November 18, 2018

Notes on Encoding Text

In this post we will look at text encoding, from the half-a-century old ASCII and its extensions to Unicode and the common UTF-16 and UTF-8 encodings. We'll cover a few basic text encoding concepts like code points, graphemes, and surrogate pairs and see how we can stack emojis and combine them into intricate glyphs.


The American Standard Code for Information Exchange, or ASCII, was developed in the 60s. The standard encodes each character in 7 bits, so it has 128 characters. These include both the lowercase and uppercase letters of the English alphabet, digits, punctuation, and a set of control characters like LF (line feed, also known as \n), CR (carriage return, also known as \r) or BEL (audible beep, or \a). The ASCII character set contains all characters on a typewriter.

0x00 to 0x1F - control characters
0x20 to 0x2F - symbols - SPACE ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . /
0x30 to 0x39 - digits - 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0x3A to 0x40 - symbols - : ; < = > ? @
0x41 to 0x5A - uppercase letters - A to Z
0x5B to 0x60 - symbols – [ \ ] ^ _ `
0x61 to 0x7A - lowercase letters - a to z
0x7B to 0x7E - symbols - { | } ~
0x7F - "delete" control character - DEL

Parity bits

A byte is 8 bits wide, so the remaining bit was used as a parity bit. The parity bit is 0 if the 7 bits encoding a character have an even number of 1s and 1 if the bits encoding a character have an odd number of 1s. For example, the letter A is encoded as 0x41, or 1000001. 1000001 has an even number of bits so the parity bit is 0, thus A ends up being encoded on 8 bits as 01000001. The letter C is encoded as 0x43, or 1000011, so the parity bit is 1. C ends up being encoded on 8 bits as 11000011.

The parity bit is used to check the consistency of the data: in a lossy environment, a parity bit is a simple way to add extra validation. If the parity bit does not have the expected value - for example it is 1 while the remaining 7 bits have an even number of bits set to 1 - it means that the data is corrupted.

This encoding was enough for English, but lacked other letters common in European languages, for example accented letters like é or ć. It also could not encode any other alphabets, like Arabic, Cyrillic, Hebrew and so on.

Extended ASCII and Code Pages

The ASCII character set had numerous extensions which started to leverage the 8th bit to encode information instead of using it to check integrity. The original 128 character stayed in the 0x0 - 0x7F range, but with the extra bit, an extended ASCII character set could encode 128 more characters from 0x80 to 0xFF. Since ASCII received multiple such extensions, these were distinguished by code pages. A code page defined what the 0x80 to 0xFF characters are.

IBM PC systems came with the popular code page 437 which includes characters for box-drawing like , , and . Text-based user interface could simulate windows, buttons and so on using these characters:

║ Box-drawn window with progress bar ║
║  ██████████████████▓▒░░░░░░░░░░░░  ║

Another set of extensions was the ISO/IEC 8859 standard consisting of 16 parts, each adding support for additional character and alphabets. For example, part 1 was named Latin-1 Western European and added most characters required by Western European languages (like accented letters), while part 5, Latin/Cyrillic used the available 128 characters to encode the Cyrillic alphabet.

While these code pages allowed new ranges of characters, each could only add 128 symbols, which didn't scale well to the world's written languages. For perspective, Kanji has thousands of characters.


The Unicode standard aims to cover most of the world's writing systems and include additional symbols like emojis.

Code points

Unicode introduces the notion of code points. Most code points are characters, but some code points are used for formatting while some are unassigned as of today and will be defined in future extensions of the standard. The total code space of Unicode spans 1114112 code points, from 0x0 to 0x10FFFF.

The code space is divided into 17 planes, each consisting of a range of 65536 code points (from 0x0 to 0xFFFF, from 0x10000 to 0x1FFFF and so on until 0xF0000 to 0x10FFFF). A Unicode code point is conventionally referred to as U+XXX where XXX is the hexadecimal value of the code point. For example the code point corresponding to the letter a which is 0x61, is referred to as U+0061.

Most programming languages allow strings to contain a Unicode escape sequence, which gets interpreted as a Unicode code point. Such sequences start with \x or \u followed by the hexadecimal value of the code point, for example in JavaScript the Unicode escape for a is the string "\u0061".

Not only does Unicode support a huge range of code points, it also defines combining characters which, combined with other character, create new characters. For example, ́ (U+0301) is the combining acute accent. Combining this with a (U+0061) by appending it after the letter (the string "\u0061\u0301") results in the character while combining it with e (U+0065) in the string "\u0065\u0301" results in the character .

Similarly, a skin tone modifier like dark skin tone, 🏿 (U+1F3FF) can be appended to an emoji like the baby emoji 👶 (U+1F476) to get a baby with a dark skin tone 👶🏿.


A grapheme is a graphical symbol that a user sees on the screen. Text rendering is done through graphemes. Some graphemes correspond to a single code point, like a corresponding to U+0061. Other graphemes correspond to a sequence of code points, like 👶🏿, which corresponds to U+1F476 then U+1F3FF. There are also graphemes which can be obtained in multiple ways. The accented e in the example above, , can be obtained by combining the letter e with the acute accent (U+0065 then U+0301), but there is also an accented e character é represented by the code point U+00E9. Both U+0065 U+0301 and U+00E9 resolve to the same grapheme.

Because of such equivalences, the standard defines a normalization procedure which can convert equivalent texts to the same code point representation. There are several ways to achieve this, which we'll not cover in this blog post.

Combining and modifying characters can be stacked one after the other. For example, the 👨‍❤️‍👨 emoji showing two man with a heart above is a single grapheme but consists of the following sequence of code points: U+1F468 U+200D U+2764 U+FE0F U+200D U+1F468. This is a combination of:

The whole sequence results in a single grapheme.

One interesting thing to note is that splitting a string without being aware of how the code points combine can change the representation of the text. This can happen when breaking a line of text to fit on screen. In the above example, even though we have 6 code points, we end up with a single grapheme, so when dealing with rendering, it's usually best to operate on graphemes not code points/characters.


We talked about code points and graphemes, but how are the code points actually encoded as bytes? With ASCII and the simple extensions, the encoding was easy, as each byte encoded a character. Unicode has over a million code points, so let's look at how these get translated into bytes.


The most obvious way is to find the minimum number of bytes that can encode any code point. Since code points range from 0x0 to 0x10FFFF, we need 21 bits to store all possible values (0x10FFFF in binary is 0b100001111111111111111).

Because most CPUs nowadays have a word size of at least 32-bits, the UTF-32 encoding rounds up the number of required bits from 21 to 32, thus representing a code point using 4 bytes.

This encoding is very straight-forward, as any 4 bytes store the value of a code point in a string, but it is also very space-inefficient. The leading bits are always 0 and not only that, the code points representing common characters and alphabets appear in the lower planes, so while an emoji like the woman emoji 👩 (U+1F469) in binary is 0b11111010001101001, thus requiring at least 17 bits to represent, the code point for the letter a is U+0061, same as the old ASCII representation. That is 0b1100001 in binary, requiring only 7 bits.

To take advantage of this, several variable-length encodings were developed, which use fewer bytes for code points representable with a smaller number of bits, and more bytes for higher code point values. The two most common encodings are UTF-16 and UTF-8.


UTF-16 encodes code points in either one or two 16-bit wide code units. The code points in the range U+0000 to U+FFFF are encoded directly as a 16-bit code unit, except the subrange U+D800 to U+DFFF which we'll talk about shortly. This range corresponds to Plane 0, the Basic Multilingual Plane, with code points to represent almost all modern languages.

Code points from other planes are encoded in UTF-16 using two code units, so 32 bits. Any code point in the range U+10000 to U+10FFFF (or 0x10000 to 0x10FFFF) is encoded by subtracting 0x10000 leaving a value between 0x0 and 0xFFFFF. Values in this range can be represented in 20 bits. A sequence of 10 bits can represent values in the range 0x0 to 0x3FF. The 20 bits are split into the first (most significant) 10 bits and the last (least significant) 10 bits. The first 10 bits are added to 0xD800, resulting in a value in the range 0xD800 to 0xDBFF. This is represented in the first 16-bit code point. The last 10 bits are added to 0xDC00, resulting in a value in the range 0xDC00 to 0xDFFF. This is represented in the second 16-bit code point.

