January 10, 2024

Notes on Advent of Code 2023

I always have fun with Advent of Code every December, and last year I did write a blog post covering some of the more interesting problems I worked through. I'll continue the tradition this year.

I'll repeat my disclaimer from last time:

Disclaimer on my solutions

I use Python because I find it easiest for this type of coding. I treat solving these as a write-only exercise. I do it for the problem-solving bit, so I don't comment the code & once I find the solution I consider it done - I don't revisit and try to optimize even though sometimes I strongly feel like there is a better solution. I don't even share code between part 1 and part 2 - once part 1 is solved, I copy/paste the solution and change it to solve part 2, so each can be run independently. I also rarely use libraries, and when I do it's some standard ones like re, itertools, or math. The code has no comments and is littered with magic numbers and strange variable names. This is not how I usually code, rather my decadent holiday indulgence. I wasn't thinking I will end up writing a blog post discussing my solutions so I would like to apologize for the code being hard to read.

All my solutions are on my GitHub here.

This time around, I did use GitHub Copilot, with mixed results. In general, it mostly helped with tedious work, like implementing the same thing to work in different directions - there are problems that require we do something while heading north, then same thing while heading east etc. I did also observe it produce buggy code that I had to manually edit.

I'll skip over the first few days as they tend to be very easy.

Day 9

Problem statement is here.

This is an easy problem, I just want to call out a shortcut: for part 2, to exact same algorithm as in part 1 works if you first reverse the input. This was a neat discovery that saved me a bunch of work.

Day 10

Problem statement is here.

Part 1 was again very straightforward. I found part 2 a bit more interesting, especially the fact that we can determine whether a tile is inside or outside our loop by only looking at a single row (or column). We always start outside, then scan each tile. If we hit a |, then we toggle from outside to inside and vice-versa. If we hit an L or a F, we continue while we're on a - (these are all parts of our loop), and we stop on the 7 or J. If we started on L and ended on J or started on F and eded on 7 - meaning the pipe bends and turns back the way we came, we don't change our state. On the other hand, if the pipe goes down from L to 7 or up from F to J, then we toggle outside/inside. For each non-pipe tile, if we're inside, we count it. Maybe this is obvious but it took me a bit to figure it out.

def scan_line(ln):
    total, i, inside, start = 0, -1, False, None
    while i < len(grid[0]) - 1:
        i += 1
        if (ln, i) not in visited:
            if inside:
                total += 1
            if grid[ln][i] == '|':
                inside = not inside
            # grid[ln][i] in 'LF'
            start = grid[ln][i]
            i += 1
            while grid[ln][i] == '-':
                i += 1

            if start == 'L' and grid[ln][i] == '7' or \
               start == 'F' and grid[ln][i] == 'J':
               inside = not inside
    return total

In the code above, visited tracks pipe segments (as opposed to tiles that are not part of the pipe).

Day 11

Problem statement is here.

Day 11 was easy, so not much to discuss. Use Manhattan distance for part 1 and in part 2, just add 999999 for every row or column crossed that doesn't contain any galaxies.

Day 12

Problem statement is here.

Part 1 was very easy.

Part 2 was a bit harder because just trying out every combination takes forever to run. I initially tried to do something more clever around deciding when to turn a ? into # or . depending on what's around it, where we are in the sequence, etc. But ultimately it turns out just adding memoization made the combinatorial approach run very fast.

Day 13

Problem statement is here.

This was a very easy one, so I won't cover it.

Day 14

Problem statement is here.

This was easy but part 2 was tedious, having to implement tilt functions for various directions. This is where Copilot saved me a bunch of typing.

Once we have the tilt functions, we can implement a cycle function that tilts things north, then west, then south, then east. Finally, we need a bit of math to figure out the final position: we save the state of the grid after each cycle and as soon as we find a configuration we encountered before, it means we found our cycle. Based on this, we know how many steps we have before the cycle, what the length of the cycle is, so we can compute the state after 1000000000 cycles:

pos = []
while (state := cycle()) not in pos:

lead, loop = pos.index(state), len(pos) - pos.index(state)
d = (1000000000 - lead) % loop

With this, we need to count the load of the north support beams for the grid we have at pos[lead + d - 1].

