Chapter 10: Closing Thoughts

Chapter 10: Closing Thoughts

Closing Thoughts

In this chapter:

This is the final chapter of the book. By now we covered all the fundamentals, so here we’ll go over a few “big picture” concepts and think about the future.

The field is advancing at a break-neck speed. You will be surprised to learn just how much changed over just a few months, while I was writing this book. OpenAI updated their API, launched new models, and deprecated some existing models. While I fully expect some of the code samples I shared will stop working in a year or two, I believe the concepts this book is trying to convey will remain relevant for a lot longer.

We focused on large language models, with text prompts and text output. In this chapter we’ll briefly cover multimodal models, models that accept input and/or can generate output in different forms.

I’ll also briefly cover GPT-4. Note that using GPT-4 is more expensive than the GPT-3.5 models which we used throughout the book, but much more capable. Depending on your scenario, you might want to pay a premium for better output.

We’ll also take a quick look at ChatGPT plugins – these are “add-ons” developers can create and publish, and users can install to enhance their ChatGPT experience. This is not core to what we’ve been learning so far, since it is limited to ChatGPT, which is the OpenAI-hosted chat solution, but it gives us a glimpse of where things are going.

We’ll conclude with a few predictions about the future, and what we can expect to see in the years to come. These predictions will be speculations from my part, informed by previous trends in the software industry. They might or might not come to fruition, or they might end up in a different form. My goal is not to be 100% accurate, rather to get you thinking about where things are going – feel free to come up with your own predictions.

For starters, here is a (what I would consider funny) list of developments that forced me to revisit various parts of this book as I was working on the first draft.

While writing this book

To get a sense of the speed of innovation, I started writing this book in April 2023. When I picked up the project, GPT-4 was in private preview, with GPT-3.5 being the most powerful globally available model offered by OpenAI. Since then, GPT-4 opened to the public.

In June, OpenAI announced Functions – fortunately, this happened just before I started working on chapter 6, Interacting with External Systems. Before Functions, the way to get a large language model to connect with native code was through few-shot learning in the prompt, covered in the Non-native functions section.

Originally, I was planning to focus exclusively on this implementation. Of course, built-in support makes it easier to specify available functions and the model interaction is likely to work better – since the model has been specifically trained to “understand” function definitions and output correct function calls.

In August, OpenAI announced fine-tuning support for gpt-3.5-turbo. When I was writing the first draft of chapter 4, Learning and Tuning, the only models that used to support fine-tuning were the older GPT-3 generation models: Ada, Babbage, Currie, and Davinci. This was particularly annoying, as the quality of output produced by these models is way below gpt-3.5-turbo levels.

Now, with the newer models having fine-tuning support, I had to rewrite the Fine-tuning section.

text-davinci-003 launched in November of 2022, while gpt-3.5-turbo launched on March 1st 2023. When I started writing this book, text-davinci-003 was backing most large language model-based solutions across the industry, and migrations to the newer gpt-3.5-turbo were underway.

When I’m writing this, text-davinci-003 is deprecated to be removed by January 4, 2024 (to be replaced by gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct), and the industry is moving to adopt GPT-4.

I used DALL·E 2 to generate the art for each chapter in this book. Ironically, as I am writing this chapter, OpenAI announces DALL·E 3, with much better capabilities.

All this is to illustrate just how fast the field is moving and how much innovation is happening.

On one hand, my guess is this book won’t age very well – as OpenAI iterates on their APIs and models, I expect code samples will start breaking and any list of models or prices will not stay accurate for long. I knew this going in.

On the other hand, I hope the underlying principles of working with large language models that I walked through in this book – prompt engineering, memory, interacting with external systems, planning, and so on – will be relevant for a while. Understanding these fundamentals should help anyone ramp up in the space.

I expect more and more systems to integrate AI, and while the model capabilities will improve and the API signatures will change, fundamentally we’ll still be connecting a model to some code. Bridging the prompt/code divide includes both enhancing code with model intelligence and using code pieces to work around limitations of models (memory being a good example of this). The fundamentals will remain, but the ecosystem will evolve significantly – more on this in the following sections.

Multimodal models

The book focuses on large language models. That said, the latest generation of models is multimodal.

Definition: Multimodal models are models that can represent, learn from, and/or output different types of data: text, images, audio, etc.

At the time of writing, GPT-4 accepts only text input, but image inputs are supposed to come online in the future. This will make GPT-4 multimodal, taking input in different formats.

Multimodal models take us one step closer to artificial general intelligence (AGI), the holy grail of AI. As we saw when we discussed embeddings, all the way back in chapter 5, models are trained to come up with their own semantic representation of various concepts in a multidimensional vector space.

So far, we covered large language models like GPT-3.5, which take text input, process it into their internal representation, and generate text output. Other models, like DALL·E, take text input but produce images. The key insight is that different types of inputs – text, audio, images – can all be translated into the same internal representation and models can be trained to output in any number of different forms, text being nothing special.

Figure 10.1 shows a high-level representation of this.

Figure 10.1

Figure 10.1: High-level overview of a multimodal model.

The model can take different types of input. They all get encoded to some representation that is “understood” by the pre-trained neural network. Just like large language models predict most likely text to follow the prompt, the neural network will output a prediction which can then get decoded into some representation the model was trained to output.

A multimodal model doesn’t have to support all types of input and all types of output. In fact, what does “all” even mean? Text, audio, and images are common examples, but not all-encompassing. For example, we can train a model to take tactile input using sensors.

For a lot of the scenarios we covered, text input and text output are very well-suited. Especially when embedding a model in a larger software solution, where it ends up interacting with a broader software system, text is arguably the best interface. I am using “text” here in the broad sense – this includes schematized formats like JSON. Since we write code and interfaces that communicate via standard formats like XML, JSON, YAML and so on, and since large language models are trained not only on human writings, but also on large amounts of code, they “understand” and produce mostly correct code and schematized output.

That said, here are a couple of examples where multimodal is very handy:

As models get better at supporting multiple modes, it makes it much easier to develop more complex solutions.

In fact, while I used the term large language model throughout (and in the title) of the book, the more future-proof term is foundation model.

Definition: foundation models (or base models) are large machine learning models trained on vast amounts of data at scale. The purpose of these models is to be adaptable to a wide range of downstream tasks.

Note this broadens the definition of large language models: foundation models are large machine learning models. We no longer mention the type of the data they are trained on, as it doesn’t have to be text.

Large language models are foundation models, but foundation models represent a larger class, including models that deal with inputs and/or outputs beyond language. As more multimodal models come online, the term “foundation model” (or “base model”) will start replacing the very popular “large language model”.

Speaking of, GPT-4 is a large multimodal model1 that will soon support image inputs.


While GPT-4 is a model more capable than GPT-3.5, we mostly used gpt-3.5-turbo throughout the book. The reason for this is simply because gpt-3.5-turbo is cheaper to run, and sufficient for the toy examples we went over. That said, we can’t wrap up the book without at least mentioning GPT-4.

GPT-4 uses the same chat completion API, so if you know how to use gpt-3.5-turbo, you know how to use GPT-4. Feel free to try out, especially if your scenarios require more “smarts” than what older models can produce.

Price-wise, gpt-3.5-turbo with 4K context (that’s 4000 tokens combined input and output) costs, at the time of writing, $0.0015 / 1K tokens input and $0.002 / 1K tokens output. In contrast, GPT-4 with 8K context costs $0.03 / 1K tokens input and $0.06 / 1K tokens output2.

On the performance front, GPT-4 is consistently better than GPT-3.5 on a wide array of tasks, including coding, logic puzzles etc. and is less prone to hallucinations.

GPT-4 is what powers OpenAI’s ChatGPT Plus chat bot.

ChatGPT and plugins

ChatGPT is the OpenAI-hosted chat bot, accessible at The chatbot is a showcase of OpenAI’s capabilities – in fact, it is the project that generated all the buzz around large language models and ushered in this new age of AI. Once it launched, anyone could try it out and see what is possible.

For a premium subscription ($20/month at the time of writing) to ChatGPT Plus, you can install plugins to enhance your ChatGPT experience. For example, installing the OpenTable plugin, you can get restaurant recommendations and easily book reservations.

Plugins are very likely built on the same infrastructure as Functions, exposed through the OpenAI API, but showcase how interaction with external systems can happen “as part of the bundle”.

Developers author plugins as a web service with a manifest JSON file3. Plugins are published to a “store”, and ChatGPT Plus users can choose which plugins they want enabled in their chat session.

Under the hood, the JSON manifest describing the plugin API surface is consumed by the model, much like we saw we can provide Functions, and have the model ask us to call them and provide their output. In the ChatGPT case, this is all managed by OpenAI: function calls go to OpenAI backend, where the plugin web service is invoked, and the response is passed back to the model.

Figure 10.2 illustrates how this works.

Figure 10.2

Figure 10.2: ChatGPT plugins.

  1. Developers create plugins as web service endpoints plus manifest, the manifest being consumed by OpenAI. This makes the plugin available for users to install.
  2. Users pick which plugins they want to leverage.
  3. As needed, ChatGPT will call the plugin’s web service endpoint.

Important to keep in mind that the ChatGPT box in this diagram doesn’t represent just the large language model, but rather the whole service. This includes the glue code that interprets the model’s intent to call an external API, calling said API, passing the response back to the model etc. This is not visible to the users, who just pick the plugins and interact via the chat interface.

Note how plugins enable interaction with external systems as a service. All of the plumbing is hidden away. From the plugin developer perspective, they only need to implement their service and the manifest. From the user perspective, they only need to pick which plugins they want and start a conversation with ChatGPT.

I do expect a lot of the details we need to worry about today, like memory, external systems, planning, and so on will become lower-level implementation details and be abstracted away from developers.

Future direction

As mentioned in this chapter’s introduction, this section is speculative. I will write a few predictions, which might or might not come true, and hopefully inspire you to think about possible futures.

AI everywhere

With any new technology, there’s a question of whether it will live up to the hype. Over the past few decades, we’ve been through several major transformations. To give a few examples:

Of course, not all hyped technologies are guaranteed to become widely adopted or be transformational. A recent example is the crypto hype, which peaked with NFT tokens being sold for hundreds of thousands of dollars and other pyramid schemes.

I do believe AI will come to permeate a lot of what we do. GPT models showed what is possible and the world took notice. It’s hard to tell exactly what the end state is – whether there will be certain jobs fully replaced by AI and new jobs created for dealing with models; whether AI will be integrated in most software solutions, or there will be certain categories that will resist change; and so on.

Looking back at the past year, I would be surprised if AI “fizzles out”. That’s the reason the first chapter of this book is called “A New Paradigm”. I fully expect the way we build software will fundamentally change.


Currently running large models, language or otherwise, is both slow and expensive. Considering the opportunity, I expect a lot of innovation towards making models more readily available. This will span hardware and software.

Google developed Tensor Processing Units (TPUs) in 2015 to accelerate AI applications. That said, most AI workloads today run on Graphic Processing Units (GPUs). GPUs are great at parallel computation, so even though they were initially designed for image processing, they turned out to also be well-suited for AI workloads. Since everyone is trying to run large models, I do expect there will be renewed interest in optimizing hardware for AI-specific workloads. There will be more specialized units to make training and running large models cheaper and faster.

In the software space, I expect a lot of what this book covers to be abstracted away from developers. We identified a set of building blocks: prompts with context, memory, interacting with external systems, planning, and so on. As we saw in chapter 9, when we looked at frameworks, even the vocabulary hasn’t fully settled yet. As we explore the space, we will come up with standard patterns on how to do things and be able to provide higher-level abstractions.

Some of the capabilities will become part of the model interface. Good examples of this are the OpenAI Functions (building interaction with other systems into the API) and ChatGPT plugins. I wouldn’t be surprised if, for example, memory will become available “out-of-the-box”.

It’s also interesting to think about what the layers will be in the future. Today, frameworks are architected around the OpenAI (and other vendors’) APIs. We have the OpenAI API layer, and another layer represented by the frameworks that stitch together prompting, memory etc. An analogy in the cloud world is infrastructure as a service (IaaS) and platform as a service (PaaS). Initially, cloud vendors provided infrastructure – virtual machines that users deployed workloads on. The next abstraction layer was platform as a service – offering the platform directly. For example, instead of users having to deploy SQL Server on a set of virtual machines and manage that deployment, Azure SQL Server abstracts the virtual machine topology away from the users. Users get to connect to SQL Server without worrying about applying security patches to the underlying virtual machine and so on.

A possible future has more of the concerns we discussed, like memory, planning, and so on, become part of the abstraction. Instead of managing the whole infrastructure around the large model, the API comes as a layer on top of it, with these concerns built-in and handled automatically. ChatGPT with plugins is an early example of this.

Programming languages

An area where I expect some major innovation to happen is programming languages. Historically, we developed programming languages so we can “talk” to computers – programming languages are a way for us to convey our thoughts and requirements to a machine.

Large language models are great at processing natural language, so we interact with them with somewhat natural language. I say “somewhat”, because we’re discovering useful patterns like N-shot learning, superprompts, chain-of-thought, and other tricks to get better results.

As large model solutions permeate software systems, language design is going to be an area ripe for disruptions. What is the best way for a software system to “talk” to a large model? What is the best way for a large model to “talk” to a software system? What about model to model? I think we’re far from perfect here.

Maybe we want model output to be verifiable code we can run through a checker. Maybe we can train a model on a very different language than what humans use. For example, strong type systems provide good guarantees that the code behaves well, but the richer the type system, the more developers “struggle” to get code working. A good example of this is the infamous Rust borrow checker4. This struggle is for the best, as the final code has more correctness guarantees, but often times the code is hard to write or read. That said, all this language design was done for human-to-computer interactions (and by “computer” here I mean a deterministic, classic software system). There might be better ways to do this for computer-to-AI, AI-to-computer, human-to-AI, AI-to-AI interactions.

We’re already seeing early examples of this with libraries like Guidance, which we discussed in the previous chapter. Guidance offers a rich templating language to design prompts and ensure output comes out in the expected format. I expect a lot more ideas in the space – different way to mix natural language, code, and schema-conforming data.

Developer Tools

As of now, we’re using the same developer tools we use to write code to build solutions that leverage large language model. We likely need a new breed of dev tools for these solutions.

For example, we write code, and we write unit tests to ensure the code behaves as expected. What is the equivalent of this for prompts? How do we test a tweak in the prompt improves things? Code is deterministic. Pass or fail. Large language models are not. Output will be on a spectrum from pass to fail. How do we test a new prompt? Do we use an embedding model on an output and compute cosine distance to ideal output? Do we prompt another large language model to evaluate the output and rate it? Do we use a model with formally verifiable output language?

What does a prompt complier do besides replacing parameters with actual values? Should it do a grammar and spelling check? How will our IDE help with auto-complete when we’re creating a prompt?

I expect a lot of innovations in this space too. Once we identify common patterns, best practices, and better ways to interface with large language model, developer tools with follow to facilitate this.

Safety and security

We covered safety and security in chapter 8. This is an emerging field that is moving fast. This is a perfect target for hackers. We covered a set of attacks but there’s a lot more researchers are discovering. For example, supply chain attacks like a model trained with a built-in exploit that is not obvious until the model is deeply embedded into an organization’s systems.

Over the next few years, we’ll see some spectacular hacks and exploits of AI-based systems. In parallel, the AI security field will advance by leaps and bounds to ensure AI-powered solutions are secure.

On the safety side, we touched on a few high-level ethical concerns of using AI. This goes beyond the field of engineering, to philosophy and social sciences. As the world changes, we need to update some of our frameworks to accommodate artificial intelligence.

Speaking of which, how will we deal with artificial general intelligence?

Artificial general intelligence

Artificial general intelligence (AGI) is a touchy subject. When do we say an AI system has achieved “general” intelligence and what are the ethical implications of this? Are we close to AGI?

On one extreme, we could say that a machine will always lack some critical essence of humanity. Large language models have been called stochastic parrots, meaning they generate probabilistically likely language that sounds convincing, but without having any internal understanding of the meaning of the language.

On the other hand, we could cynically say humans are also stochastic parrots, processing inputs and producing outputs much like large models, and, for many scenarios, even less successfully.

We might be centuries away from AGI, or very close, or maybe it’s already here and we haven’t identified it yet.

As to the ethical implications of this, would turning off such an AI be equivalent to murder? Is imposing any constraints on such a system a deprivation of liberty? What are the rights of an AGI?

I don’t have answers for the above questions, but I personally think we might need to come up with some very soon.


  1. According to OpenAI: 


