Notes on OOP
I am not a huge fan of pure
OOP. In this post I will cover a few
non-pure OOP concepts: subtyping wihtout inheritance, mixins, free
functions, and types without invariants. I will make a case for why
multi-paradigm is needed and how using a wider variety of concepts
enables us to build simpler systems.
Duck typing
If it walks like a duck and it quacks like a duck, then it must be a duck.
Let's say we have a Duck
class. A Duck
quacks and waddles:
class Duck
void Quack() { }
void Waddle() { }
We have a function that uses a duck:
void foo(Duck& duck)
The object-oriented way to implement subtyping is to inherit from the base class:
class UglyDuckling : public Duck { };
// ...
UglyDuckling uglyDuckling;
We can call foo
on an UglyDuckling
since UglyDuckling
from Duck
. We have an is-a relationship, so we can substitute an
for a Duck
. The problem with this approach is that
whenever we want something that quacks and waddles, we need to inherit
from Duck
. More generally, this type of polymorphism is achieved by
implementing a set of interfaces like, for example, IComparable
, IDisposable
and so on. This makes things slightly
complicated: what if we need something that waddles, but we don't care
about quacking? Do we separate our duck into two different interfaces?
In general, do we add an interface for each behavior and then pull
groups of interfaces together to form more refined types?
struct IQuack
virtual void Quack() = 0;
struct IWaddle
virtual void Waddle() = 0;
class Duck : IQuack, IWaddle
void Quack() override { }
void Waddle() override { }
class Penguin : IWaddle
void Waddle() override { }
This works, but has combinatorial complexity and we end up with deep hierarchies which are difficult to reason about. There is another way to achieve this though, using generic programming:
class UglyDuckling // No inheritance
void Quack() { }
void Waddle() { }
template <typename Duck>
void foo(Duck& duck)
// ...
UglyDuckling uglyDuckling;
here is a templated function which only cares that the type passed
in has a Quack
and a Waddle
member function. There is no inheritance
involved, but we can still substitute an UglyDuckling
for a Duck
This gets us rid of all the interfaces (we don't need our Penguin
explicitly implement an IWaddle
interface, we just need it to provide
a Waddle
member function). Our model becomes simpler - as long as a
type supports the behavior required by a function, it can be used with
that function.
Lore has it that multiple inheritance is bad and it is by design not supported in Java, C#, and such. On the other hand, mixins are extremely useful, and it is a pity that we usually have to express them via inheritance. A mixin is a type that provides some behavior which is mixed in or included into another type. For example, if we use intrusive reference counting, we can isolate the reference-counting behavior into its own type:
class RefCounted
void AddRef() { ++m_refCount; }
void Release() { if (--m_refCount == 0) { delete this; } }
virtual ~RefCounted() = default;
std::atomic<int> m_refCount = 1;
Then we can have other types for which we want intrusive reference counting simply mixing in this behavior:
class Foo : public RefCounted { };
Now Foo
has AddRef
and Release
functions which can be called by a
generic smart pointer that expects managed types to expose these member
functions. While technically Foo
inherits from RefCounted
conceptually we only care that it includes the reference counting
behavior. In such cases it is perfectly fine to mix and match and
include behavior defined across multiple other types.
The Case for Free Functions
What is the difference between the following two Print
class Foo
void Print() { std::cout << this->Data(); }
const char* Data() { /* ... */ }
void Print(const Foo& foo)
std::cout << foo.Data();
The first is a member function, called with an implicit this
which points to the object instance, while the second is a free function
called with an explicit reference to a Foo
The member function approach leads to bloated objects as whenever we
need some additional processing of the type, we would have to add new
member functions. This contradicts the Single Responsibility Principle
which states that each class should have a single responsibility. Adding
member functions like ToString
, Serialize
etc. needlessly bloats a
In general, we only need member functions when these functions access
private members of the type. If Data
was private in the above example,
then the free-function version wouldn't have worked. As long as we can
implement a function that operates on a type without having to access
its private member, that function should not belong to the type.
Depending on the language, we have several options. We could put such
functions in helper
class FooPrinter
public static void Print(Foo foo) { /* ... */ }
C# provides extension methods as syntax sugar for this, which allow us
to call foo.Print()
even though we implement the Print
function as
an extension method:
static class FooPrinter
public static void Print(this Foo foo) { /* ... */ }
Still, the simplest thing to do is have a free function:
void Print(const Foo& foo) { /* ... */ }
Being forced to group everything inside classes yields messy code. Steve Yegge's Kingdom of Nouns is a classic on the topic.
Managers and Utils
Because a purely object-oriented language forces developers to think in classes, we more often than not end up with managers and utility classes, both being horrible replacements for free-standing functions.
Managers usually show up once we have a nice object model for the
problem space but we need to implement a set of operations on said
object model. Managers tend to be singletons. For example, we have a
type that models a connection to a peer:
class Connection
// Open, Close, Send, Receive etc.
We also want someone to open new connections and close all opened
connections. Here is a purely object oriented ConnectionManager
class ConnectionManager
private static ConnectionManager _instance = new ConnectionManager();
private ConnectionManager() { }
public static ConnectionManager GetInstance()
return _instance;
private List<Connection> _connections = new List<Connection>();
public Connection Make()
var connection = new Connection();
return connection;
public void CloseAll()
_connections.ForEach(connection => connection.Close());
This maintains the list of connections and can close all of them with
a call to CloseAll()
. Besides being verbose to use
), this class does not make
much sense. A non-OOP implementation would look like this:
// In .h file
class Connection
// Open, Close, Send, Receive etc.
Connection& Make();
void CloseAll();
// In .cpp file
std::vector<Connection> connections;
Connection& Make()
return connections.back();
void CloseAll()
for (auto&& connection : connections)
and CloseAll()
do not need to be group in some manager.
They can be free functions living next to the Connection
type, which
is the only context within which they make sense. The list of
connections can be stored in a variable scoped to the implementation
.cpp file. Managers
rarely make sense.
Utility classes are even worse: while a manager is usually tightly
coupled to the type it manages
, Utils
classes end up being
dumping grounds of functions that don't seem to belong anywhere else.
The biggest problem is that each of these functions usually depends on
some other component:
class FooUtils
public static void DoBar() { /* Dependency on Bar */ }
public static void DoBaz() { /* Dependency on Baz */ }
Now whoever takes a dependency on FooUtils
, transitively takes a
dependency on both Bar
and Baz
too, even if they only really needed
one of them. If DoBar()
and DoBaz()
were free functions, taking a
dependency on DoBar()
would transitively take a dependency on Bar
only. Utility
types make layering a nightmare.
When To Use Classes
I am a big believer in multi-paradigm. If our only tool is a hammer, we
can only hammer things. While pure functional languages are elegant,
they are too far removed from the machine they run on (for example we
can't implement an in-place reverse
if all data is immutable).
Similarly, if everything is an object, we end up with too many classes
and too many complicated relationships. Procedural languages usually
provide some way to group data via struct
or record
types, so when
are classes useful?
The answer is for encapsulating - classes enable us to declare private
data and control access to it. This is useful when the class needs to
maintain invariants, which could potentially be broken if external
entities would be able to change an object's state. Let's use a Date
type as a made up example. Made up because dates are usually implemented
as a number representing a tick count since some set start date, and
information like day, month, and year is derived from that. But
let's assume we have separate day, month, and year fields. This
type should maintain an invariant that it represents a valid date, so we
can't have, for example, a June 31st. It's hard to enforce the
invariant with:
struct Date
uint8_t day;
uint8_t month;
uint8_t year;
Alternately, we can implement a class with a constructor which ensures only valid dates can be created:
class Date
Date(uint8_t year, uint8_t month, uint8_t day)
if (month == 0 || month > 12) throw /* ... */
/* Additional checks to ensure a valid date... */
uint8_t year() const noexcept { return m_year; }
uint8_t month() const noexcept { return m_month; }
uint8_t day() const noexcept { return m_day; }
uint8_t m_day;
uint8_t m_month;
uint8_t m_year;
If we want to add an AddDays
function, we would create a member
function 1 which would implement the algorithm that would know when
adding a number of days would increment the month and when incrementing
the month would increment the year, such that the invariant of always
having a valid date is enforced.
On the other hand, a type which doesn't need to maintain an invariant, say a point in the plane, should not be implemented as a class:
struct Point
int64_t x;
int64_t y;
Inheritance is rarely warranted, and when used, it should mostly be used in the context of mixins - with the intention of including behavior rather than deriving and extending. Interfaces are sometimes useful at a component boundary, though static, template-based polymorphism is preferred. A good design consists of a set of independent classes which maintain invariants, and free functions that operate on them. Structure (or record) types should be used when there is no invariant to be maintained. Generic functions should be used when algorithms can be generalized to multiple types as long as they satisfy some requirements (as in the Duck Typing section above). This encourages reusable code and systems of loosely-coupled components which can be more easily reasoned about in isolation and reused when needed.
- Generic programming/compile-time polymorphism yields less complex models than inheritance
- While multiple inheritance is frowned upon, mixins provide a great way to add behavior to a type. The problem is including this behavior is usually syntactically equivalent with inheritance.
- Free functions are great. Managers and Utils are bad and should be avoided.
- Classes are useful when invariants need to be enforced. Encapsulation and member functions maintain invariants.
- A good design consists of loosely-coupled components and generic functions, which can be reasoned about in isolation and freely combined to create complex behavior.
Or better yet a free function which takes a
and returns a new instance - immutability seems like a good idea in this case. ↩