Day 15

Problem statement is here.

Another very easy one that I won't cover.

Day 16

Problem statement is here.

This one was also easy and tedious, as we have to handle the different types of reflections. Another one where Copilot saved me a lot of typing.

Day 17

Problem statement is here.

Part 1

This was a fairly straightforward depth-first search, where we keep a cache of how much heat loss we have up to a certain point. The one interesting complication is that we can only move forward 3 times. In the original implementation, I keyed the cache on grid coordinates + direction we're going in + how many steps we already took in that direction. This worked in reasonable time.

Part 2

In part 2, we now have to move at least 4 steps in one direction and at most 10. The cache I used in part 1 doesn't work that well anymore. On the other hand, I realized that rather than keeping track of direction and how many steps we took in that direction so far, I can model this differently: we are moving either horizontally or vertically. If we're at some point and moving horizontally, we can expand our search to all destination points (from 4 to 10 away horizontally or vertically) and flip the direction. For example, if we just moved horizontally to the right, we won't move further to the right as we already covered all those cases, and we won't move back left as the crucible can't turn 180 degrees. That means the only possible directions we can take are up or down in this case, meaning since we just moved horizontally, we now have to move vertically.

This makes our cache much smaller: our key is the coordinates of the cell and the direction we were moving in. This also makes the depth-first search complete very fast.

best, end = {}, 1000000

def search(x, y, d, p):
    global end

    if p >= end:

    if x == len(grid) - 1 and y == len(grid[0]) - 1:
        if p < end:
            end = p

    if (x, y, d) in best and best[(x, y, d)] <= p:

    best[(x, y, d)] = p
    if d != 'H':
        if x + 3 < len(grid[x]):
            pxr = p + grid[x + 1][y] + grid[x + 2][y] + grid[x + 3][y]
            for i in range(4, 11):
                if x + i < len(grid):
                    pxr += grid[x + i][y]
                    search(x + i, y, 'H', pxr)

        if x - 3 >= 0:
            pxl = p + grid[x - 1][y] + grid[x - 2][y] + grid[x - 3][y]
            for i in range(4, 11):
                if x - i >= 0:
                    pxl += grid[x - i][y]
                    search(x - i, y, 'H', pxl)

    if d != 'V':
        if y + 3 < len(grid[0]):
            pyd = p + grid[x][y + 1] + grid[x][y + 2] + grid[x][y + 3]
            for i in range(4, 11):
                if y + i < len(grid[0]):
                    pyd += grid[x][y + i]
                    search(x, y + i, 'V', pyd)

        if y - 3 >- 0:
            pyu = p + grid[x][y - 1] + grid[x][y - 2] + grid[x][y - 3]
            for i in range(4, 11):
                if y - i >= 0:
                    pyu += grid[x][y - i]
                    search(x, y - i, 'V', pyu)

I realized this approach actually applies well to part 1 too, and retrofitted it there. The only difference is instead of expanding to the cells +4 to +10 in a direction, we expand to the cells +1 to +3.

Day 18

Problem statement is here.

Part 1

The first part is easy - we plot the input on a grid, then flood fill to find the area.

In the below code, dig is the input, processed as a tuple of direction and number of steps:

x, y, grid = 0, 0, {(0, 0)}
for dig in digs:
    match dig[0]:
        case 'U':
            for i in range(dig[1]):
                y -= 1
                grid.add((x, y))
        case 'R':
            for i in range(dig[1]):
                x += 1
                grid.add((x, y))
        case 'D':
            for i in range(dig[1]):
                y += 1
                grid.add((x, y))
        case 'L':
            for i in range(dig[1]):
                x -= 1
                grid.add((x, y))

x, y = min([x for x, _ in grid]), min([y for _, y in grid])
while (x, y) not in grid:
    y += 1

queue = [(x + 1, y + 1)]
while queue:
    x, y = queue.pop(0)

    if (x, y) in grid:

    grid.add((x, y))
    queue += [(x + 1, y), (x - 1, y), (x, y + 1), (x, y - 1)]


Part 2

Part 2 is trickier, as the number are way larger and the same flood fill algorithm won't work. My approach was to divide the area into rectangles: as we process all movements, we end up with a set of (x, y) tuples of points where our line changes direction. If we sort all the x coordinates and all y coordinates independently, we end up with a grid where we can treat each pair of subsequent xs and ys as describing a rectangle on our grid.

x, y, points = 0, 0, [(0, 0)]
for dig in digs:
    match dig[0]:
        case 0: x += dig[1]
        case 1: y += dig[1]
        case 2: x -= dig[1]
        case 3: y -= dig[1]

    if dig[1] < 10:
    points.append((x, y))

xs, ys = sorted({x for x, _ in points}), sorted({y for _, y in points})

Where digs above represents the input, processed as before into direction and number of steps tuples.

Now points contains all the connected points we get following the directions, which means a pair of subsequent points describes a line. Once we have this, we can start a flood fill in one of the rectangles and proceed as follows: if there is a north boundary, meaning we have a line between our top left and top right coordinates, then we don't recurse north; otherwise we go to the rectangle north of our current rectangle and repeat the algorithm there. Same for east, south, west.

Since we have to consider each point in the terrain in our area calculation, we need to be careful how we measure the boundaries of each rectangle so we don't double-count or omit points. To ensure this, my approach was that for each rectangle we count, we count an extra line north (if there is no boundary) and an extra line east (if there is no boundary). If there's neither a north nor an east boundary, then we add 1 for the north-east corner. This should ensure we don't double-count, as each rectangle only considers its north and east boundaries, and we don't miss anything, as any rectangle without a boundary will count the additional points. What remains is the perimeter of our surface, which we add it at the end. The explanations might sound convoluted, but the code is very easy to understand:

queue, total, visited = [(1, 1)], 0, set()
while queue:
    x, y = queue.pop(0)

    e = min([i for i in xs if i > x])
    s = max([i for i in ys if i < y])
    w = max([i for i in xs if i < x])
    n = min([i for i in ys if i > y])

    if (n, e) in visited:
    visited.add((n, e))

    total += (e - w - 1) * (n - s - 1)

    found_n, found_s, found_e, found_w = False, False, False, False
    for l1, l2 in zip(points, points[1:]):
        if l1[1] == l2[1]:
            if l1[1] == n and (l1[0] < x < l2[0] or l2[0] < x < l1[0]):
                found_n = True
            if l1[1] == s and (l1[0] < x < l2[0] or l2[0] < x < l1[0]):
                found_s = True
        elif l1[0] == l2[0]:
            if l1[0] == e and (l1[1] < y < l2[1] or l2[1] < y < l1[1]):
                found_e = True
            if l1[0] == w and (l1[1] < y < l2[1] or l2[1] < y < l1[1]):
                found_w = True
    if not found_n:
        total += e - w - 1
        queue.append((x, n + 1))
    if not found_s:
        queue.append((x, s - 1))
    if not found_e:
        total += n - s - 1
        queue.append((e + 1, y))
    if not found_w:
        queue.append((w - 1, y))

    if not found_n and not found_e:
        if (e, n) not in points:
            total += 1

total += sum([dig[1] for dig in digs])

Day 19

Problem statement is here.

Part 1

For the first part, we can process rule by rule.

Part 2

For the second part, start with bounds: (1, 4000) for all of xmas. Then at each decision point, recurse updating bounds. Whenever we hit an A, add the bounds to the list of accepted bounds.

Bounds are guaranteed to never overlap, by definition.

accepts = []

def execute_workflow(workflow_key, bounds):
    workflow = workflows[workflow_key]
    for rule in workflow:
        if rule == 'A':
        if rule == 'R':
        if rule in workflows:
            execute_workflow(rule, bounds)

        check, next_workflow = rule.split(':')
        if '<' in check:
            key, val = check.split('<')
            nb = bounds.copy()
            nb[key] = (nb[key][0], int(val) - 1)
            bounds[key] = (int(val), bounds[key][1])
        elif '>' in check:
            key, val = check.split('>')
            nb = bounds.copy()
            nb[key] = (int(val) + 1, nb[key][1])
            bounds[key] = (bounds[key][0], int(val))

        execute_workflow(next_workflow, nb)

execute_workflow('in', {'x': (1, 4000), 'm': (1, 4000), 'a': (1, 4000), 's': (1, 4000)})

This gives us all accepted ranges for each of x, m, a, and s.

Day 20

Problem statement is here.

Part 1

For the first part, we can model the various module types as classes with a common interface and different implementations. Since one of the requirements is to process pulses in the order they are sent, we will use a queue rather than have objects call each other based on connections. So rather than module A directly calling connected module B when it receives a signal (which would cause out-of-order processing), model A will just queue a signal for module B, which will be processed once the signals queued before this one are already processed.

I won't share the code here as it is straightforward. You can find it on my GitHub.

Part 2

This one was one of the most interesting problems this year. Simply simulating button presses wouldn't work. I ended up dumping the diagram as a dependency graph and it looks like the only module that signals rx is a conjunction module with multiple inputs.

Conjunction modules emit a low pulse when they remember high pulses being sent by all their connected inputs. In this case, we can simulate button presses and keep track when each input to this conjunction module emits a high pulse. Then we compute the least common multiple of these to determine when the rx module will get a low signal.

My full solution is here, though I'm still pretty sure it is topology-dependent. Meaning we might have a different set up where the inputs to this conjunction model are not fully independent, which might make LCM not return the correct answer.

Day 21

Problem statement is here.

Part 1

Part 1 is trivial, we can easily simulate 64 steps and count reachable spots.

Part 2

The second part is much more tricky - this is actually the problem I spent the most time on. Since the garden is infinite, and we are looking for a very high number of steps, we can't use the same approach as in part 1 to simply simulate moves.

Let's now call a tile a repetition of the garden on our infinite grid. Say we start with the garden at (0, 0). Then as we expand beyond its bounds, we reach tiles (-1, 0), (1, 0), (0, -1), (0, 1), which are repetitions of our initial garden.

The two observations that helped here were:

  1. Once we reach all possible spots in a garden, following steps just cycle between the same two sets of reachable spots. Meaning once we spend enough time in a garden, we know how many steps are reachable in that particular garden by just looking at the modulo of total number of steps.
  2. As the number of steps increases over the infinitely repeating garden, there is a pattern to how the covered area grows. This is a diamond shape where the center is always fully covered garden tiles (see the first observation above) and the surrounding tiles are at various stages of being visited.

In fact, after we grow beyond the first 4 surrounding tiles, it seems like the garden grows with a periodicity of the size of the garden. Meaning every len(grid) steps, we reach new tiles. There are a few cases to consider - north, east, south, west, diagonals.

My approach was to do a probe - simulate the first few steps and record the results.

def probe():
    dx, dy = len(grid) // 2, len(grid[0]) // 2
    tiles, progress = {(dx, dy)}, {(0, 0): {0: 1}}
    i = 0
    while len(progress) < 41:
        i += 1
        new_tiles = set()
        for x, y in tiles:
            if grid[(x - 1) % len(grid)][y % len(grid[0])] != '#':
                new_tiles.add((x - 1, y))
            if grid[(x + 1) % len(grid)][y % len(grid[0])] != '#':
                new_tiles.add((x + 1, y))
            if grid[x % len(grid)][(y - 1) % len(grid[0])] != '#':
                new_tiles.add((x, y - 1))
            if grid[x % len(grid)][(y + 1) % len(grid[0])] != '#':
                new_tiles.add((x, y + 1))

        tiles = new_tiles

        for x, y in tiles:
            sq_x, sq_y = x // len(grid), y // len(grid[0])
            if (sq_x, sq_y) not in progress:
                progress[(sq_x, sq_y)] = {}
            if i not in progress[(sq_x, sq_y)]:
                progress[(sq_x, sq_y)][i] = 0
            progress[(sq_x, sq_y)][i] += 1

    return progress

Here progress keeps track, for each tile (keyed as set of (x, y) coordinates offset from (0, 0)), of how many spots are reachable at a given time. I run this until progress grows enough for the repeating pattern to show - because we start from the center of a garden but in all other tiles we enter from a side, it takes a couple of iterations for the pattern to stabilize. My guess is this probe could be smaller with some better math, but that's what I have.

With this, given a number of steps, we can reduce it using steps % len(grid) to a smaller value we can loop in our progress record. The reasoning being, if the pattern repeats, it doesn't really matter whether we are 3 steps into tile (-1000, 0) or 3 steps into tile (-3, 0).

The tedious part was determining the right offsets and special cases when computing the total number of squares. For example, even for the tiles that are fully covered, we'll have a subset where tiles are on the odd state of squares and a subset where tiles are on the “even" state.

I ended up with the following formula (which might still be buggy, but seemed to have worked for my input):

def at(x, y, step):
    return progress[(x, y)][step] if step in progress[(x, y)] else 0

def count(steps):
    even, odd = (1, 0) if steps % 2 == 0 else (0, 1)

    for i in range(1, steps // len(grid)):
        if steps % 2 == 0:
            if i % 2 == 0:
                even += 4 * i
                odd += 4 * i
            if i % 2 == 0:
                odd += 4 * i
                even += 4 * i

    total = even * at(0, 0, len(grid) * 2) + odd * at(0, 0, len(grid) * 2 + 1)

    total += at(-3, 0, len(grid) * 3 + steps % len(grid))
    total += at(3, 0, len(grid) * 3 + steps % len(grid))
    total += at(0, -3, len(grid) * 3 + steps % len(grid))
    total += at(0, 3, len(grid) * 3 + steps % len(grid))

    i = steps // len(grid) - 1

    total += i * at(-1, -1, len(grid) * 2 + steps % len(grid))
    total += i * at(-1, 1, len(grid) * 2 + steps % len(grid))
    total += i * at(1, -1, len(grid) * 2 + steps % len(grid))
    total += i * at(1, 1, len(grid) * 2 + steps % len(grid))
    i += 1
    total += i * at(-2, -1, len(grid) * 2 + steps % len(grid))
    total += i * at(-2, 1, len(grid) * 2 + steps % len(grid))
    total += i * at(2, -1, len(grid) * 2 + steps % len(grid))
    total += i * at(2, 1, len(grid) * 2 + steps % len(grid))
    return total

I'm covering all inner even and “odd" tiles, then the directly north, east, south, and west tiles, then two layers of diagonals. Again, I have a feeling this could be simpler, but I didn't bother to optimize it further.

Day 22

Problem statement is here.

Part 1

For part one, we sort bricks by z coordinate (ascending), then we make each brick fall. We do this by decrementing their z coordinate and checking whether they intersect with any other brick.

def intersect(brick1, brick2):
    if brick1[0].x > brick2[1].x or brick1[1].x < brick2[0].x:
        return False
    if brick1[0].y > brick2[1].y or brick1[1].y < brick2[0].y:
        return False
    if brick1[0].z > brick2[1].z or brick1[1].z < brick2[0].z:
        return False
    return True

def slide_down(brick, delta):
    return (Point(brick[0].x, brick[0].y, brick[0].z - delta), Point(brick[1].x, brick[1].y, brick[1].z - delta))

def fall(brick):
    if min(brick[0].z, brick[1].z) == 1:
        return 0

    result, orig = 0, brick
    while True:
        brick = slide_down(brick, 1)
        for b in bricks:
            if b == orig:

            if intersect(brick, b):
                return result

        result += 1
        if min(brick[0].z, brick[1].z) == 1:
            return result

bricks = sorted(bricks, key=lambda b: min(b[0].z, b[1].z))

for i, brick in enumerate(bricks):
    if delta := fall(brick):
        bricks[i] = slide_down(brick, delta)

