August 17, 2016

Concepts and Modules

As a follow up to my previous post, I want to talk about two major new C++ features that keep not making it into the standard, namely Concepts and Modules. These would have a significant impact on the code examples I provided while discussing dependency injection, so here's a quick peek into the future:


One way to think about concepts is that concepts are to templates what interfaces are to classes. Similarly to how interfaces specify a contract which implementing types must satisfy, concepts specify a contract which template argument types must satisfy. The main difference is that interfaces/classes enable runtime polymorphism while concepts/templates enable polymorphism at compile-time.

Runtime polymorphism:

// Our interface
struct IEngine
    virtual void Start() = 0;
    virtual void Stop() = 0;
    virtual ~IEngine() = default;

// One implementation
class V6Engine : public IEngine
    void Start() override { }
    void Stop() override { }

// Another implementation
class V8Engine : public IEngine
    void Start() override { }
    void Stop() override { }

// A function that works against the interface
void StartEngine(IEngine& engine)

void StartEngines()
    V6Engine v6engine;
    V8Engine v8engine;

    // calls Start() on V6Engine instance passed as IEngine
    // calls Start() on V8Engine instance passed as IEngine

Here, we have a single StartEngine function which works against an interface. Calling Start() for that interface involves a virtual function call, which means that at runtime, given an object of a type implementing IEngine, the code needs to figure out which function of the implementing type to call. For V6Engine, IEngine::Start() is V6Engine::Start(); for V8Engine, IEngine::Start() is V8Engine::Start(). Our classes have a vtable - a table containing this mapping, so a virtual call looks up the actual function to call in the vtable.

This is the classical object-oriented way of dispatching calls. The advantage of this approach is that it works across binaries1 (we can export StartEngine from a shared library and pass in an external IEngine implementation to it), the disadvantage is the extra redirection - implementing classes must have a vtable and call resolution involves jumping through it.

Compile-time polymorphism:

// One implementation
class V6Engine
    void Start() { }
    void Stop() { }

// Another implementation
class V8Engine
    void Start() { }
    void Stop() { }

// A generic function
template <typename TEngine>
void StartEngine(TEngine& engine)

void StartEngines()
    V6Engine v6engine;
    V8Engine v8engine;

    // calls Start() on V6Engine, this instantiates
    // StartEngine<V6Engine>(V6Engine& engine)
    // calls Start() on V8Engine, this instantiates
    // StartEngine<V8Engine>(V8Engine& engine)

A few differences to note here: we don't have an IEngine interface anymore and the two types we use, V6Engine and V8Engine, no longer have virtual functions. Calling V6Engine::Start() or V8Engine::Start() now no longer involves a virtual call. The two StartEngine calls are actually made to different functions now - at compile time, whenever the compiler encounters a call to StartEngine with a new type, it instantiates the template, meaning it creates a new function based on that template with the template type as the provided type. We actually end up with one function that can start a V6Engine and one that can start V8Engine, both produced from the same template.

This is compile-time polymorphism, the advantage being that everything is determined during build - no virtual calls etc., the disadvantage being that the compiler needs to have a definition of the template available whenever it needs to create a new instance2. In this case we can't encapsulate what happens inside StartEngine if we want others to be able to call the function.

With Concepts

The above works just fine, the problem being that, in general, if you have a templated function, it's not obvious what contracts do the types it expects need to satisfy. For example, our StartEngine expects that the given type has a Start() function it can call. This isn't obvious from the function declaration though. Also, compiler errors when templates cannot be instantiated are notoriously hard to decipher. The proposed solution to both of the above are concepts. Here is how an engine concept would look like:

template <typename TEngine>
concept bool Engine() {
    return requires(TEngine engine) {
        { engine.Start() };
        { engine.Stop() };

This defines the Engine concept to require any type satisfying it to have a Start() function and a Stop() function. StartEngine would then be able to explicitly say what kind of types it expects:

template <Engine TEngine> StartEngine(TEngine& engine)

It is now clear from the function declaration that StartEngine expects a type satisfying the Engine concept. We can look at the concept definition to see what we need to implement on our type. The compiler would also be able to issue much clearer errors when the type we pass in is missing one of the concept requirements.

Unfortunately, while several proposals for concepts have been put forward in the past years, they weren't approved to be part of the C++17 standard. That being said, it's fairly certain that they will eventually make it into the standard.


Another noteworthy feature are modules: currently, the #include directive textually includes the given file into the source file being compiled. This has a lot of build-time overhead (same header files get compiled over and over as they are included in various source files) and forces us to be extra-careful in how we scope things: what goes in a header file vs. what goes in a source file etc.

Modules aim to replace the header/source file split and provide a better way to group components and expose functionality. For example, here is a header/source file pair from my previous post:

// ICar.h
##pragma once
##include "IEngine.h"

struct ICar
    virtual void Drive() = 0;
    virtual ~ICar() = default;

std::unique_ptr<ICar> MakeCar(std::unique_ptr<IEngine> &&engine);

// Car.cpp
##include "ICar.h"

class Car : public ICar
    Car(std::unique_ptr<IEngine>&& engine)
         : m_engine(std::move(engine))

    void Drive() override
         // drive

    std::unique_ptr<IEngine> m_engine;

std::unique_ptr<ICar> MakeCar(std::unique_ptr<IEngine>&& engine)
    return std::make_unique<Car>(std::move(engine));

Using modules, we would have:

module Car;

import Engine;

export struct ICar
    virtual void Drive() = 0;
    virtual ~ICar() = default;

class Car : public ICar
    Car(std::unique_ptr<IEngine>&& engine)
         : m_engine(std::move(engine))

    void Drive() override
         // drive

    std::unique_ptr<IEngine> m_engine;

export std::unique_ptr<ICar> MakeCar(std::unique_ptr<IEngine> &&engine)
    return std::make_unique<Car>(std::move(engine));

This is now a single file where we import the Engine module (instead of #include), we provide the interface and concrete implementation, the factory function, and we mark publicly-visible declarations with the export keyword.

Like Concepts, Modules haven't made it into the C++17 standard, but MSVC has a working implementation as of VS2015 Update 1.

Dependency Injection in the Future

So putting the above together, here is how dependency injection in C++ might look like in the not too far future:

// Engine.m
module Engine;

export template <typename TEngine>
concept bool Engine() {
    return requires(TEngine engine) {
        { engine.Start() };
        { engine.Stop() };

// V8Engine.m
module V8Engine;

export class V8Engine
    void Start() { // start the engine }
    void Stop() { // stop the engine }

// Car.m
module Car;

import Engine;
import V8Engine;

export template <Engine TEngine>
requires DefaultConstructible<TEngine>
class Car
    void Drive()
        // drive

    TEngine m_engine;

// Explicit instantiation exported from this module so clients
// won't have to re-instantiate the template for V8Engine type
export class Car<V8Engine>;

This can be used as follows:

import Car;
Car<V8Engine> car;

This would be the equivalent of Dependency Injection with Templates I mentioned in the previous post.

  1. As long as binaries are compiled with the same compiler. Otherwise the code produced by different compilers might have different vtable layouts and different name mangling. 

  2. Other disadvantages are slower compile times and potential code bloat, as each template instantiation gets translated into a new function.