ChatPromptTemplate
from langchain.output_parsers import PydanticOutputParser
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field

class Fact(BaseModel):
    fact: str = Field(description='A fact about a subject.')
    reference: str = Field(description='A reference for the fact.')

parser = PydanticOutputParser(pydantic_object=Fact)

template = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages([
    ('system', 'Your responses follow the format: {format}'),
    ('user', 'Tell me a fact about {subject}')

llm = ChatOpenAI()

response = llm(template.format_messages(
    subject='data science'))


Listing 9.7: Parsing output into a Python object using PydanticOutputParser.

First, we define the shape of our Fact. We define this as having two fields, fact and reference, both strings. We also provide descriptions for the fields. Note we inherit from the BaseModel class – this is the Pydantic base class for defining schemas.

Next, we create a PydanticOutputParser based on our Fact.

We define a prompt template with parameterized format instructions (what shape of output we want from the model) and subject.

Then comes the magic – instead of us painstakingly describing to the model how it should format the output, we simply call parser.get_format_instructions(). LangChain takes care of this part for us – we go from a Python class definition straight to business.

Not only that, once we get a response from the model, we call parser.parse() on it and end up with an object of type Fact. This saves us a lot of work. In fact, LangChain also provides an OutputFixingParser which can send an invalid formatted output back to a large language model and ask for a fix.

So far we’ve gone from simply calling the model, to defining a prompt template and using that with the model call, to adding an output parser and formatting instructions. We have more and more pieces to juggle. LangChain aims to makes this easy for developers. It’s time to talk about components and chains.


In LangChain parlance, we’ve been dealing with various components. In our examples so far, the model instance (for example, a ChatOpenAI object) and our prompt template (for example, a ChatPromptTemplate instance), are considered components. Chains help combine components.

Definition: a chain is a sequence of calls to components, which can include other chains. Chains allow us to combine multiple components together to create a single, coherent application.

An example of a simple chain is taking user input, instantiating a template, making a large language model call, and getting a response.

A more complex chain can combine multiple chains, or chains with other components, for arbitrarily large workflows.

Let’s see how we can re-implement our fact prompting with output parsing using chains. Listing 9.8 shows the code.

from langchain.chains import LLMChain, TransformChain, SequentialChain
from langchain.chat_models import ChatOpenAI
from langchain.prompts import ChatPromptTemplate
from langchain.output_parsers import PydanticOutputParser
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field

class Fact(BaseModel):
    fact: str = Field(description='A fact about a subject.')
    reference: str = Field(description='A reference for the fact.')

parser = PydanticOutputParser(pydantic_object=Fact)

template = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages([
    ('system', 'Your responses follow the format: {format}'),
    ('user', 'Tell me a fact about {subject}')

prompt = template.partial(format=parser.get_format_instructions())

llm = ChatOpenAI()

llm_chain = LLMChain(

transform_chain = TransformChain(
    transform=lambda inp: {'fact': parser.parse(inp['json'])})

chain = SequentialChain(
    chains=[llm_chain, transform_chain])

print('data scientists'))

Listing 9.8: Combining chains.

Of course, since we’re dealing with toy examples, this sample might seem more convoluted than what we did in listing 9.7. That said, using chains scales much better as the size of our code and number of components increases.

Let’s go over the code:

Figure 9.3 illustrates how the chains connect.

Figure 9.3

Figure 9.3: Chain sequence.

We have 3 chains:

  1. We start with our SequentialChain, which takes the user input (the subject for which we want a fact, and sequences execution of the other two chains).
  2. The LLMChain takes the input, makes the large language model call, and returns JSON output.
  3. The TransformChain takes the JSON output and uses the parser to deserialize this into a Fact object.

Again, this might seem like overkill for our simple case, but it becomes much more useful in larger solutions, consisting of longer sequences.

In fact, LangChain also provides a pipe syntax (using the | operator) to string things together. This handles a lot of the stuff under the hood and makes chain creation very concise. Listing 9.9 shows the more concise implementation.

from langchain.chat_models import ChatOpenAI
from langchain.prompts import ChatPromptTemplate
from langchain.output_parsers import PydanticOutputParser
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field

class Fact(BaseModel):
    fact: str = Field(description='A fact about a subject.')
    reference: str = Field(description='A reference for the fact.')

parser = PydanticOutputParser(pydantic_object=Fact)

template = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages([
    ('system', 'Your responses follow the format: {format}'),
    ('user', 'Tell me a fact about {subject}')

prompt = template.partial(format=parser.get_format_instructions())

llm = ChatOpenAI()

chain = prompt | llm | parser

print(chain.invoke({'subject': 'data scientists'}))

Listing 9.8: Using pipe syntax to create chains.