Let's take as an example the woman emoji 👩 (U+1F469). The UTF-16 encoding goes as follows:

The two 16-bit code units for 👩 are 0xD83D and 0xDC69, or the byte sequence 0xD8 0x3D 0xDC 0x69.

Surrogate pairs

We said that UTF-16 encodes all code points in Plane 0 using a single 16-bit code unit, except the range U+D800 to U+DFFF. That particular range is reserved in the Unicode standard for UTF-16 surrogate pairs, so code points in that range are unassigned and will never be assigned.

If we review the way UTF-16 encodes code points in code units, a 16-bit code unit can be either:

Note that these ranges are disjoint - a value can appear in only one of them, so each 16-bit code unit can unambiguously be identified, in isolation. For code points like 👩, encoded as two 16-bit code units, the code units are called a surrogate pair. The first code unit, in the range 0xD800 to 0xDBFF is called the high surrogate while the second code unit, in the range 0xDC00 to 0xDFFF is called the low surrogate.

Since the Unicode standard and UTF-16 encoding evolved together, the range 0xD800 to 0xDFFF needed by the surrogate pairs was reserved in Plane 0 and the code points were kept unassigned. Without this, UTF-16 would have had trouble encoding a code point in that range as it would become undistinguishable from a surrogate.

UTF-16 is the default encoding used by Windows, Java, the .NET runtime, and JavaScript. Another popular way to encode text is UTF-8.


UTF-8 uses 8-bit code units, so it encodes code points using one to four bytes. To recap, Unicode code points can be represented in 21 bits, as their valid range is between 0x0 and 0x10FFFF.

UTF-8 encodes code points as follows:

This encoding has several interesting properties: for code points in lower planes, it is more compact than UTF-16. UTF-16 requires either one or two 16-bit code units, while UTF-8 can use 8, 16, 24, or 32 bits depending on the code point. Commonly used alphabets are in the lower planes, so usually fewer bits are needed.

UTF-8 is also ASCII-compatible: the first 128 characters (U+0000 to U+007F), represented in 7 bits, are the same as the old ASCII encoding. An ASCII string can be used directly as UTF-8 encoded text without any transformations required.

Unlike UTF-16, which can uniquely distinguish each code unit as either a code point, a high surrogate, or a low surrogate, with UTF-8 we cannot always determine what a code unit is in isolation: 0b10110011 could be the second, third, or fourth byte in a code point. This is a consequence of the more compact encoding. On the other hand, with UTF-8 we can look at the bit prefix and determine the length of the sequence:

Note the bit patterns do not overlap. Beyond ASCII, the number of 1 bits in the prefix coincides with the number of bytes used to encode the code point.

As an example, let's take the same 👩 emoji and see how its encoding looks like in UTF-8. 👩 is the code point U+1F469, so it requires 4 bytes. 0x1F469 represented in binary with 21 bits is 0b000011111010001101001.

We fill this into 0b11110xxx 0b10xxxxxx 0b10xxxxxx 0b10xxxxxx, which gives us 0b11110000 0b10011111 0b10010001 0b10101001. In hexadecimal, this is 0xF0 0x9F 0x91 0xA9. This is the encoding of our emoji in UTF-8.

UTF-8 is the default encoding used by Linux and macOS. It is also the standard for the internet, with a majority of web pages using this encoding.

Another important thing to keep in mind when manipulating text is how it is encoded. When reading a sequence of bytes from a file or a network connection, we need to make sure we don't mistakenly try to interpret UTF-8 encoded text as UTF-16 encoded text or vice-versa. Since different systems default to different encodings, this is a very plausible scenario.


In this post we looked at some common text encoding standards and concepts: