October 09, 2016

Composable Generators

One of the most exciting features coming to C++ are coroutines. In this post, I will give a quick overview of how they are used today in C# to support generators and go over a few possible ways to bring the composability of Linq to the C++ world.

Generators in C

I will not go into the nitty-gritty details of coroutines, but in short, they are resumable functions -- functions that can be suspended/resumed. Coroutines enable lazy evaluation, with two major applications: easy to read multi-threading (with async/await syntax in C#) and generators (with yield return syntax in C#). In this post, I will focus on generators and how they compose.

I will start with a C# example since Linq is, in my opinion, the golden standard for creating a processing pipeline, at least for non-functional languages. Linq is implemented as a set of extension methods for IEnumerable, and enables some very readable chaining of operations. For example, let's get the first 100 natural numbers, filter out the odds, then square the remaining list.

The wrong way of doing this would be something like:

static IEnumerable<int> GetNumbers()
    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
        if (i % 2 == 0)
            yield return i * i;

static void Main(string[] args)
    var result = GetNumbers();

    foreach (var item in result)
        Console.Write(item + " ");

The main problem with the above is that all the logic is inlined into GetNumbers, so things don't decompose very well -- for example what if we also want a function that squares the odd numbers? We would either duplicate the looping and squaring logic, or make the predicate we use to filter out things an input to the function. Same goes for the iterating logic and for the squaring. Luckily, we have Linq, which does just that:

static void Main(string[] args)
    var result =
        Enumerable.Range(0, 100).
        Where(x => x % 2 == 0).
        Select(x => x * x);

    foreach (var item in result)
        Console.Write(item + " ");

To illustrate the magic of generators, instead of relying on Enumerable.Range, let's introduce a function that generates numbers forever:

static IEnumerable<int> Count()
    for (int i = 0; ; i++)
        yield return i;

Our code would then become:

static void Main(string[] args)
    var result =
        Where(x => x % 2 == 0).
        Select(x => x * x);

    foreach (var item in result)
        Console.Write(item + " ");

While not strictly necessary in this particular case, infinite generators cannot exist without lazy evaluation, a feature of many functional languages. Lazy evaluation has some very practical applications as it allows processing of data as it becomes available, instead of waiting for everything to be ready before moving on to the next step. While the 100 natural numbers example might not sound so useful, imagine rendering frames in a streaming video as they arrive over the network. Linq is great because it provides a clean separation between the generic algorithms (Where, Select etc.) and the problem-specific operations which are passed in as arguments. Linq operations also compose well, so they can be chained together to form pipelines.

Generators in C++

While coroutines haven't made it into the C++17 standard itself, they are coming as a technical specification, with MSVC already supporting them (code samples below compile with VS 2015 Update 3). The main syntax additions are the new co_await, co_return, and co_yield keywords. The first two are used for creating and awaiting tasks (which I won't cover in this post), while co_yield is used in generators.

Here is a lazy counter in C++:

auto count_to(int n) -> std::experimental::generator<int>
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        co_yield i;

int main()
    for (int i : count_to(100))
        std::cout << i << " ";

Note the return type of count_to is a generator<int> (currently in the experimental namespace). generator<T> is the type implicitly created by the compiler when encountering a co_yield. Also worth noting that range-based for loops work over generators, as they expose begin() and end() methods. The type annotation for the count_to return type above is not really needed, I added it just to clarify what the complier will generate in this case.

generator itself is pretty bare-boned, it doesn't provide all the algorithms that Linq adds to IEnumerable. So if we wanted to do something like the above pipeline, we would need some algorithms. Here's one way of implementing some of them:

auto count()
    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
        co_yield i;

template <typename T>
auto take_n(std::experimental::generator<T> gen, int n)
    int i = 0;
    for (auto&& item : gen)
        if (i++ < n)
            co_yield item;

template <typename T, typename Predicate>
auto filter(std::experimental::generator<T> gen, Predicate pred)
    for (auto&& item : gen)
        if (pred(item))
            co_yield item;

template <typename T, typename BinaryOperation>
auto map(std::experimental::generator<T> gen, BinaryOperation op)
    for (auto&& item : gen)
        co_yield op(item);