Once every brick that could fall has fallen to its final position, we need to find the critical bricks - the bricks that are the only support for some other bricks. We do this by shifting down each brick again 1 z and determining how many bricks it intersects with. If a shifted brick only intersects with one other brick, that is a “criticalbrick, so we add it to our set of “critical support bricks. All other bricks can be safely removed.

critical = set()
for brick in bricks:
    if brick[0].z == 1 or brick[1].z == 1:

    supported_by = []
    nb = slide_down(brick, 1)
    for i, b in enumerate(bricks):
        if brick == b:

        if intersect(nb, b):

    if len(supported_by) == 1:

print(len(bricks) - len(critical))

Part 2

In part 2, we need to figure out which bricks is each brick supported by. We can use a similar algorithm to part 1, where we shift z by 1 and check which bricks we intersect. Then we can build a dependency graph of which bricks is supported by which other bricks.

supported_by = {}
for i, brick in enumerate(bricks):
    supported_by[i] = set()

    if brick[0].z == 1 or brick[1].z == 1:

    nb = slide_down(brick, 1)
    for j, b in enumerate(bricks):
        if i == j:

        if intersect(nb, b):

Then for each brick we remove, we can walk the supported by dependencies to determine which bricks would fall and would, in turn, cause other bricks to fall, without having to actually simulate falling.

def count_falling(i):
    sup = {k: supported_by[k].copy() for k in supported_by.keys()}
    queue, removed = [i], set()
    while queue:
        i = queue.pop(0)
        if i in removed:

        for j in sup:
            if i in sup[j]:
                if len(sup[j]) == 0:

    return len(removed) - 1

print(sum(count_falling(i) for i in range(len(supported_by))))

Day 23

Problem statement is here.

The main insight here for both part 1 and part 2 is that we can model the paths as a graph where each intersection (decision point) is a vertex and the paths between intersections are edges. With this representation, we simply need to find the longest path between our starting point and our end point.

In part 1, we have a directed graph, as right before hitting each intersection, we have a ><^v constraint, making the path one-way. In part 2, we have an undirected graph.

Note that the longest path problem in a graph is harder than the shortest path problem. That said, we are dealing with extremely small graphs.

Day 24

Problem statement is here.

Part 1

Part 1 was fairly straightforward: for each pair of lines, solve the equation to find where they meet and check if within bounds (when lines are not parallel).

Since each line is described by a point \((x_{origin}, y_{origin})\) and a vector \((dx, dy)\), we can represent them as

\[\begin{cases} x = x_{origin} + dx * t \\ y = y_{origin} + dy * t \end{cases}\]

Then the lines intersect when

\[\begin{cases} x_1 + dx_1 * t_1 = x_2 + dx_2 * t_2 \\ y_1 + dy_1 * t_1 = y_2 + dy_2 * t_2 \end{cases}\]

We know all of \((x_1, y_1), (dx_1, dy_1), (x_2, y_2), (dx_2, dy_2)\) so we solve for \(t_1\) and \(t_2\).

def intersect(p1, v1, p2, v2):
    if v1.dx / v1.dy == v2.dx / v2.dy:
        return None, None

    t2 = (v1.dx * (p2.y - p1.y) + v1.dy * (p1.x - p2.x)) / (v2.dx * v1.dy - v2.dy * v1.dx)
    t1 = (p2.y + v2.dy * t2 - p1.y) / v1.dy

    return t1, t2

Once we have t1 and t2, we need to check both are positive (so intersection didn't happen in the past), and make sure the intersection point, which is either x1 + dx1 * t1, y1 + dx1 * t1 or x2 + dx2 * t2, y2 + dx2 * t2, is within our bounds (at least 200000000000000 and at most 400000000000000).

If that's the case, then we found an intersection and we can add it to the total.

Part 2

Part 2 was really fun. We now have 3 dimensions, so a line is represented as

\[\begin{cases} x = x_{origin} + dx * t \\ y = y_{origin} + dy * t \\ z = z_{origin} + dz * t \end{cases}\]

We need to find a line (the trajectory of our rock) that intersects each line in our input at a different time, such that for some \(t\) and line \(l\), we have

\[\begin{cases} x_{origin_{l}} + dx_l * t = x_{origin_{rock}} + dx_{rock} * t \\ y_{origin_{l}} + dy_l * t = y_{origin_{rock}} + dy_{rock} * t \\ z_{origin_{l}} + dz_l * t = z_{origin_{rock}} + dz_{rock} * t \end{cases}\]

One way to solve this is using linear algebra. If we take 3 different hailstorms and our rock, we end up with the following set of equations:

\[\begin{cases} x_{origin_{1}} + dx_1 * t_1 = x_{origin_{rock}} + dx_{rock} * t_1 \\ y_{origin_{1}} + dy_1 * t_1 = y_{origin_{rock}} + dy_{rock} * t_1 \\ z_{origin_{1}} + dz_1 * t_1 = z_{origin_{rock}} + dz_{rock} * t_1 \\ x_{origin_{2}} + dx_2 * t_2 = x_{origin_{rock}} + dx_{rock} * t_2 \\ y_{origin_{2}} + dy_2 * t_2 = y_{origin_{rock}} + dy_{rock} * t_2 \\ z_{origin_{2}} + dz_2 * t_2 = z_{origin_{rock}} + dz_{rock} * t_2 \\ x_{origin_{3}} + dx_3 * t_3 = x_{origin_{rock}} + dx_{rock} * t_3 \\ y_{origin_{3}} + dy_3 * t_3 = y_{origin_{rock}} + dy_{rock} * t_3 \\ z_{origin_{3}} + dz_3 * t_3 = z_{origin_{rock}} + dz_{rock} * t_3 \end{cases}\]

In the above system, we know all of the starting points and vectors of the hailstorms. Our unknowns are \(t_1\), \(t_2\), \(t_3\), \(x_{origin_{rock}}\), \(y_{origin_{rock}}\), \(z_{origin_{rock}}\), \(dx_{rock}\), \(dy_{rock}\), \(dz_{rock}\). That's 9 unknowns to 9 equations, so it should be solvable.

While this approach works, I didn't want to use a numerical library to solve this (I'm trying to keep dependencies at a minimum), and implementing the math from scratch was a bit too much for me. I thought of a different approach: as long as we can find a rock trajectory that intersects the first couple of hailstorms at the right times, we most likely found our solution.

\[\begin{cases} x_{origin_{rock}} + dx_{rock} * t_1 = x_1 + dx_1 * t_1 \\ y_{origin_{rock}} + dy_{rock} * t_1 = y_1 + dy_1 * t_1 \\ x_{origin_{rock}} + dx_{rock} * t_2 = x_2 + dx_2 * t_2 \\ y_{origin_{rock}} + dy_{rock} * t_2 = y_2 + dy_2 * t_2 \end{cases}\]

If we solve this for \(t_1\) and \(t_2\), we can then easily determine \(z_{origin_{rock}}\) and \(dz_{rock}\).

In the above set of equations, we have too many unknowns: \(x_{origin_{rock}}, dx_{rock}, y_{origin_{rock}}, dy_{rock}, t_1, t_2\). We can reduce this number by trying out different values for a couple of these unknowns. While the ranges of possible values for \(x_{origin_{rock}}, y_{origin_{rock}}, t_1, t_2\) are very large, so unfeasible to cover, \(dx_{origin}\) and \(dy_{origin}\) ranges should be small - if these values are large, our rock will quickly shoot past all the other hailstorms.

My approach was to try all possible values between -1000 and 1000 for both of these, then see if we can find \(x_{origin_{rock}}, y_{origin_{rock}}, t_1, t_2\) such that these intersect the first two hailstorms. If we do, we then find \(z_{origin_{rock}}, dz_{rock}\) (easy to find since now we know \(t_1, t_2\)). We have an additional helpful constraint: the origin coordinates of the rock need to be integers.

Then we just need to check that indeed for the given \((x_{origin_{rock}}, y_{origin_{rock}}, z_{origin_{rock}})\) and \((dx_{rock}, dy_{rock}, dz_{rock})\), for each hailstorm, there is a time \(t_i\) when they intersect.

Here is the code:

def find(rng):
    for dx in range(-rng, rng):
        for dy in range(-rng, rng):
            x1, y1, z1 = hails[0][0]
            dx1, dy1, dz1 = hails[0][1]
            x2, y2, z2 = hails[1][0]
            dx2, dy2, dz2 = hails[1][1]

            # x + dx * t1 = x1 + dx1 * t1
            # y + dy * t1 = y1 + dy1 * t1
            # x + dx * t2 = x2 + dx2 * t2
            # y + dy * t2 = y2 + dy2 * t2

            # x = x1 + t1 * (dx1 - dx)        
            # t1 = (x2 - x1 + t2 * (dx2 - dx)) / (dx1 - dx)
            # y = y1 + (x2 - x1 + t2 * (dx2 - dx)) * (dy1 - dy) / (dx1 - dx)
            # t2 = ((y2 - y1) * (dx1 - dx) - (dy1 - dy) * (x2 - x1)) / ((dy1 - dy) * (dx2 - dx) + (dy - dy2) * (dx1 - dx))

            if (dy1 - dy) * (dx2 - dx) + (dy - dy2) * (dx1 - dx) == 0:

            t2 = ((y2 - y1) * (dx1 - dx) - (dy1 - dy) * (x2 - x1)) / ((dy1 - dy) * (dx2 - dx) + (dy - dy2) * (dx1 - dx))

            if not t2.is_integer() or t2 < 0:

            if (dx1 - dx) == 0:

            y = y1 + (x2 - x1 + t2 * (dx2 - dx)) * (dy1 - dy) / (dx1 - dx)

            if not y.is_integer():

            t1 = (x2 - x1 + t2 * (dx2 - dx)) / (dx1 - dx)

            if not t1.is_integer() or t1 < 0:

            x = x1 + t1 * (dx1 - dx)        

            # z + dz * t1 = z1 + dz1 * t1
            # z + dz * t2 = z2 + dz2 * t2        

            # dz = (z1 + dz1 * t1 - z2 - dz2 * t2) / (t1 - t2)
            # z = z1 + dz1 * t1 - dz * t1

            if t1 == t2:

            dz = (z1 + dz1 * t1 - z2 - dz2 * t2) / (t1 - t2)

            if not dz.is_integer():

            z = z1 + dz1 * t1 - dz * t1

In the above x, y, z, dx, dy, dz are the rock's origin and vector.

The final step (omitted from the code sample for brevity), is to confirm that for the given origin and vector, we end up eventually intersecting all other hailstorms.

I really enjoyed this problem as it made me work through the math.

Day 25

Problem statement is here.

I liked this problem. It turned out to be a variation of the minimum cut problem. Trying out all possible permutations of nodes would take way too much time. The algorithm I used keeps track of a set of visited nodes - one of the two components. Then at each step, we add a new node to this set by selecting the most connected node to this component (meaning the node that has most edges incoming from visited nodes).

most_connected() determines which node we want to pick next:

def most_connected(visited):
    best_n, best_d = None, 0
    for n in graph:
        if n in visited:

        neighbors = sum(1 for v in graph[n] if v in visited)
        if neighbors > best_d:
            best_n, best_d = n, neighbors

    return best_n

Then we keep going until our component has exactly 3 outgoing edges to nodes that haven't ben visited yet:

def find_components():
    start = list(graph.keys())[0]
    visited = {start}
    while len(visited) < len(graph):
        total = 0
        for n in visited:
            total += sum(1 for v in graph[n] if v not in visited)
        if total == 3:
            return visited

        n = most_connected(visited)

That's where we need to make the cut. We just need to multiply len(visited) with len(graph) - len(visited) to find our answer.

I personally found the most difficult problems to be part 2 of day 20, 21, 24 and the one and only part of day 25. All of these took me a bit to figure out. That said, Advent of Code is always a nice holiday past-time and I can't wait for the 2024 iteration.