July 16, 2018

Implementing a Variant Type in C#

A variant, or discriminated union type1, is a type that can hold a value of any of a finite set of types. For example, a Variant<int, string> can hold either an int or a string value. This is also known as a sum type, as its domain is the sum of the int and string domains. Contrast this with a Tuple<int, string>, also known as a product type, which holds both an int and a string (so its domain is the product of the int and string domains).

First, let's look at how something like this would be achieved without a Variant type. Let's take an expression tree where a node can be either an int value or an expression consisting of an operation (let's say addition and multiplication) and two operands which are in turn nodes. We could implement this by starting with an INode base interface and deriving our types from that:

enum Op { Add, Mul }

interface INode { }

class ExpressionNode : INode
    public Op Op { get; set; }
    public INode Left { get; set; }
    public INode Right { get; set; }

class ValueNode : INode
    public int Value { get; set; }

This works, but has a couple of drawbacks -- first, to discriminate between the types allowed to be part of the tree and the types that aren't, we need to establish a typing relationship and force every type of node in our tree to implement a dummy INode interface. In the case of a value, even though we just need an int, we must wrap it into a ValueNode class because int itself does not implement INode.

Another drawback is that in many cases we want to restrict the types that can participate in our system (in this case our expression tree). This is harder to enforce via an interface, as one could always implement some other class FooNode : INode and there is no compile-time way to prevent this node from becoming part of our tree.

This is how the above tree would be declared if we had a Variant<T1, T2>:

enum Op { Add, Mul }

class Expression
    public Op Op { get; set; }
    public Variant<Expression, int> Left { get; set; }
    public Variant<Expression, int> Right { get; set; }

First, we no longer need an INode, as it would get replaced by Variant<Expression, int>, which effectively translates to it's either an Expression or an int. There is also no room to sneak in another type without being explicit about it. We do not need to wrap int into another class either just to make it conform to our hierarchy, as a Variant can handle it directly.

So how would we go about designing such a generic variant in C#?

Design Considerations

Our variant implementation should satisfy a few requirements:

Given these requirements, let's see how an implementation would look like.



We'll start with a Variant<T1, T2> and build up from there. Adding more generic arguments becomes easy once this implementation is figured out. Starting from the simpler Variant<T1> would not uncover some of the issues mentioned above, like the need for an index and ability to handle T1 and T2 being the same type. Let's define our API based on the requirements:

public sealed class Variant<T1, T2>
    // Variant API
    public byte Index
        => throw new NotImplementedException();

    public bool Is<T>()
        => throw new NotImplementedException();

    public T Get<T>()
        => throw new NotImplementedException();

    public object Get()
        => throw new NotImplementedException();

    // T1 constructor, casts
    public Variant(T1 item)
        => throw new NotImplementedException();

    public static implicit operator Variant<T1, T2>(T1 item)
        => throw new NotImplementedException();

    public static explicit operator T1(Variant<T1, T2> item)
        => throw new NotImplementedException();

    // T2 constructor, casts
    public Variant(T2 item)
        => throw new NotImplementedException();

    public static implicit operator Variant<T1, T2>(T2 item)
        => throw new NotImplementedException();

    public static explicit operator T2(Variant<T1, T2> item)
        => throw new NotImplementedException();

    // Equality
    public override bool Equals(object obj)
        => throw new NotImplementedException();

    public override int GetHashCode()
        => throw new NotImplementedException();

We have the Index property which should be 0 if the variant is holding a T1 and 1 if the variant is holding a T2. We're using 0-based indexing for this, though it is a bit awkward that generic arguments start, by convention, from 1. This is in line with what other .NET types do, for example Tuple provides a 0-based indexer.

It<T>() allows callers to check if the variant is currently holding a T, while Get<T>() should return a T or throw an InvalidCastException. The non-generic version Get() simply returns an object.

Below that, for both T1 and T2 we provide a constructor which takes a T1 (or T2) and places it in the variant, implicit casts from T1 and T2 to Variant<T1, T2>, and explicit casts the other way around.

Finally, we override Equals(object) and GetHashCode() (it's always a good idea to override GetHashCode when overriding Equals).

Type erasure

Let's look at how we would store a value. Unlike a Tuple<T1, T2>, we don't want to store both a T1 and a T2, rather we want either a T1 or a T2. In order to generalize this, we need a way to perform type-erasure, which means a way to store any type (as we want a generic implementation), while at the same type we need to keep track of the stored type so we can answer Is<T>() properly. Let's create a VariantHolder to handle this.

We could achieve this by storing everything as an object (type-erasure) and a Type (for type information), like this:

sealed class VariantHolder
    public object Item { get; }

    private Type _itemType { get; }

    public bool Is<T>() => typeof(T) == _itemType;

    public object Get() => Item;

    public VariantHolder(object item)
        Item = item;
        _itemType = item.GetType();

We can then implement our variant in terms of this:

public sealed class Variant<T1, T2>
    private VariantHolder variant;

    public bool Is<T>() => variant.Is<T>();

    public T Get<T>() => (T)variant.Get();

    public object Get() => variant.Get();

    public Variant(T1 item)
        => variant = new VariantHolder(item);

    public static implicit operator Variant<T1, T2>(T1 item)
        => new Variant<T1, T2>(item);

    public static explicit operator T1(Variant<T1, T2> item)
        => item.Get<T1>();

    /* ...
       Same for T2, ignoring Equals() and GetHashCode() for now */

This implementation is not quite correct, as it stores too much type information:

class Base { }
class Derived : Base { }

/* ... */

Variant<Base, int> variant = new Derived();
variant.Is<Base>(); // == false!

We are comparing the actual type of the item, though we should store it as one of the generic types of the variant declaration. A better idea is to make our VariantHolder itself generic:

sealed class VariantHolder<T>
    public T Item { get; }

    public bool Is<U>() => typeof(U) == typeof(T);

    public object Get() => Item;

    public VariantHolder(T item) => Item = item;

This gets us rid of the extra _itemType member (we can use typeof(T) on the generic parameter), but we have another problem: how do we declare this in our Variant? If we make it a VariantHolder<T1>, then we won't be able to store a T2 value and vice-versa. There is a way around this - we can extract an interface:

interface IVariantHolder
    bool Is<T>();

    object Get();

We can declare that our VariantHolder<T> implements this interface (it already does, as it has both a generic Is and a non-generic Get:

sealed class VariantHolder<T> : IVariantHolder
    public T Item { get; }

    public bool Is<U>() => typeof(U) == typeof(T);

    public object Get() => Item;

    public VariantHolder(T item) => Item = item;

And now we can implement our Variant in terms of an IVariantHolder:

public sealed class Variant<T1, T2>
    private IVariantHolder variant;

    public bool Is<T>() => variant.Is<T>();

    public T Get<T>() => ((VariantHolder<T>)variant).Item;

    public object Get() => variant.Get();

    // T1 constructor, casts
    public Variant(T1 item)
        => variant = new VariantHolder<T1>(item);

    public static implicit operator Variant<T1, T2>(T1 item)
        => new Variant<T1, T2>(item);

    public static explicit operator T1(Variant<T1, T2> item)
        => item.Get<T1>();

    // T2 constructor, casts
    public Variant(T2 item)
        => variant = new VariantHolder<T2>(item);

    public static implicit operator Variant<T1, T2>(T2 item)
        => new Variant<T1, T2>(item);

    public static explicit operator T2(Variant<T1, T2> item)
        => item.Get<T2>();

    /* ...
       Ignoring Equals() and GetHashCode() for now */

For Get<T>() we use a cast to VariantHolder<T> as opposed to (T)_variantHolder.Get() as this avoids an extra boxing operation if T is a value type. This correctly throws InvalidCastException if called with the wrong type. If we wanted to throw a different exception or add more details to the exception, we could either wrap this cast in a try/catch and catch an InvalidCastException or we could check the type using Is<T>() before performing the cast.

Index and disambiguation

The only problem with this implementation is that we cannot instantiate a variant if T1 and T2 are the same:

Variant<int, int> variant = 42;

yields a compiler error: Ambiguous user defined conversions. If we try calling the constructor:

var variant = new Variant<int, int>(42);

we get The call is ambiguous between the following methods.... If T1 and T2 are the same type, there is no way to disambiguate between constructors and casts. Because of this, we need to add our Index property and provide a way to explicitly construct the variant with an index. First, let's add Index to our current implementation:

public sealed class Variant<T1, T2>
    private IVariantHolder variant;

    public byte Index { get; }

    public bool Is<T>() => variant.Is<T>();

    public T Get<T>() => ((VariantHolder<T>)variant).Item;

    public object Get() => variant.Get();

    private Variant(IVariantHolder item, byte index)
        variant = item;
        Index = index;

    public Variant(T1 item)
        : this(new VariantHolder<T1>(item), 0)
    { }

    public static implicit operator Variant<T1, T2>(T1 item)
        => new Variant<T1, T2>(item);

    public static explicit operator T1(Variant<T1, T2> item)
        => item.Get<T1>();

    public Variant(T2 item)
        : this(new VariantHolder<T2>(item), 1)
    { }

    public static implicit operator Variant<T1, T2>(T2 item)
        => new Variant<T1, T2>(item);

    public static explicit operator T2(Variant<T1, T2> item)
        => item.Get<T2>();

    /* ...
       Ignoring Equals() and GetHashCode() for now */

We added a read-only Index property, a private constructor that not only sets the IVariantHolder but also the Index, and we updated our two constructors, Variant(T1 item) and Variant(T2 item) to internally call this private constructor with the correct index.

Now we have an Index property which accurately keeps track of the index of the type stored, so for a Variant<int, int> we would be able to tell whether we set the first or second int, but we still can't disambiguate between constructor calls if T1 and T2 are the same. We can solve this by adding a couple of explicit factory methods:

public static Variant<T1, T2> Make1(T1 item)
    => new Variant<T1, T2>(new VariantHolder<T1>(item), 0);

public static Variant<T1, T2> Make2(T2 item)
    => new Variant<T1, T2>(new VariantHolder<T2>(item), 1);

We could have provided a way for the callers to explicitly provide an index, but it becomes hard to enforce that the index is in sync with the type. If T1 and T2 are the same, then the caller ultimately decides the index, but if T1 and T2 are different, then Variant needs to decide the index.

Providing Make1 and Make2 works, since Make1 only accepts a T1 argument while Make2 only accepts a T2 argument. Thus, if they are the same, the caller disambiguates by calling one of the methods and there is no compilation issue. If they are different, calling one of them is the equivalent of calling one of the constructors (there is no way to call Make1 with a T2 argument).


Now the only remaining bit is overriding Equals, as we want two variants containing equivalent values to be equivalent. In other words, given another object, we would consider it equivalent if it has the same type as this object, has the value at the same index, and the value of the other object is equivalent to the value of this object:

public override bool Equals(object obj)
    if (obj == null || !(obj is Variant<T1, T2>))
        return false;

    var other = (Variant<T1, T2>)obj;

    return Index == other.Index && Get().Equals(other.Get());

Overriding Equals usually means overriding GetHashCode in such a way that equivalent objects hash to the same value. In our case, we can rely on the value stored in the variant to implement this by simply delegating hashing to it:

public override int GetHashCode()
    => Get().GetHashCode();

Multiple generic arguments

We have an implementation for a Variant<T1, T2> but we are looking at providing variants from Variant<T1> all the way to Variant<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8>.

First, let's look at what would be common to all of these. The API (Is<T>, Get<T> etc.) is implemented in terms of IVariantHolder. Let's extract this into a base class. Since we are going to make all our variants derive from it, it must be public, but we probably don't want clients to derive from it as it is an implementation detail, so we will provide an internal constructor. This will make this class instantiable only within the assembly declaring it:

public abstract class VariantBase
    private readonly IVariantHolder variant;

    public byte Index { get; private set; }

    public bool Is<T>() => variant.Is<T>();

    public T Get<T>() => ((VariantHolder<T>)variant).Item;

    public object Get() => variant.Get();

    internal VariantBase(IVariantHolder item, byte index)
        variant = item;
        Index = index;

Our Variant<T1, T2> ends up containing only the constructors, casts, and equality:

public sealed class Variant<T1, T2> : VariantBase
    // Calls base constructor
    private Variant(IVariantHolder item, byte index)
        : base(item, index)
    { }

    // T1 constructor, casts
    public Variant(T1 item)
        : this(new VariantHolder<T1>(item), 0)
    { }

    public static implicit operator Variant<T1, T2>(T1 item)
        => new Variant<T1, T2>(item);

    public static explicit operator T1(Variant<T1, T2> item)
        => item.Get<T1>();

    public static Variant<T1, T2> Make1(T1 item)
        => new Variant<T1, T2>(new VariantHolder<T1>(item), 0);

    // T2 constructor, casts
    public Variant(T2 item)
        : this(new VariantHolder<T2>(item), 1)
    { }

    public static implicit operator Variant<T1, T2>(T2 item)
        => new Variant<T1, T2>(item);

    public static explicit operator T2(Variant<T1, T2> item)
        => item.Get<T2>();

    public static Variant<T1, T2> Make2(T2 item)
        => new Variant<T1, T2>(new VariantHolder<T2>(item), 1);

    // Equality
    public override bool Equals(object obj)
        if (obj == null || !(obj is Variant<T1, T2>)) return false;

        var other = (Variant<T1, T2>)obj;

        return Index == other.Index && Get().Equals(other.Get());

    public override int GetHashCode()
        => Get().GetHashCode();

We can even hoist Equals to our base class, since we can replace the is check !(obj is Variant<T1, T2>) with GetType() != obj.GetType():

public abstract class VariantBase
    private readonly IVariantHolder variant;

    public byte Index { get; private set; }

    public bool Is<T>() => variant.Is<T>();

    public T Get<T>() => ((VariantHolder<T>)variant).Item;

    public object Get() => variant.Get();

    internal VariantBase(IVariantHolder item, byte index)
        variant = item;
        Index = index;

    public override bool Equals(object obj)
        if (obj == null || GetType() != obj.GetType())
            return false;

        var other = (VariantBase)obj;

        return Index == other.Index && Get().Equals(other.Get());

    public override int GetHashCode()
        => Get().GetHashCode();

Now our Variant<T1, T2> contains only constructors and casts:

public sealed class Variant<T1, T2> : VariantBase
    // Calls base constructor
    private Variant(IVariantHolder item, byte index)
        : base(item, index)
    { }

    // T1 constructor, casts
    public Variant(T1 item)
        : this(new VariantHolder<T1>(item), 0)
    { }

    public static implicit operator Variant<T1, T2>(T1 item)
        => new Variant<T1, T2>(item);

    public static explicit operator T1(Variant<T1, T2> item)
        => item.Get<T1>();

    public static Variant<T1, T2> Make1(T1 item)
        => new Variant<T1, T2>(new VariantHolder<T1>(item), 0);

    // T2 constructor, casts
    public Variant(T2 item)
        : this(new VariantHolder<T2>(item), 1)
    { }

    public static implicit operator Variant<T1, T2>(T2 item)
        => new Variant<T1, T2>(item);

    public static explicit operator T2(Variant<T1, T2> item)
        => item.Get<T2>();

    public static Variant<T1, T2> Make2(T2 item)
        => new Variant<T1, T2>(new VariantHolder<T2>(item), 1);

While C# doesn't provide a way to implement variable number of generic arguments, constructors and casts for all types are identical, so we can use a T4 text template to generate all this code. Our template would iterate for each type and emit the C# code for these:

for (int types = 1; types <= 8; types++)
    // Comma-delimited string of types (eg. "T1, T2, T3")
    var args = String.Join(", ",
        Enumerable.Range(1, types).Select(i => "T" + i));

    // Type we are generating code for (eg. "Variant<T1, T2, T3>")
    var type = $"Variant<{args}>";

    public sealed class <#= type #> : VariantBase
        private Variant(IVariantHolder item, byte index)
            : base(item, index)

    // For each type argument T1, T2, T3 etc.
    for (int i = 1; i <= types; i++)
        public Variant(T<#= i #> item)
            : base(new VariantHolder<T<#= i #>>(item), <#= i - 1 #>)

        public static implicit operator <#= type #>(T<#= i #> item)
            => new <#= type #>(item);

        public static explicit operator T<#= i #>(<#= type #> variant)
            => variant.Get<T<#= i #>>();

        public static <#= type #> Make<#= i #>(T<#= i #> item)
            => new <#= type #>(new VariantHolder<T<#= i #>>(item), <#= i - 1 #>);


I will not cover T4 templates in this blog post, just highlight that the template above does generate all the Variant<> variations with the appropriate constructors and cats.

I am currently working on a type library which includes this variant and some other useful types: https://github.com/vladris/Maki.


In this post we implemented a generic variant type in C#, going over:

  1. See tagged union on Wikipedia