This should look a lot better: we don’t explicitly mention any chain class anymore – in fact, we removed the imports from langchain.chains. We replaced all that with prompt | llm | parser. This reads as “send prompt to the llm, then send the response to parser.

As before, we run the whole thing by calling chain.invoke() and supplying the subject. Going forward we’ll use this syntax.

Memory and retrieval

LangChain also makes working with memory easy. The frameworks splits this into two separate modules: retrieval and memory. Note in chapter 5, when we discussed memory, we didn’t make this distinction.

The retrieval module focuses on connecting with external storage. External storage can be a file (multiple formats are supported, like CSV, JSON, Markdown etc.), a vector database, and even Google web search. Data can be retrieved from any of these storage mediums and injected into a prompt.

The memory module focuses on maintaining memory across large language model interactions, for example chat memory. LangChain provides more advanced memories like conversation summary and knowledge graph. We won’t cover all of these in depth – for this, I refer you again to the LangChain documentation.

We’ll look at implementing our Pod Racing Q&A in LangChain. As a reminder, we have our Pod Racing league dataset under the /code/racing folder in the book’s GitHub repo. Let’s see how we can use a vector store with LangChain to answer questions. Listing 9.10 reimplements our Pod Racing Q&A bot using LangChain.

from langchain.chat_models import ChatOpenAI
from langchain.document_loaders import TextLoader, DirectoryLoader
from langchain.embeddings.openai import OpenAIEmbeddings
from langchain.prompts import ChatPromptTemplate
from langchain.schema.runnable import RunnablePassthrough
from langchain.vectorstores import Chroma

loader = DirectoryLoader('../racing', loader_cls=TextLoader)
docs = loader.load()
db = Chroma.from_documents(docs, OpenAIEmbeddings())

retriever = db.as_retriever(search_kwargs={'k': 1})

template = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages([
    ('system', 'Your are a Q&A AI.'),
     'Here are some facts that can help you answer the following question: {data}'),
    ('user', '{prompt}')

llm = ChatOpenAI()

chain = {'data': retriever, 'prompt': RunnablePassthrough()} | template | llm

while True:
    prompt = input('user: ')
    if prompt == 'exit':


Listing 9.10: Pod Racing Q&A with LangChain.

Let’s go over the steps:

If we contrast this with the code in chapter 5, this version should look a lot more concise. This is expected – instead of us handcrafting each piece, we’re relying on a framework aimed at making this easier.

We just saw how we can connect a vector store to a chain and help answer questions based on an external dataset. All in just a few lines of code.

The other major piece we need to cover is interacting with external systems. We’ll see how we can do this with LangChain. For that, we need to look at agents.


LangChain documentation defines agents6 as:

Definition: The core idea of agents is to use a large language model to choose a sequence of actions to take. In chains, a sequence of actions is hardcoded (in code). In agents, a language model is used as a reasoning engine to determine which actions to take and in which order.

There are a few key components to this:

Contrasting this with what we learned so far, LangChain bundles the concepts of functions we saw in chapter 6, when we discussed interacting with external systems; and planning, which we saw in chapter 7.

In the LangChain framework, an agent handles both the planning (what action to take next) and external system interaction (using tools).

Agents can be used to build complex autonomous systems like Auto-GPT, which we mentioned in chapter 7. We won’t get that deep into it here – instead, let’s just see how we can use an agent and tools to reimplement our meeting scheduling solution from chapter 6. Listing 9.11 implements the same personal assistant as we saw in listing 6.8, using the external functions get_emails() and schedule_meeting().

from langchain.agents import AgentExecutor, OpenAIFunctionsAgent, tool
from langchain.chat_models import ChatOpenAI
from langchain.schema import SystemMessage

def get_emails(names):
    """Get the email addresses of a set of users given their names"""
    print(f'* Getting emails for {names}')

    address_book = {
        'John Doe': '[email protected]',
        'Jane Doe': '[email protected]',
    emails = {}

    for name in names:
        emails[name] = address_book[name]

    return emails

def schedule_meeting(subject, recipients, time):
    """Sends a meeting invitation with the given subject to the given recipient emails at the given time"""

    print(f"* Meeting '{subject}' scheduled for {time} with {recipients}")
    return {'success': True}

tools = [get_emails, schedule_meeting]

system_message = SystemMessage(content="You are an AI personal assistant.")