Here I switched from Linq's Select and Where to the more commonly used map and filter, but they effectively implement the same thing. While this implementation is pretty-straight forward, it doesn't compose well at all:

int main()
    auto result =
                take_n(count(), 100),
                [](int x){ return x % 2 == 0; }),
            [](int x){ return x * x;});

    for (auto&& item : result)
        std::cout << item << " ";

Definitely not like the nice chaining of Linq. So what gives? Why doesn't generator come out-of-the-box with take_n, map, filter and all the other useful algorithms? Well, according to the single responsibility principle, these algorithms don't belong in generator -- generator encapsulates the lazy evaluation of the coroutine, it wouldn't be the right place for algorithms. It's also worth noting that Linq methods are not part of IEnumerable, they are extension methods. C++ doesn't support extension methods, so we would need a slightly different design to achieve better chaining.


The next idea comes from pure OOP - let's create a decorator over generator that exposes these algorithms. First, let's declare our decorator as enumerable<T> and change our algorithms to work with the new type:

template <typename T>
struct enumerable;

template <typename T>
auto take_n(enumerable<T> gen, int n) -> enumerable<T>
    int i = 0;
    for (auto&& item : gen)
        if (i++ < n)
            co_yield item;

template <typename T, typename Predicate>
auto filter(enumerable<T> gen, Predicate pred) -> enumerable<T>
    for (auto&& item : gen)
        if (pred(item))
            co_yield item;

template <typename T, typename BinaryOperation>
auto map(enumerable<T> gen, BinaryOperation op) -> enumerable<T>
    for (auto&& item : gen)
        co_yield op(item);

The implementation looks pretty much like before, except that now we are getting and returning enumerable<T> instead of generator<T>. In this case the type annotation is mandatory, as by default the complier would create a generator<T>.

We can then implement our enumerable to wrap a generator and expose member functions which forward to the above algorithms:

template <typename T>
struct enumerable
    // Needed by compiler to create enumerable from co_yield
    using promise_type = typename std::experimental::generator<T>::promise_type;

    enumerable(promise_type& promise) : _gen(promise) { }
    enumerable(enumerable<T>&& other) : _gen(std::move(other._gen)) { }

    enumerable(const enumerable<T>&) = delete;
    enumerable<T> &operator=(const enumerable<T> &) = delete;

    auto begin() { return _gen.begin(); }
    auto end() { return _gen.end(); }

    auto take_n(int n)
        return ::take_n(std::move(*this), n);

    template <typename Predicate>
    auto filter(Predicate pred)
        return ::filter(std::move(*this), pred);

    template <typename BinaryOperation>
    auto map(BinaryOperation op)
        return ::map(std::move(*this), op);

    std::experimental::generator<T> _gen;

A few things to note: we declare a promise_type and have a constructor which takes a promise as an argument. This is required by the compiler when creating the object on co_yield. We follow the same semantics as generator, since that is what we are wrapping -- support only move-constructor, no copy-constructor. All the member algorithms do a destructive move on *this. This is intentional, as once we iterate over the encapsulated generator, it is no longer valid. Since we don't expose a copy-constructor, we move out of *this when passing the generator to an algorithm. For completeness, we can also provide a function which converts from a generator to an enumerable:

template <typename T>
auto to_enumerable(std::experimental::generator<T> gen) -> enumerable<T>
    for (auto&& item : gen)
        co_yield item;

This works, and we can now compose algorithms by chaining the calls:

int main()
    auto result =
        filter([](int x) { return x % 2 == 0; }).
        map([](int x) { return x * x; });

    for (auto&& item : result)
        std::cout << item << " ";

Still, it is not ideal -- first, we need to explicitly tell the compiler everywhere to return our type with co_yield instead of the default generator, and we need to handle conversions to and from the standard library generator. The enumerable algorithms compose well, but we'll have trouble composing with functions that work with generators. Also, having a huge class consisting solely of algorithms is not the best design, especially in a language where free functions are first class citizens.