prompt = OpenAIFunctionsAgent.create_prompt(system_message=system_message)

llm = ChatOpenAI()

agent = OpenAIFunctionsAgent(llm=llm, tools=tools, prompt=prompt)

agent_executor = AgentExecutor(agent=agent, tools=tools, verbose=True)
    'Schedule lunch with Jane Doe for Monday at noon at Tipsy Cow')

Listing 9.11: Personal assistant with functions in LangChain.

We start with our mock functions, but this time around, instead of providing a JSON description of the functions, we use the @tool decorator and provide descriptions as docstrings (see sidebar for Python decorators and docstrings). We collect the tools in the tools variable.

Sidebar: Python decorators and docstrings

Python decorators7 are a language feature that allows you to modify the behavior of functions or class methods without changing their code. Decorators are functions themselves, taking another function as an argument, which they can wrap, extend, or otherwise alter the behavior of. Python offers syntactic sugar for this: a decorator function like tool() can be added on top of another function using @ (@tool) and the function underneath gets passed as a parameter to the decorator. The decorator returns a function with matching signature of the decorated function but can run additional code.

In our case, the @tool decorator registers the decorated function with LangChain as a function available to the large language model.

Python docstrings8 are strings which appear as the first thing in a module, class, or function. They are expressed using 3 quotes (""" or '''), and the Python compiler places them in the __doc__ attribute of the module, class, or function. At runtime, code can look at this attribute and retrieve the docstring – LangChain leverages this and pulls the docstring from the decorated tools to describe the functions to the large language model.

We then create a prompt. We do it a bit differently this time around – we start with a SystemMessage, then use the OpenAIFunctionsAgent.create_prompt() function to get our prompt.

We use ChatOpenAI() as the model (again, gpt-3.5-turbo).

We set up the agent: OpenAIFunctionsAgent is the LangChain agent that knows how to interpret OpenAI functions – it can translate our tools to the JSON description expected by the model and can interpret function call responses.

Finally, we create the agent executor, providing the agent and the available tools. We set it to verbose mode, so we can take a look at what is going on during execution. We run this with the prompt “Schedule lunch with Jane Doe for Monday at noon at Tipsy Cow”.

Listing 9.12 shows the verbose output.

> Entering new AgentExecutor chain...

Invoking: `get_emails` with `{'names': ['Jane Doe']}`

* Getting emails for ['Jane Doe']
{'Jane Doe': '[email protected]'}
Invoking: `schedule_meeting` with `{'subject': 'Lunch', 'recipients': ['[email protected]'], 'time': 'Monday at 12:00 PM'}`

* Meeting 'Lunch' scheduled for Monday at 12:00 PM with ['[email protected]']
{'success': True}I have scheduled a lunch meeting with Jane Doe for Monday at noon at Tipsy Cow.

> Finished chain.

Listing 9.12: Agent output.

The lines prefixed with * come from our mock functions. The rest is the agent executor verbose output.

As expected, based on the prompt, the first thing the agent does is call get_emails() to get Jane Doe’s email. Next, it calls schedule_meeting().

Note LangChain supplies the function calling mechanism under the hood. Translation from JSON response to function call is handled automatically. Similarly, the response is sent back to the model automatically. A lot of the glue we had to write in chapter 6 is now delegated to the framework.

We’ll conclude our LangChain discussion here. There’s a lot more to cover, but this should be enough to pique your interest and get you started. We’ll move on to discuss another framework with similar goals: Semantic Kernel. But before we start that, let’s do a quick recap of this section.

LangChain recap

We covered the fundamentals of LangChain: components and chains.

Components are modular pieces of functionality that handle some specific scenario like prompting, memory, or output parsing.

Chains stich together calls to components, enabling us to create workflows. Chains can be nested, as we saw with the SequentialChain sequencing execution of an LLMChain and a TransformChain.

We also saw how we can use LangChain to interface with memory, how to integrate with external code (tools), and how agents can automate execution of multiple steps. In our example, this was backed by the OpenAI function API.

The pipe syntax makes it easy and intuitive to express complex chains.

Semantic Kernel

While LangChain relies on components and chaining components to build large language model-based solutions, Semantic Kernel takes a different approach9:

Semantic Kernel has been engineered to allow developers to flexibly integrate AI services into their existing apps. To do so, Semantic Kernel provides a set of connectors that make it easy to add memories and models. In this way, Semantic Kernel is able to add a simulated brain to your app.

Additionally, Semantic Kernel makes it easy to add skills to your applications with AI plugins that allow you to interact with the real world. These plugins are composed of prompts and native functions that can respond to triggers and perform actions. In this way, plugins are like the body of your AI app.

With this framework, we have a kernel at the center, to which we connect plugins and memory, and rely on it for execution. Figure 9.4 illustrates this.

Figure 9.4

Figure 9.4: Semantic Kernel with connectors and plugins.

The kernel orchestrates execution. We use connectors to provide large language models (for prompt execution) and memory. We use plugins to connect functionality – these can be semantic functions (prompts) or native functions (code).

Let’s look at some concrete examples, starting with “Hello world”. Listing 9.13 installs Semantic Kernel.

pip install semantic-kernel

Listing 9.13: Installing Semantic Kernel.

Listing 9.14 is our “Hello world”.

import os
import semantic_kernel as sk
from import OpenAIChatCompletion

kernel = sk.Kernel()
kernel.add_chat_service('chat_completion', OpenAIChatCompletion(
    'gpt-3.5-turbo', os.environ['OPENAI_API_KEY']))

prompt = 'Say "Hello world" in Python.'

hello_world = kernel.create_semantic_function(prompt)


Listing 9.14: “Hello world” using Semantic Kernel.

We first create our kernel. Then we add a chat service to it – OpenAIChatCompletion using gpt-3.5-turbo. Like LangChain, Semantic Kernel also supports multiple model vendors.

Next comes the “Hello world” prompt. Then here is the framework-specific part: we use the prompt to create a semantic function. Semantic Kernel aims to provide a unified programming model across native functions – these are regular functions in our programming language – and semantic functions, which involve calling large language models. In this case, we create a semantic function based on our prompt, then we simply invoke it and print the result.

Let’s see how prompt templating works in Semantic Kernel. Listing 9.15 reimplements our English-to-French translator. The code is a bit more verbose than LangChain. One of the reason for that is that, unlike LangChain, which is a Python/JS framework, Semantic Kernel has Python, C#, and Java versions. Aiming to keep the API consistent across there languages, the Python version ends up being less concise.

import asyncio
import os
import semantic_kernel as sk
from import OpenAIChatCompletion
from semantic_kernel.semantic_functions.prompt_template_config import PromptTemplateConfig

kernel = sk.Kernel()
kernel.add_chat_service('chat_completion', OpenAIChatCompletion(
    'gpt-3.5-turbo', os.environ['OPENAI_API_KEY']))

prompt_config = PromptTemplateConfig(
        chat_system_prompt='You are an English to French translator.'

prompt_template = sk.ChatPromptTemplate(
    'Translate this to French: {{$input}}',

function_config = sk.SemanticFunctionConfig(prompt_config, prompt_template)

translate = kernel.register_semantic_function(
    None, 'translate', function_config)

text = 'Aren\'t large language models amazing?'

print(, input_str=text)))

Listing 9.15: English to French translator using Semantic Kernel.

We start by creating the kernel and adding OpenAIChatCompletion like before. We then create our prompt template. The prompt configuration captures things like temperature, max_tokens etc. We use the defaults, so the only thing we configure in the PromptTemplateConfig() call is the system message.

We then call sk.ChatPromptTemplate(). This function expects a template string, a template engine, and a prompt config. We use our translation prompt, note the syntax for template parameters: the parameter input is specified as {{$input}}. We use the kernel’s template engine and the config we just created.

Next, we convert the template into a semantic function. In our “Hello world” example, we just passed in the prompt. This won’t work here – the simple create_semantic_function() function works with basic templates, but in our case we have a chat template with a system message, so we use a different API: we create a function configuration from the prompt config and template (stored as function_config), then we register this with the kernel by calling kernel.register_semantic_function(). The first argument is an optional skill name (we won’t use this here), the second argument is the name we want to register the function as (translate), the third argument is the function configuration.

At this point, our kernel can translate from English to French.

Finally, we call kernel.run_async(), passing it a function and an input string. Semantic Kernel runs things asynchronously, so we use the Python asyncio library to wait for the result of the call and print it to the console.

While doing all this in code is verbose, Semantic Kernel provides a very neat way of doing this declaratively: we can create a plugin.


Now we’re getting closer to one of the main advantages of Semantic Kernel: a declarative way of defining semantic functions and a mechanism to easily load them. The general structure of a plugin is:

<Plugin folder>
|  |
|  |- config.json
|  |- skprompt.txt
   |- config.json
   |- skprompt.txt

A root plugin folder contains any number of functions. Each function is represented by a folder containing a prompt configuration (config.json) and a prompt template (skprompt.txt).

Let’s make our previous example declarative. Listing 9.16 represents the prompt configuration as JSON. We’ll save this under translate/to_french as config.json.

  "schema": 1,
  "description": "English to French translation",
  "type": "completion",
  "completion": {
    "max_tokens": 100,
    "temperature": 1,
    "top_p": 1,
    "presence_penalty": 0,
    "frequency_penalty": 0,
    "chat_system_prompt": "You are an English to French translator."

Listing 9.16: English to French translation JSON prompt configuration.

We’ll save the prompt template in listing 9.17 as translate/to_french/skprompt.txt.

Translate this to French: {{$input}}

Listing 9.17: English to French prompt template.

Following the plugin storage format, our plugin is translate, our semantic function is to_french. We could potentially add other functions under this plugin.

Now let’s see how we can load the plugin and translate (listing 9.18).

import asyncio
import os
import semantic_kernel as sk
from import OpenAIChatCompletion

kernel = sk.Kernel()
kernel.add_chat_service('chat_completion', OpenAIChatCompletion(
    'gpt-3.5-turbo', os.environ['OPENAI_API_KEY']))

translate_plugin = kernel.import_semantic_skill_from_directory('.', 'translate')

text = 'Aren\'t large language models amazing?'

    kernel.run_async(translate_plugin['to_french'], input_str=text)))

Listing 9.18: Importing a plugin from disk.

We simply call import_semantic_skill_from_directory() and pass it the root plugin directory and the plugin we want loaded. In our case, ./translate.

We again call run_async(), this time referencing the function by its name in the plugin we loaded. As you can see, this code is significantly more concise.

At the time of writing, Semantic Kernel doesn’t have a great way of specifying a chat template – the whole text document is interpreted as a user message, and the configuration JSON allows for a chat_system_prompt property, but no way to templatize a chat with multiple messages and roles. Also, unlike LangChain, Semantic Kernel doesn’t offer any built-in capabilities to deserialize model output into objects, so we’ll move on and look at how we can connect the kernel with an external memory.


Semantic Kernel offers connectors to multiple memory stores behind a unified interface, including a volatile in-memory store we can use for our examples.

Let’s reimplement our Pod Racing Q&A, this time with Semantic Kernel. We’ll start by specifying a qa_plugin. Listing 9.19 shows the configuration (it should go under qa/qa/config.json).

    "schema": 1,
    "description": "Q&A bot",
    "type": "completion",
    "completion": {
      "max_tokens": 100,
      "temperature": 1,
      "top_p": 1,
      "presence_penalty": 0,
      "frequency_penalty": 0,
      "chat_system_prompt": "You are a Q&A bot."

Listing 9.19: Q&A JSON prompt configuration.

Listing 9.20 shows the prompt template (it should go under qa/qa/skprompt.txt).

Here are some facts that can help you answer the following question: {{$data}}.


Listing 9.20: Q&A prompt template.

Now let’s look at the full Q&A implementation, with embeddings (listing 9.21).

import asyncio
import os
import semantic_kernel as sk
from import OpenAIChatCompletion, OpenAITextEmbedding

kernel = sk.Kernel()
kernel.add_chat_service('chat_completion', OpenAIChatCompletion(
    'gpt-3.5-turbo', os.environ['OPENAI_API_KEY']))

qa_plugin = kernel.import_semantic_skill_from_directory('.', 'qa')

kernel.add_text_embedding_generation_service('ada', OpenAITextEmbedding(
    'text-embedding-ada-002', os.environ['OPENAI_API_KEY']))


for f in os.listdir('../racing'):
    path = os.path.join('../racing', f)
    with open(path, 'r') as f:
        text =

while True:
    prompt = input('user: ')
    if prompt == 'exit':

    data ='racing', prompt, limit=1))

    context = kernel.create_new_context()
    context["data"] = data[0].text
    context["prompt"] = prompt

    print(['qa'], input_vars=context.variables)))

Listing 9.21: Pod Racing Q&A with Semantic Kernel.

The first part we saw before: we create a kernel, add an OpenAIChatCompletion service, and load our qa_plugin. Then comes the memory part:

Since we now have to pass 2 parameters to the template, we no longer use the default input_str, rather we create a context, we set data and prompt in it, then pass it to the qa_plugin as input_vars. This is how Semantic Kernel passes multiple variables to a semantic function call.

The result should behave just as all our other Pod Racing Q&A samples. Notice again the difference between LangChain and Semantic Kernel in the way the code is structured – rather than using a memory/retriever component we add to a chain, here we connect everything to the kernel (including memory store, embedding function etc.) and let it handle connecting the individual pieces under the hood.

Finally, let’s look at using Semantic Kernel to interact with external systems, and handle planning of how to complete a task.

Native functions and planning

So far, we looked at semantic functions – prompt templates we register with the kernel then we “invoke”, which means instantiating the template and interacting with the large language model. Semantic Kernel also supports native functions. We can register functions written in Python (or C# if we’re using the C# version of Semantic Kernel).

For this, we’ll use the @sk_function decorator, and the import_skill() kernel function. We’ll also use the SequentialPlanner to let Semantic Kernel to come up with the list of steps we need to execute to achieve our goal. Listing 9.22 shows all of this.

import asyncio
import os
import semantic_kernel as sk
from import OpenAIChatCompletion
from semantic_kernel.orchestration.sk_context import SKContext
from semantic_kernel.planning.sequential_planner.sequential_planner import SequentialPlanner
from semantic_kernel.skill_definition import sk_function, sk_function_context_parameter

kernel = sk.Kernel()
kernel.add_chat_service('chat_completion', OpenAIChatCompletion(
    'gpt-3.5-turbo', os.environ['OPENAI_API_KEY']))

class CalendarPlugin:
        description='Gets the email addresses of a user given their name',
        description='A name for which to return the email address'
    def get_email(self, context: SKContext) -> str:
        print(f'* Getting email for {context["name"]}')

        address_book = {
            'John Doe': '[email protected]',
            'Jane Doe': '[email protected]',

        return address_book[context['name']]

        description='Sends a meeting invitation with the given subject to the given recipient emails at the given time',
        description='Recipient email for the meeting invitation'
        description='Meeting subject'
        description="Meeting time"
    def schedule_meeting(self, context: SKContext) -> str:
        print(f"* Meeting '{context['subject']}' scheduled for {context['time']} with {context['input']}")
        return 'Success'

calendar_plugin = kernel.import_skill(CalendarPlugin(), 'calendar')

ask = 'Schedule lunch with Jane Doe for Monday at noon at Tipsy Cow'

planner = SequentialPlanner(kernel)
plan =

for index, step in enumerate(plan._steps):
    print("Function: " + step.skill_name + "." +
    print("Input vars: " + str(step.parameters.variables))
    print("Output vars: " + str(step._outputs))

result =

Listing 9.22: Personal assistant with functions in Semantic Kernel.

At the time of writing, Semantic Kernel doesn’t natively support OpenAI functions. Unlike LangChain, where we can simply use the OpenAIFunctionsAgent, which leverages OpenAI function calling, in this case the planner will output a set of large language model-generated steps, then execute them in sequence on the client.

To get this working, we need to lightly tweak our functions. Semantic Kernel is pickier with passing data between functions in a plan. We updated get_emails() to be get_email() and return a single email as a string. Both get_email() and schedule_meeting() take an SKConext as parameter, which will contain all the arguments for the function call. We also pass the return value of the first function to the second using the built-in input parameter.

With that said, let’s go over the code:

The output of running this code is shown in listing 9.23.

Function: calendar.get_email
Input vars: {'input': '', 'name': 'Jane Doe'}
Output vars: ['JANE_EMAIL']
Function: calendar.schedule_meeting
Input vars: {'input': '$JANE_EMAIL', 'time': 'Monday at noon', 'location': 'Tipsy Cow', 'subject': 'Lunch'}
Output vars: []
* Getting email for Jane Doe
* Meeting 'Lunch' at 'Tipsy Cow' scheduled for Monday at noon with [email protected]

Listing 9.23: Plan execution output.

Our debug output shows how the planner determined we should invoke the available functions, and with which arguments. Then we see our mock functions were indeed invoked with the expected parameters.

Note this is less autonomous than an agent – rather than let the large language model reason at each step which function to call, we have an upfront plan we run through. Semantic Kernel also offers a StepwisePlanner, which acts more like an agent and, after executing each step, it reassesses the plan and corrects course as needed. We won’t cover it here but feel free to explore.

A neat feature of Semantic Kernel, which we also won’t go into depth here, is that a plan can mix native and semantic functions – so part of the processing can be done by executing code, and part can be done by making large language model calls.

Semantic Kernel is a bit more verbose than LangChain, and at the time of writing doesn’t support some of the newer OpenAI features, but it is a solid framework for building large language model-powered solutions, including support for all we care about: prompt templating, support for multiple models, memory, planning, and mixing native code with model calls.

Semantic Kernel recap

Semantic Kernel aims to provide a central orchestrator to which we add connectors and plugins.

Connectors enable the kernel to interact with large language models and memory stores.

Plugins add capabilities to the kernel. They can take the form of semantic functions – prompt templates; or native functions – code. The framework provides a common abstraction where we can mix and match native code and prompts to build our solution.

Planners can handle complex tasks. We looked as an example of a SequentialPlanner, which takes a goal and generates a multi-step plan we can then execute. A StepwisePlanner can reevaluate the result of executing each step and course-correct if needed.

Other libraries

We’ll conclude this chapter with a quick overview of some other libraries. Note these are not full-fledged frameworks, rather libraries which aim to address one aspect of the ecosystem. LangChain and Semantic Kernel aim to be frameworks to underpin whole solutions. The libraries we’re covering in this section are more targeted – pull them in when you need some specific functionality.

We won’t go over any code here – feel free to check out the libraries and see where they would be useful.


From the Guardrails10 documentation:

Guardrails is a Python package that lets a user add structure, type and quality guarantees to the outputs of large language models (LLMs). Guardrails:

Guardrails is a library targeted at ensuring model output conforms to a defined schema, aiming to address the pain point of consuming model-generated output by code.

Guardrails uses the rail (Reliable AI markup Language) file format to specify output schema, validation, and what corrective actions to take if output doesn’t conform. An example of corrective action is re-prompting the model to address an issue.

We saw Pydantic when we covered LangChain: the Python library that allows us to define a class like Fact, then have LangChain parse model output into an instance of the class. Guardrails take this one step further, with richer validation and corrective actions.


From the Guidance11 documentation:

Guidance enables you to control modern language models more effectively and efficiently than traditional prompting or chaining. Guidance programs allow you to interleave generation, prompting, and logical control into a single continuous flow matching how the language model actually processes the text. Simple output structures like Chain of Thought and its many variants (e.g., ART, Auto-CoT, etc.) have been shown to improve performance.

Guidance provides an extremely rich template language. We express what we want as a prompt, and under the hood, Guidance will ensure the model provides output that conforms to the exact schema we want.

Unlike the simpler template languages we looked at so far, which mostly replace template parameters with actual values, in Guidance we can also specify parameters we expect the model to fill in, and define additional constraints like token counts, regular expressions to match and so on.

In the same template, we can mix our prompt input and output guidance for the model, enabling a very powerful way to create prompts.


From the TypeChat12 documentation:

TypeChat replaces prompt engineering with schema engineering.


After defining your types, TypeChat takes care of the rest by:

  1. Constructing a prompt to the LLM using types.
  2. Validating the LLM response conforms to the schema. If the validation fails, repair the non-conforming output through further language model interaction.
  3. Summarizing succinctly (without use of a LLM) the instance and confirm that it aligns with user intent.

Instead of us having to describe in words what we expect from a large language model, with TypeChat we can declare the schema of the expected response. The library translates this into a prompt. It also type-checks the model response, and if the response contains schema errors, it automatically re-prompts the model by passing it the error message.

TypeChat is a TypeScript library. The core idea comes from the fact that we usually ask models to output JSON when we want to connect them with other systems, and TypeScript is the best solution to express and validate JSON schemas.

Ideally, we don’t need to tune and find just the right prompt that gives us the response we expect, rather we just declare the types we want and let TypeChat take care of the rest.

The frameworks and libraries we covered in this chapter all aim to make integration of large language models in software solutions easier, either by providing a “batteries included” solution with everything you would need, or addressing a specific problem like ensuring model output can be readily consumed by code. In the next chapter, I’ll share some of my thoughts on where I see the field evolving.