Pipe Operator

An alternative approach, which the Boost Ranges library takes, is to overload |, the pipe operator, so we can compose our calls like this:

int main()
    auto result =
        count() |
        take_n(100) |
        filter([](int x) { return x % 2 == 0; }) |
        map([](int x) { return x * x; });

    for (auto&& item : result)
        std::cout << item << " ";

One way we can get this working is to first create a type that wraps an algorithm and an operator| implementation between a lhs generator and a rhs of our type:

template <typename Predicate>
struct filter_t
    filter_t(Predicate pred) : _pred(pred) { }

    template<typename T>
    auto operator()(std::experimental::generator<T> gen) const
        for (auto&& item : gen)
            if (_pred(item))
                co_yield item;

    const Predicate _pred;

template <typename T, typename Predicate>
auto operator|(
    std::experimental::generator<T> lhs,
    const filter_t<Predicate>& rhs)
    return rhs(std::move(lhs));

Here, filter_t holds the Predicate we want to use, and operator| applies it on the given generator. This works, but we wouldn't be able to instantiate filter_t with a lambda like in the above chaining example without specifying the Predicate type in the call. If we want to leverage type deduction, we can create a simple helper function that creates a filter_t from a given argument:

template <typename Predicate>
auto filter(Predicate pred)
    return filter_t<Predicate>(pred);

With this we can call | filter(/* predicate */) on a generator and get back a filtered generator. Full implementation for take_n, filter and map would be:

struct take_n_t
    take_n_t(int n) : _n(n) { }

    template <typename T>
    auto operator()(std::experimental::generator<T> gen) const
        int i = 0;
        for (auto&& item : gen)
            if (i++ < _n)
                co_yield item;

    const int _n;

template <typename T>
auto operator|(
    std::experimental::generator<T> lhs,
    const take_n_t& rhs)
    return rhs(std::move(lhs));

auto take_n(int n)
    return take_n_t(n);

template <typename Predicate>
struct filter_t
    filter_t(Predicate pred) : _pred(pred) { }

    template<typename T>
    auto operator()(std::experimental::generator<T> gen) const
        for (auto&& item : gen)
            if (_pred(item))
                co_yield item;

    const Predicate _pred;

template <typename T, typename Predicate>
auto operator|(
    std::experimental::generator<T> lhs,
    const filter_t<Predicate>& rhs)
    return rhs(std::move(lhs));

template <typename Predicate>
auto filter(Predicate pred)
    return filter_t<Predicate>(pred);

template <typename BinaryOperation>
struct map_t
    map_t(BinaryOperation op) : _op(op) { }

    template <typename T>
    auto operator()(std::experimental::generator<T> gen) const
        for (auto&& item : gen)
            co_yield _op(item);

    const BinaryOperation _op;

template <typename T, typename BinaryOperation>
auto operator|(
    std::experimental::generator<T> lhs,
    const map_t<BinaryOperation>& rhs)
    return rhs(std::move(lhs));

template <typename BinaryOperation>
auto map(BinaryOperation op)
    return map_t<BinaryOperation>(op);

With this approach, we can apply our algorithms over a generator without having to introduce a different type. They also compose very nicely, the only slightly odd thing being using the | operator (though as I mentioned, there is a precedent for this in Boost and chances are it might show up in other places in the future).

Unified Call Syntax

One thing that would've made things even easier but unfortunately was not approved for C++17 is unified call syntax. At a high level, unified call syntax would make the compiler try to resolve x.f() to f(x) if decltype(x) doesn't have an f() member function but there is a free function f(decltype(x)). Similarly, if no f(decltype(x)) exists but decltype(x) has a member function f(), f(x) would resolve to the member function call x.f().

If it's not obvious, unified call syntax would allow us to easily create extension methods. We would be able to revert our algorithm code to the first version:

template <typename T>
auto take_n(std::experimental::generator<T> gen, int n)
    int i = 0;
    for (auto&& item : gen)
        if (i++ < n)
            co_yield item;

template <typename T, typename Predicate>
auto filter(std::experimental::generator<T> gen, Predicate pred)
    for (auto&& item : gen)
        if (pred(item))
            co_yield item;

template <typename T, typename BinaryOperation>
auto map(std::experimental::generator<T> gen, BinaryOperation op)
    for (auto&& item : gen)
        co_yield op(item);

But now this becomes very composable as calling take_n, filter or map on a generator would resolve to the free functions if the generator itself does not have them as members:

int main()
    auto result =
        filter([](int x) { return x % 2 == 0; }).
        map([](int x) { return x * x; });

    for (auto&& item : result)
        std::cout << item << " ";

The above currently does not compile but it should (disclaimer: slight tweaks might be required) if unified call syntax becomes part of the standard.

In Summary

We went over a couple of alternatives to implement some common algorithms over C++ generators with a focus on composability: